Sword Art Online (SAO: P)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keiri
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I see she's experimenting quite a lot here and is pretty much out of her comfort zone. In my opinion, it's definitely not enough yet, but still is a nice start.
I really hope you don't mean Fuscus here or that would be awkward for my ass thinking Kajiura's feeling at home and having fun with it, lol. :uh..:

Am I the only one to find Joelle's voice a bit tasteless (esp 4:37)?
I don't. :)
Need more powerful Kajiurago like in "swordland"!
I say no. More singing, less syllabic shouting. XD
But that freaking beat man... 4/5
Agreed here!
I don't see the point of neglecting drums and horns, the result is still so bland.
I guess in an ideal world there's room for both "a fang of the Queen" untz and "le chasseur" drum rush (I presume those are live? awkward if not). I find both are great even if I certainly gravitate toward the techno side more.

Absolutely agreed on horns though, thankfully there's not that much of them here outside of the opening.
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it's a nice album. Started out kind of bland but got better with each track. I love how Kajiura incorporated old melodies into the new tracks—really the soundtrack a kind of new but old feel which is exactly what progressive is I guess.

Still tired of strings tbh. Fuscus was great but I wish it had been a full on techno track. Maybe even replace the live strings with synth
I don't have Fuscus for some reason. Can someone please PM me it? Here are the tracks I did like:
The battle begins: Nice opener.

In a coffee shop: kind of meh for me actually. It’s nice and relaxing.

There’s something shining: a cute track.

Relic hunting: I really like this song. Very “in a video game” music.

Mournful wrath: very creepy.

Sly shrewman: Will be interesting to see what this song pertains to in the movie. Lol

On the hill: Very foreboding. Nice.

This was my true friend.

Win, and advance: I like it. Crazy flute. Heh

Together, we can defeat it!: Just once I wish she could not use the swordland theme.

We can be friends again: Really sweet. The strings are nice.

It is nice. A lot of swordland and then of the Progressive theme. Probably give it an 8/10.
Does anyone know if this album will have an iTunes release? I haven’t tried with an actual computer yet but I can’t seem to access the samples on my own phone 😅
I really hope you don't mean Fuscus here or that would be awkward for my ass thinking Kajiura's feeling at home and having fun with it, lol.
I'm not sure if we did understand eachother / if I said it correctly? I meant that Fuscus is not the comfy zone and I like it.

Absolutely agreed on horns though, thankfully there's not that much of them here outside of the opening.
And here again? I'd like some brass.
Or maybe you're feeling relived that she did not spam those sampled horns?
I personally do not want sampled brass or strings. just synth, beats, electronica yes, but no substitute for real instruments please, they aesthetically sound awful to me. and on Kajiura's part, pretentious. I'd rather have her play with her sound library than think "oh I should put some horns here they sound orchestral".
Still weird that there was no drummer, regular vocalist Remi (assuming her vocals were provided from an old recording as @george1234 said (?)), in addition to no brass section. Did something happen?
I'm not sure if we did understand eachother / if I said it correctly? I meant that Fuscus is not the comfy zone and I like it.
I'm just saying I don't think Fuscus is her experimenting or going outside her comfort zone and I'm going to end it here - I already worked myself up last week, lul.
Or maybe you're feeling relived that she did not spam those sampled horns?
Yes. A lot of SAO1+2 would've been elevated by having real brass, instead of those samples.
Still weird that there was no drummer, regular vocalist Remi (assuming her vocals were provided from an old recording as @george1234 said (?)), in addition to no brass section. Did something happen?
SAO never had real brass.
Ya, losing Remi consistency on SAO is kinda lame like I said after the first PV.
I personally do not want sampled brass or strings. just synth, beats, electronica yes, but no substitute for real instruments please, they aesthetically sound awful to me. and on Kajiura's part, pretentious. I'd rather have her play with her sound library than think "oh I should put some horns here they sound orchestral".
I actually like synth strings sometimes. Those and synth harp are the only times samples instruments work for me. Everything else I agree is a no.
Too lazy to review all tracks, but I'd say this is an improvement over the previous soundtrack. It's no Fena or Vanitas but it's still enjoyable. I like the more electronic elements in this soundtrack, but I wonder why the sudden change. The previous one wasn't like that. Maybe they changed the director or sound director?
Oh oh, muh Joelle was bretty good. It's pretty weird that Remi was suddenly replaced. Perhaps she was sick (covid mebbe) and wouldn't be able to show up on recording day, so Kajiura asked Joelle. I'm not complaining though. Joelle positively surprised me with her singing. I didn't know she could sing like that. MOAR PLIS?
Anyways, tracks I liked:
-To the next stage: Eeeh Swordland arrangement... oh there's Joelle! Ok, I like it. The motif is also nice. I guess it's this movie's main motif?
-Celebrating the victory: Eeeeh Swordland arrangement... oh I like the piano and harp. It's kinda long, but I like how it sounds like an after-battle theme from an rpg. The one that plays after the victory fanfare.
-In a coffee shop: chill as fuark. It also reminds me of Animal Crossing. Mebbe like a kewl night hours theme.
-There's something shining/A bonus to relic hunting/Relic hunting: pretty cute. It takes me back to The velveteen rabbit soundtrack.
-Mournful wrath: It's not super original, but I thought the glissandos were pretty un-Kajiura
-I can't give up now: It started pretty cool, but unfortunately it didn't go anywhere hue.
-Now I got it back: Like the previous track, it starts bretty cool, but nothing interesting happens. I guess it fits the scene tho.
-It was all right now: nice and cozy Luminous sword arrangement.
-A little sword fight: Oooh that first flute solo is crazy.
-Preparing for a party: bretty cute.
-Duel with me: I like how it combines Asuna's and Mitho's motifs.
-Fuscus the vacant colossus: damn, that's one long track. The repeating beepy motif, the bass line, and the guitar are pretty cool. Loved muh Joelle, but sad her part is so short. The strings aren't anything special, but they didn't drag the track down.
-Together we can defeat it: Nice Mithos theme at the beginning. More kewl beepy sounds. Muh Joelle sounding epic. I particularly like the ending when she sings a bit of Mitho's theme.
@Sora there are synth strings pieces that I like, see Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter by Sakimoto, but it's very much the exception and not the rule.

after a couple days, I still like the tracks that l liked xD
@Sora there are synth strings pieces that I like, see Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter by Sakimoto, but it's very much the exception and not the rule.

after a couple days, I still like the tracks that l liked xD
For sure. Synth for me works best when it’s used for what it is instead of a replacement for the real thing. Valley of mist and where the sky is high from .hack are two Kajiura tracks that use synth strings well imo





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Bracing for the most generic of Kaji-ani-songs in 5...

How weird that they released this to international shops but not progressive2 OST. I can see the hirez on AU/NZ qobuz. Aniplex is slacking, while Sony wants everyone's money.
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not impressed,
then again I had no expectations for it so...
also the intro/verse is so familiar