THISto be honest, i'm disappointed with Gin no niwa. it just like Kajiura get rid off drums, accordion and Yuriko Kaida voice and make it strings only. no tempo changes, no strings composition change. i'm hoping for some tempo change and different strings composition.
I liked the acoustic version, but it was almost the same. I prefer the original, tbh. However, as Ritardando Wakana sounded almost like the old Wakana which is amazing, and at some point she really touched my heart ♥

Alleluia is REALLY pretty, I love the piano, I liked it as much as I did with the original. I agree Wakana's kajiurago sounds a bit off, but I really, really love her last Alleluias, she sounded so heavenly and sweet and perfect ;;___;;
I still prefer the live version, because the a capella part really lets Keiko voice shine at its fullest (but Keiko always shines, so it doesn´t matter at all) and the girls sounded much more relaxed and put lots of emotion.
Overall, I didn't totally fall in love with the samples, but can't complain at all either. Unfortuntely I won't be able to buy the album on the release, I hope at least I get some money on Christmas