Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol #9 DVD/BD announced!!!


ritardando said:
Sorry to say, but that "progressive" live incident happened again in stone cold live. :omg:

Flying Dog, please don't make it so obvious.

What incident do you talk about? lip sync :confu:

but progressive live was Sony :XD:
I think there was a video where during a songs bridge (was it ongaku?)she was heard singing but from the far away camera it was shown that she stopped singing before her voice stopped (but I cant find something like that in this stone cold).
It happened again in stone cold, the end of first chorus.

Look at Wakana.

lol, I just wanna write it but grunty already posted it. :ohoho:
I was halfway through when my computer restarted?!?!? gah...
there's no recovery since I did it in a notepad. :blood:
I give up translating!!! :uh..:


Anyways, i'll just give the gist.

links for the original posts: http://www.anican.jp/blog/pickup/pickup ... r=20130019 and http://www.anican.jp/blog/pickup/pickup ... r=20130018

Here are the highlights <i think>
Interviewer: その渋谷でやった中で、印象に残っている曲は何ですか?

Kajiura: 「Lotus」ですかね。戸丸(華江)さんバージョンとWakanaちゃんバージョンでは、空気の温度が違うんですよ。戸丸さんが歌うとマイナス五度ぐらいになるんです。すごいんですよ。「ピッチの良さにもほどがあるだろう」ってぐらいすごく薄い部分を突いてくるんです。機械と合わせてもあんな風には合わない。人間業じゃないですね。それがあまりにも気持ち良くて。戸丸さんの声がヘッドフォンから聴こえてくるとゾクゾクっとしちゃいます。Wakanaちゃんだと5度ぐらい。プラスの温度という感じなので、「違いが面白いな」と思いながらやっていました。それから、「光の行方」は、元々サウンドトラック仕様として作った曲で、非常にベタな曲だったので今までやらなかったんですけど、やってみたらベタならではの面白さというのを感じました。「新しかった」という意味では印象に残っています。
This just say the difference between Hanae's and Wakana's version of lotus. Hanae's voice and WAKANA's were compared <somewhat, I don't understand the comparison... something about temperatures which are way too deep.>

Interviewer: 『真救世主伝説 北斗の拳』の挿入歌だった「光の行方」はもう6年前になります。『北斗-』のイベントで、Wakanaさんを知った方も多いでしょう。当時と比べて、Wakanaさんも変わりましたか?

Kajiura: まぁ、「上手くなったな」と(笑)。当時から実力はありましたけど、彼女は「緊張しい」なので。(イベントでは)曲頭でなかなか入れないぐらいに緊張してましたから。涙が出るくらい、成長しましたね。彼女は歌に抑揚をつけてくるタイプではないので、自分が出てきちゃうんですよ。演技をするタイプの人がする、「今日は上の方がかすれちゃうからハスキーに、違うひっくり返し方で持ってこう」とか、そういうことをしないんです。ストレートに、その日の調子+自信-緊張=歌、みたいな(笑)。ものすごく分かりやすい数式なので、成長もすごく分かりやすいです。
Interviewer asked if WAKANA changed ever since her first collaboration with Yuki on Hikari no Yukue and Yuki says she's grown a lot and that she's now more capable. Really?

Interviewer: また、シークレットとして、かつてASUKAさんとして一緒に歌われた結城アイラさんも。

Kajiura: 皆さんも「やっと聴けた」と思ったでしょうから、嬉しいですね。やっぱり一曲だけってなかなかお呼びするのも申し訳ないですし。今回はアンコールということとタイミングもうまくあったので特別に。
Yuki says that she's quite sorry to have invited asuka to perform just one song. Well, she could make new songs for her. Also, she described her voice the same as her description with the one from the everlasting songs.

and something about the vol.#10
Interviewer: ただ、色々な形のライブがあるのはファンにとって嬉しく。FC限定ライブも実に豪華でした。

Kajiura: 今回のFC限定は、Vol.#10の前哨戦のつもりなんです。#10はお祭りにするつもりなので。実は私、今年がデビュー20周年なんですよね。黙ってようかと思ったんですけど(笑)。なので、vol.#10は(FC限定ライブと違い)ステージを分け、FJもあり、Kalafinaもあり、という感じにして。あと、エミリー・ビンディガーさんに来ていただくつもりです。彼女に歌ってもらった、非常に多くのサントラのオリジナル版を皆さんにお聴きいただきたいですね。今まで(YKライブで)ゲストとして出ていただいた方には今回も、と思っていますし、途中で休憩も挟みたいです。今度は本当に一日かけてのお祭りですね。問題は、「バンドさん、ガンバレ」みたいな(笑)。
The FC-only live event was actually a prelim for the vol.10 live :tea:. But this live will be quite different in that there's a division in the performances of the artists (kinda like the vol.#4 division of FJY for part1 and FJ for part 2). Also the other performers (Yuri, Hanae, Eri) are meant for intermissions <? I don't quite get that>. Well... she highligted Emily BIndiger here. SO i guess she'll perform every Bindiger songs ahahaha. Yuki's also worried on the FBM :tea: if they can make it through until the end nyahahaha.

george1234 said:
You mean at 0:47? or 01:41? (of stone cold)

01:41 to 01:42. Wakana's voice was still there when her mic-holding hand is already at her side.
Thanks so much joel for the sum!! :sohappy:

This description gives me this image:

I guess it will be a 3+ hours live or something

Kalafina 1 hour
<intermission with Hanae Eri Kasahara> (15 mins)
Kajiura-san 1 hour (English songs?)
<intermission with Hanae Eri Kasahara>
FJY 1 hour <intermission with Hanae Eri Kasahara>
<intermisssion Hanae Eri Kasahara>
FJ (japanese and kajiurago songs)

I suspect that in the intermissions solo songs like salva nos godsib and M41-M42 , or collaborative like walk on your destiny are going to be performed.

She better have REMI as guest in the Kajiura part :knife:
Thanks so much aki!!!!! :chuu: :chuu:

I know what you mean, george! This happens quite often (not only with Wakana though), if you ask me! You still hear their voices but they are obviously not singing anymore. Sometimes, I'd even go as far as to say that they blatantly lip-sync (in some 'oblivous' performances for example, I feel like Hikaru isn't really singing her ahahhaha part, in other performances, you can hear it more clearly, that she is actually singing e.g. the live perfromance of the 5th album)
BUT I have gotten used to it a long time ago because I know there are always some parts in their songs that are pre-recorded or they just use the studio version. I think it's because those parts are particularily hard to perform live. As we all know, Kajiura-san's songs aren't easy to perform, there's a lot of chorus and overlapping and whatever, and there's only so much four voices can do (or three, in Kalafina's case). I forgive them because I KNOW that in essence they DO sing most of it live and they work really hard to make it sound as good as possible, so yeah, kudos to all of them!!

And now I'll put my two cents in:
Wow!!! I was really impressed by this perfomance. Tbh, I had never before seen Hanae Tomaru perform live, so this was my very first time seeing her on stage. She has a lovely and soft voice and her harmonization with Keiko was AMAZING!!! :dote:

Let the stars fall down:
OMG, Yuriko and Hanae Tomaru sound absolutely fabulous together!!! Their voices match each other very well! :nosebleed:

My long forgotten cloistered sleep:
Is it just me, or is there a short delay between video and sound? Not that it really matters, the delay is practically non existent and it REALLY didn’t do harm to this perfect song!! *weeee* I REALLY LOVED it although I would have expected more Yuriko in it. I could have sworn that Yuriko sang the main part in another live version of this song (I think it was the vol 7 rip but I am not too sure as I have only listened to it once or twice). BUT I was not disappointed AT ALL! Wakana did a great job and there’s nothing that I love more than the AWESOMENESS that is Wakana/Keiko-harmonization. They are my babies and together they are PERFECTION :D I particularly loved the middle part from 2:50 onwards. Their lalalala sounds so pretty!!! :sohappy: :sohappy:

I swear:
OMG!! Keiko=LOVE!!! She sounds extraordinarily soft and lovely here!! I am amazed by her talent. And yeah, everyone is right, her English is great!! (It sounds very natural) :shy: :nosebleed: :dote: :stars:

Everytime you kissed me:
I have never been a big fan of the song. Don’t even know why, maybe because Kaori’s voice isn’t really my cup of tea. I really love her in some songs but this here isn’t one of them. Still, she did a great job and Keiko once again did a great back-up! I REALLY loved the middle part from 2:30 onwards with Yuriko and Keiko and then Wakana joined in and continued with her short solo!! *weeee* LOVELY!!!

I reach for the sun:

So much Keiko perfection in this live!! I am practically swooning over her!! Please Keiko, marry me!!!! :plz:

Perfect performance. Sounds quite a bit different from the streamed version. Sometimes I wonder how they do it….I mean, there’s only so much you can do, right? Studio magic (or whatever) can’t work miracles either, or can it? On a side note, really liked Kaori here!!

Eternal Blue:
The same as above...

Sayonara solitia:
Keiko cuteness overload!!! This is such a sweet song! Awwwww!!

Kaze no Machi e:
One of my favourite songs!! It sounds so peaceful and gentle. It’s amazing what Keiko can do with her voice! Sometimes she sounds fierce and forceful and then on occasion she can produce those tender notes. *sighs* :comeback: :comeback: BEAUTIFUL!!

Toki no mukou maboroshi no sora:

Another great performance!

Paradise regained:
I was starting to miss Wakana’s voice. So far, there wasn’t much real Wakana action going on. Awwwww, how very much I love her voice!!! Just one word: PERFECT!! :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

Credens justitiam:
NO ONE can do harmonization better than FictionJunction!! Everyone did a great job!!! :cry: :cry: I can't, I really cant'!!! It's so perfect!!!

Not a big fan of the song but Kaori and Yuriko sounded good!

Himeboshi & Duran Shoukan:
Once again, Hanae Tomaru and Keiko together!! Just lovely!!! I don’t know why but their voices blend together perfectly!!!

Not sure whether I like Wakana’s or Hanae Tomarus’s version more. After all, Hanae really does have an impressive voice, I’ll give her that!! They both sound great though!! But this version still has a lot of Wakana in it, so I am very happy with the outcome. Plus, I think it’s good that Wakana gets breaks in between. This way, she doesn’t exhaust herself and can shine during her solo performances.

Stone Cold:
One of my favourite FJ songs!!! *weeeee* And they really did great here!!! Loved it!!!

Sweet song:
Really liked Kaori’s voice in this song and the back-up by the girls was lovely! A thoroughly „sweet song“.

Hikari no Yukue:
Couldn’t wait for this one! It’s probably one of my favourite songs!! *weeee* And Wakana didn’t disappoint!!! NOT AT ALL!! She sounded AWESOME!!! And the last part always gives me the shivers. I AM DEAD!!! :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

Parallel Hearts:
Another solid performance!!!

Everlasting Song:
Asuka is really lovely!! Was excited to see her perform live! She’s perfect for the song!! But I thought it was sad that we didn’t get to hear Keiko’s and Wakana’s parts. I have always enjoyed those the most!! But still, it was a wonderful performance!

zodical sign:
Nothing to complain!! Another solid performance although the sound felt a little bit subdued…or something…can’t really explain it…but it was still quite powerful, just not as much as I am used to from earlier performances.

Maybe Tomorrow:
I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! The PERFECT last song! :shy: :shy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Re: Re:

george1234 said:
I wasnt complaining, I was just searching for the part where that happened in stone cold, it was ritardando that didnt like it ^^
I was only referring to this post down here cause you were trying to explain it there
george1234 said:
I think there was a video where during a songs bridge (was it ongaku?)she was heard singing but from the far away camera it was shown that she stopped singing before her voice stopped (but I cant find something like that in this stone cold).
I also didn't know what ritardando meant before you mentioned this :P:P
I was expecting Wakana to sing paradise regained in that other voice she uses in like Where are the lights live. I don't know how to explain... :spotlight:
Was this the same performance where they streamed live (some can still be found on youtube) ?

Cause they are wearing the same costumes but they do sound very different (especially for distance and eternal blue, as well as stone cold, Yuriko was much much louder, over-powered for the streamed version but sounds perfect in the DVD)

I don't mean it in a bad way of course, just curious. Please dont take this the wrong way....
@ZekeQR : Sorry for not replying your question to me before. I just read it now... :headdesk: :bow:
@George: Oooh ok ok. Thank god. I was thinking what happen to my favourite singers !!!!! :) (Ya know what I mean...)

@Ritardando: Haha its cool i got it already. No prob :D
I forgot to say in my review that I am jealous of the camera person that goes right and left all the time, and gets to see the girls (and their sexy legs) from so close and from below as well :psst: but he should really irritate the front row of the audience :XD: