Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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Wow I've been away for awhile. Lol I tried to watch RYB, I... couldn't. Hikaru and Keiko sounded fine. Lino I love her solo song on the FJ album and liked her in the 30th live. But this one she is too high almost. And out of tune. (Not that I could harmonize well.) I hope she practiced more than a couple of times. But I know how nerves can play a part in performing live. I'm hoping she improves.
Too lazy to write track by track poopinions so.

They needed like an extra 30 minutes to add some variety to the setlist. Feels like the just focused on music from key scenes.

Musicians were all great. Yas Nakajima bretty cool. I wouldn't mind a full live with him instead of Korenaga. The choir was perfect too.
Yuri Kasahara was a KWEEN. She just fumbled a bit in her first line, but after that she was eggcellent all the way through. Dat He comes back again and again ending. MY ONLY COMPLAINT (or rather nitpick hue) WOULD BE... she added the slides from The butterfly flutters to The Flower Will Bloom and The Butterfly Emerges.
Remi... Oh sweet Remi. Lancer vs Assassin was decent-ish. Off pitch multiple times, and her tone was inconsistent as fuark, but to me it seemed liked this is the song where she was the most comfortable. Petals and butterfly, sounds like she tried to sing softly but failed, only kinda recovering towards the end of each section. In early spring, same as previous song. Mebbe her weakness is singing softly? And her pitch hue. Not, but seriously, Remi has been sounding pretty amateurish for a while. Gurl needs some master classes to perfect her technique.
Aimer was good. I spaced out a bit since those were all songs we've heard before.

Rewatched RyB and LL sounds like a girl trying to sing grown up songs lol. And apparently some Kalastans were mad people thought they were the new Kalafina hue.
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Too lazy to write track by track poopinions so.

They needed like an extra 30 minutes to add some variety to the setlist. Feels like the just focused on music from key scenes.

Musicians were all great. Yas Nakajima bretty cool. I wouldn't mind a full live with him instead of Korenaga. The choir was perfect too.
Yuri Kasahara was a KWEEN. She just fumbled a bit in her first line, but after that she was eggcellent all the way through. Dat He comes back again and again ending. MY ONLY COMPLAINT (or rather nitpick hue) WOULD BE... she added the slides from The butterfly flutters to The Flower Will Bloom and The Butterfly Emerges.
Remi... Oh sweet Remi. Lancer vs Assassin was decent-ish. Off pitch multiple times, and her tone was inconsistent as fuark, but to me it seemed liked this is the song where she was the most comfortable. Petals and butterfly, sounds like she tried to sing softly but failed, only kinda recovering towards the end of each section. In early spring, same as previous song. Mebbe her weakness is singing softly? And her pitch hue. Not, but seriously, Remi has been sounding pretty amateurish for a while. Gurl needs some master classes to perfect her technique.
Aimer was good. I spaced out a bit since those were all songs we've heard before.

Rewatched RyB and LL sounds like a girl trying to sing grown up songs lol. And apparently some Kalastans were mad people thought they were the new Kalafina hue.
I agree on the masterclass suggestion for REMI. We know she's a good singer (and uni-trained) so maybe she's just coasting doing the bare minimum?

Kalafina? More line Kalastina?