Honestly, I've never watched Kalafina's perfs hurrily&continuously like this before....lol. (So excited during watching it...worrying when will Sony find and take them down..everytime that YT stream stopped I was like..Oh..Sony is coming..!?!

...sth. like that...lol. However, I ordered the DVD already.... Ok guys...I'll be poor for a while...To the beginning LE+After Eden Pamphlet+After Eden DVD cost more than $100....

Eden - Its live arrangement really sounds different. It's fresh and made the song sound less similar to 'Here we stand in the morning dew'. I love Wakana's Kajiurago and her high note chorus... After many quite-disappointed Wakana's live performances, I accept that her almost perfect performance in this song impressed me a lot... even it's an edited one, I believe that they can't fix the problem in her legato that happend in some recent lives. (If it really happened when they recorded this DVD..lol.) I've expected that Keiko would sounds more powerful at the ending but I think she tried to make it sound gentle..which is...ok...it's fit the mood of the song..(I just always hope for Keiko's powerful singing...XP...)
In your eyes - My first impression for In Your Eyes is the instrumental part... I like it more than a synthesized-like in the recorded version. Hikaru's "In your eyes" sounds less annoying for me...but the way she sang the first verse sounds so much different from the original..it's a bit weird at first, but finally, I think I like it. Still don't like Wakana's "In your eyes"....still too calm to fit the mood of the song....
Storia - sounds good for me....their voices blended so well....
Neverending - Konno's san violin......>________<. I really love Hikaru singing in the opening....so emotional...!!!

Even it's a very plain song, but it grows on me a lot after listening so many times...and its live version is really pretty... Love it....:)
Kotonoha - Wakana-Keiko duet is really pretty....and it's more awesome when Hikaru came in.... But I don't like when Wakana sang the second hook... I think she did some mistake there... I feel like some mysterious feeling in the instrumental part is lack in the live version...but the light effect can compensate..just a bit.... Even the keyboard improvisation is really pretty..., it gives different feeling from the original one.
Kagayaku - KonnoSan's violin catched my attention since the first note... the bridge is awesome...(and I really want the real flute...TwT...) esp. Keiko's part and Wakana's bridge ending. I like Hikaru solo in the second half. It's more emotional and smooth than the recorded one....also gloomier... may be my favourite Kagayaku's live so far....^ ^. (I'll give the credit for their stage planner as well....the choreographer...? lol.)
Red Moon - I guess no one lip-synched Yuriko's part in this live, right...? (even they still used Yuriko's voices somewhere..) I like how they came into the stage and the lighting... Love all of their singing.... better than in the Red Moon DVD..^ ^. Hikaru in the hook sounds so fierce&aggressive...(I love it...XD.) And the bridge is really awesome.....>________<...Keiko's part is as awesome as always.... Really love it...!!!
Adore - Wakana's&Keiko's start sounds so powerful... it sounds far better than the recorded one...but the lighting is.....Orz.. However..., Konno's san violin is so yummy....and also KoichiSan's guitar solo....OMG....it's awesome...!!!! Wakana's bridge sounds a bit too stressed... I guess that she's so weary at that point.
Kugatsu - Umm....Hikaru's sharp voice sounds a bit weird at the start.... It's better in Neverending....- -"... (the effect from sudden mood-change after singing Adore...? lol.) But her 'yasashiku' sounds ok....(and Konno's San violin drew my attention from the girls again....lol.) Wakana's still sounds weary in Kajiurago bridge....
Sandpiper - Besides many pre-recorded instrumental voices, they should bring REAL YURIKO to the stage....- -".... Hikaru sounds ok here....even it isn't as moved as in Neverending. I don't know whether I like Wakana's chorus during Hikaru's verse or not....it sounds a bit out of place... it should sound softer&smoothier like in the recorded version....
(but I surely hate their choreography.....) I think Wakana is already very tired at this point... She doesn't sound as powerful as usual..... (the best part for me in this song is Konno's San violin.....)
Magia - Hope for clearer&better instrumental record.....and I didn't disappoint...TwT.. guitar&violin are awesome...!!!...>_____< .. Did they have the pre-recorded voice of the Yeahaehaehae....part?....O_O.. I felt like I heard the third one higher than what Wakana&Keiko sang in the live...(but I can't hear it in the same part at the end) Hikaru sounds fierce and powerful... Wakana's chorus sounds acceptable for me..(they might adjust the volume of her voice or sth. like that..., but it sounds really good..!!) Keiko's bridge is epic...!!!! (and yes....her smile during that part is...creepy....lol...I may be a fan of creepy&dark witch-like Keiko...lol.) Best Magia's live for me..!! (their choreography didn't annoy me at all...lol...just get used to it already for Magia...lol.)
Magnolia - Keiko sounds a bit weird at the start....sounds like she sang quite delay or something.... Wakana sounds better than in Sandpiper but still not her best.. But Hikaru's "Iruyo" sound too sharp at the end of the hooks...beside this part, Hikaru's solo sounds the best among three of them.. and Koichi-San's solo again.....>______<...
(OK guys...I really hate their choreography in this song...no matter it affected their singing or not....Orz...)
Destination Unknown - KoichiSan....!!! Sounded like Hikaru's power dropped a bit..but it's still fine for me.... Isn't it only me who felt that Wakana's chorus sounds out of place...? Keiko's solo is awesome...!!! I love it..!!! It's really her best range..!!! (I secretly wish to watch the perf. with Keiko's pre-recorded low-note chorus and let her do the main vocal instead of Hikaru, it must be more than epic..!!! Even there is some part that it sounds like she shouted it out instead of singing.) I love how Hikaru changed the ending of the hook before the bridge..hehe.. (Guitar&drum&keyboard are extremely awesome..!!!! esp. Koichi's part...it's the highlight of the instrumental part of the song..!!!) Love Hikaru's pose during Wakana&Keiko Kajiurago...lol. The last hook after the bridge sounds quite messy....I think it's because of the canon-style chorus that Keiko sang..(I mean singing the same verse as Hikaru's but start at the different point of time after Hikaru sang..)..does we have it in the original...? I listen to the recorded version again and I don't think I heard it. But overall, it's epic..!!
Love come down - Sorry...I still don't like Hikaru's expression for this kind of song...(even it looks more ok than in In your eyes) and her sharp voice.... Well...at least, they looked so fun with it...(and if you saw KonnoSan around 1.46...lol. His violin in this song is awesome as well.) Ok...I don't like the way that Keiko tried to sang 'cutely' in this song.... I guess that Hikaru was already worn out in this song..consider from her voice.... (Oh..KoichiSan's guitar solo..!!! so yummy..!!!)
Fantasia - The lighteffect in this song also hurt my eyes....=.=... Keiko's solo is awesome..!! Hikaru's voice sounded so thin and weary now... When is the last MC before Love come down&Fantasia...? I felt like Hikaru's voice had gone with D.U.... seems like the girls' perf. after D.U. is a bit disastrous for me.. no need to mention that they also moved&danced A LOT during these songs.....only Keiko sounds fine for me.... (Koichi's guitar is still extremely awesome.)
Kyrie - KoichiSan...^ ^... Ok.. Hikaru sounds better in this song. Wakana also did a good job... esp. during the bridge.... Well...just love this perf..
Ongaku - Keiko....>____<. This time Keiko's part in the hook wasn't dominated by Hikaru's chorus as much as in Red Moon dvd...(I guess they adjust the volume of Hikaru's voice.) Koichi's solo is epic......>_______<...!!!! as well as KonnoSan's violin...!!!!! (even I felt like all other voices were faded a bit to let us hear his violin clearly...I think that in fact, the audiences barely heard his violin in that perf.) and also Wakana's bridge....not the best but it's still awesome...!!!! OMG....it's really the real epic of the live....!!!!!
Good news...before watching this live....I'm quite like a Wakana&Hikaru biased fan for Kalafina members and KonnoSan is clearly my bias among all front band members...

, but now...you can tell that I also fell for Keiko's deep&powerful voice&KoichiSan's awesome guitar as well....Orz....
I won't rank my favourite perfs until watching all perf...^ ^. (but I think you can easily guess my #1 at this time from my comments...lol.)