Been really busy with work so only managed to see this now. Sorry for the lateness! ^__^
Yuki88 said:
^ on the first part, they were asked if there were parts they had to be cautious in the live.
Right, I’ll do a summary of this part then.
- Although there are original songs (which will be performed) by the four of them as FictionJunction, at first, as they were the compositions of the works handled by Kajiura, she felt strongly about how they, as the vocalists, must not betray the (expectations of) music fans.
- Given that the roles of each of the vocalists were already clearly defined, they will go all out in determining how they will reach the kind of result Kajiura envisioned for the live.
- Since there is also chorus vocal and not just the main vocal, the vocalists have to keep in mind such that each and every vocal can jointly contribute its “flavor”/style to the performances.
- Although the vocalists perform a lot of songs from Kajiura’s soundtracks during the lives, most of the songs were not originally sung by them for the recordings, so they have to take great care in listening to the image of the original melodies every time. It is something of a subject/challenge for them in how they express their own version of those songs.
- As many of the songs are in English and Kajiurago this time, it is for that reason that all four of them have to unify the image of the songs.
- Since all of the songs written by Kajiura possess unique world views, they have to make sure they perform the songs while bearing in mind to place importance on the world views of the original melodies as well as the “sounds” that Kajiura wants to show to the audience.
- Of course, the vocalists will show their own style through each of their own “atmosphere”. Furthermore, they are rehearsing (with the mentality) so as to not forget to enliven and build up the live.
- Every time when it comes to a Yuki Kajiura live, Wakana once again feels the importance of music and the real pleasure of harmony.
- To sing wholeheartedly as to tie together/connect with each and every member of the Kajiura family.
Btw, feel free to correct and tweak. My brain is near dead at the moment to process anything properly so I could have misread some parts. orz
Nick Hunter said:
"This is the first time we'll be showcasing our own style on many songs.
erm... then what were all the previous lives about?

Vol 2 alone redesigned many songs FJ-wise, and now some people prefer them over the originals.
What Kaori said - "Seeing as this time, there will be many songs which we will perform for the audience for the first time, we will do our best to betray them in the good sense."
I'm guessing she implied that since they always shoulder the thought of trying their best to not betray the audience's expectations, they'll do something out of the norm in giving the audience something good instead.
Yuki88 said:
Goods line-up:
I seriously want the pamphlet but I'm kinda broke atm... どうしよう...
the pamphlet is a bit more expensive with only 24p, compared to the usual 28p, too.
Geh... The prices...are...
I guess I'll resign to saving my money for upcoming limited CDs and goodies.