You do bring up a good point about there being a gap between Wakana and Hikaru. Sadly, that gap seems to be getting more obvious because of Wakana's recent difficulties. But I do think Hikaru deserves some credit, she sings Wakana-range stuff in Kizuato live/Hikari no Senritsu/oblivious. (And like I mentioned, her oblivious "ahhh"s are better than Wakana's... although that shouldn't be happening. xD;)
Yes I love Hikaru's falsetto in oblivious and Hikaru no Senritsu...but for Wakana's parts that don't have falsetto, it's much harder for Hikaru to sub in (also because it seems that it's not falsetto that tires Wakana, it seems to be over-using her chest voice)...
...this probably isn't a good example because Hikaru wasn't actually subbing in because Wakana was overtired, but in fairytale, for example, Hikaru's 'sayonaraaaaaaa' replacing Wakana was...okay, but quite obviously a big stretch for Hikaru considering how much she had to shout to get that note out, whereas I can imagine Wakana reaching that note far more effortlessly...
similarly in Natsu no Ringo (also probs not the best example since it was only cos Wakana couldn't finish her previous line in time, not cos she was stressed/tired) but the "Fue no ne ga…Kimi wo saratteku...Kaze no naka...Yagate kuru aki e…" part also sounded quite hard for Hikaru whereas in contrast, when Wakana sings the same thing at the end, she does it far more easily.
The problem is, Hikaru can sub in for the parts that are falsetto but it's much harder for her to sub in some of Wakana's chest-voice sung lines...and that's where Kaori in FJ could or would be able to fill in...
So Maya aside, it'd probably alleviate Wakana more if they got a Kaori-ranged type of singer in...
Speaking of which...how high does Yuuka's range span?