Everything started when I got a phone call from YK:
YK: hey, are ya free on day xyz?
Me: yeah. Why? 
YK: Well, I accidentally appointed ya as a musician for that day's concert
Good. Now I don't need to change it. I'll email u the details. See ya! *hangs up*
idk why YK talked like a punk in this dream lol
So, suddenly I was tasked with a heavy mission. I totally freaked out, ofc. I practiced and practiced like my life depended on it. If this happened irl however, I'd feel freaking happy instead xD
It turned out that the concert was for YK's comeback to Animelo Summer Live. She didn't bring FJ or Kala though, it was a completely different
instrumental band! I mean, there were vocalists, but at that time she regarded voice as an instrument as well, which means it could lead the song, blend in with the instruments or act as support for them. Urg it's hard to explain that, but (in the dream) it seemed like a revolution to me - the song arrangements changed a lot b/c of that.
Anyway, back to my case, several days before the concert, I came with them to something like a dorm for the performers. There were places for practice and rehearsal, but I was way too nervous to practice with them. I just crawled into the WC and practice in there
Somehow I met and befriend a singer also coming there to practice lol
I couldn't remember the performance well but it definitely was a blast! The group performed a KnK medley, then Tsubasa medley, and 2 new songs (not necessarily in this order) 1 of them was jazzy and calming song, sort of like Hitorigoto, with concertina as lead and vocal+piano+ flute accompaniment (no violin and guitar! And ofc bass and drums were always there) The oher one was a "festival song" to fire he performance up. It wasn't Ongaku, Nowhere or Zodiacal Sign, but it had similar style and effects on the audience. I was so moved during the whole performance. Completely different from practice which felt more like an error correction exercise, everyone poured their heart and soul into the songs, the lighting was gorgeous, and audience support was overwhelming! After the last song ended, there was a long standing ovation.
After that the instrumentalists rest backstage till they were called back for the last song (well it's Animelo Summer Live) I didn't sing along (I knew my voice sucks even in my dream lol) but it was so wonderful, being on the same stage with all the musicians!

That was so awesome I don't know how to describe it. The concert hall literally
shook with the cheers. After that song ended and everyone was leaving the stage, I woke up. I can't remember how many times I rolled around in my bed to check that it was a dream