Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#20 (June 2-Aug 3) & ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~ (Nov 2024)

Got the tickets!!! My god it's a bloodbath.

I lost my VIP spots because the payment wasn't working, but I managed to get really really good Category 1 seats.

Anyone else going to the Kuala Lumpur performance?
Got the tickets!!! My god it's a bloodbath.

I lost my VIP spots because the payment wasn't working, but I managed to get really really good Category 1 seats.

Anyone else going to the Kuala Lumpur performance?
was surprised i thought VIP seats already sold out the 1st 5 min so i paid for CAT1, but after retry managed to get VIP seat (is it yours? lol).

Do tell if you guys want to meet up or arrange flower stand for the concert
was surprised i thought VIP seats already sold out the 1st 5 min so i paid for CAT1, but after retry managed to get VIP seat (is it yours? lol).

Do tell if you guys want to meet up or arrange flower stand for the concert
Probably not lol, but I checked after buying trying to see if I missed out on better seats, I managed to refresh until there were VIP seats, but they were wayyyyy off onto the right. My CAT1 seats are right in the middle so the view will be great.
Got the tickets!!! My god it's a bloodbath.

I lost my VIP spots because the payment wasn't working, but I managed to get really really good Category 1 seats.

Anyone else going to the Kuala Lumpur performance?
I got the VIP spot. Luckily. I waited since 11:30 😂 BUT! it's final row and far left.......
was surprised i thought VIP seats already sold out the 1st 5 min so i paid for CAT1, but after retry managed to get VIP seat (is it yours? lol).

Do tell if you guys want to meet up or arrange flower stand for the concert
If anyone plan for flower stand i want to join 🙋‍♀️
Guess I'll start...

ANTI HERO main theme. (listened twice.)
I liked the overture and the switcheroo of main theme 2nd half strings.
The first time I listened to this performance I wasn't sure about Eri's vocals (felt like she was struggling) but I enjoyed her a lot more on my 2nd listen for some reason. So... I liked it I guess.
The opening/ending kajiurago was pretty good. Seeing LINO at the mic surprised me ('cause my ears definitely only focused on Joelle in audio) but maybe she's actually good as support and being the reverb, lol?
The kajiurago in the main part was okay, but playbacked strings at that point were kinda annoying and bringing my enjoyment down.
The jump to the choir part felt off. As did Eri doing the final Hanae kajiurago... At least I could swear it was Hanae in the original.

the four rings
I just don't think tracks with playback this prominent are good choices for lives. On the other hand, I was never a fan of this track so I guess I'm biased. ;p

absolute configuration
It kinda doesn't hit the same without Homura and Mami going at it. XD
Being after the four rings doesn't help either.

Kajiura with that keyboard made me smile so it's a win from the go. And finally proper violin solo. Keiko got me smiling madd too. Eri vibin'. :D Yuriko making me smile too. Joelle's solo sh/could've been more in the spotlight in the mix.
I want a studio live/arrange recording of this.
off topic: I ran to listen to the previous live audio we got, and I really did not care for that vol#7 version. Not because Eri/Wakana... but even other entrances (like Keiko's) don't hit in that mix as well as in this for me.

kitchen kakumei main theme
forgot this was coming, I loved it, sans playback. surprised the intro video editing didn't make me cringe.
can we get more proper Yuriko solos? like, her own ones, not just covering others live...

don't crucify me but this is better than the old live version and og recording...
I want a studio live/arrange recording of this, too.

Historia:opening theme
first solo from Yuriko a little forced but it was fine and I still enjoyed it.
ngl thought Kaori was about to faint in one closeup... maybe they made the right call to get Hikaru for that last live.

I actually liked it quite a bit. A lot even. Liked how soft it felt. Loved the bridge, and particularly Joelle's tone there.
My impressions were completely different from @wat11's . XD

my long forgotten cloistered sleep
they went ham on that bass. XD
Very different from Emily's and Wakana's. Not as harsh/military-march-strict, whether that's appropriate or not considering the og instrumental I'm not sure but I guess the synth string plucking is much softer in this mix so it works out. I enjoyed myself.

I swear
luv. even the playback strings could not bring it down. keiko interacting with korenaga was sweet af.

This whole English block so far is a vibe. And one I'm enjoying surprisingly a lot.

Love it but I guess I would still omit it from this setlist, due to us getting it on vol17. Probably... but I like it... goddamit. Rie in the solo spot as she deserves.

I reach for the sun
Probably my least favorite of Emily songs and, unfortunately, little's changed here. Only the bridge interests me due to Yuriko (shame rito got annoyingly off at one point, lul).

was surprised with the instrumental (the strings are decently in the back compared to the live instruments)
pretty gud. I feel I'd say this was great if I wasn't needing a bigger standout after all the English vibin'

Credens justi(t)iam
More vibin'. Again pretty gud.

They knew what they were doing with that closeup of Eri walking during strings and then with that statuesque frontal shot.

Pretty gud. Still think the playback strings solo is not needed, that part could've been just Konno.

This whole Eri block was pretty sweet, I only wish it started with a bang. I was thinking what and the only thing that came to my mind was "ship of fools", cause I definitely would not want a song of storm and fire again (and I don't like the live sound of once upon a time there was you and me).

~Alone; wish it was the whole thing. Somehow felt shorter than Joelle's version from the fan event. XD
~Bloody rabbit; surefine.
~Contractor; Eri was great when she finally sang and I kinda love when she's this excited. I'm not the biggest fan of Contractor so it was okay.

zodiacal sign
oh god... do I skip it...?
oh my... is this dansu new?

open your heart
deleesh vibin'

kotonohoka yawarakai
Yes. The intro alone gets me hard.
I think I like the KajiFes performance more just because of how unhinged Yuriko sounded there (and that one note she changed) but I still really like the song and this live.
Some nice shots of Kaori here.

still better than the og album version, lol,
this performance looked off moreso than others like they overdubbed a lot of lines in the studio, lol.

Sokyu no Fanfare
I did not listen.

This live was definitely a VIBE and one that I really enjoyed. A lot.
Dare I say this is the first live with an audience I would want to buy if they released it on bluray.

The only track that was a true MEH for me was "the four rings". I don't like those bombasting string&guitar&drums&choir YK tracks so that was a bummer for me personally. On that note, I can definitely imagine fans of the more "epic" tracks could be disappointed with vol#20.
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Anti Hero theme - nice choir effect when everyone joins in. it's a bit long tho. wow all choir based songs one after the other, my uimmediate rxn was they must be tired lol.

E.G.O. dat keyboard jam by Kajiura is so cute.

Kitchen theme - cute. Yuriko shines solo here. them Armenian-Turkish percussion sure has changed here lol.

Historia - Yuriko's highs.

I swear – harmonies of Yuriko and Keiko.

I reach for the sun. Yuriko and Joelle’s brief exchange was cute. Everyone was spot on.

Gaia, credens justitiam, hepatica, godsibb, Alone, Bloody Rabbit, contractor: Eri was excellent, not a single wrong note. Harmonies with Yuriko, joelle were sublime.

godsibb turning more metal is always welcome :)

In hepatica, Eri IS SO GOOD. She is singing every note correctly but I can almost hear her.. crying. So emotional, what a performance. This may seem technically a very easy song but getting the emotion across without sounding melodramatic is hard and I think Eri nailed it. TEARS...


voyagers - Joelle – overall hesitant, sudden breaks, off key sometimes?

Forest – yuriko’s cutesy voice is a no. Joelle: see above.

As far as singers go, Eri is clearly the winner hands down. She did such a phenomenal job. Instrumentation-wise, I enjoyed E.G.O. and kitchen theme as new go-to live songs. Very good live I'd say, nothing too eye-opening or novel but it was a success overall.

What are people saying in the middle??? They are telling a story; I have no idea but it sounds cute.
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OK, this was an pleasant way for me to close the day from last time to wee hours of the morning.

overture〜アンチヒーロー〜Main Theme〜:
- Joelle and Keiko and LINO LEIA started with very effects-heavy harmony line. I heard Keiko and Joelle more clearly. Couldn't really make out LINO's voice, but they were blended with backing track. The main 4 sounded excellent together.
- Eri's kajiurago+ethnic-style ornamentation(you could really see her diaphragm/breathing work)!

the four rings:
- Epicness of all 6 voices ringing out dramatically with the chants!
- It didn't have much vocal variation so it didn't do much for me.

absolute configuration:
- I enjoy the vocal/musical chord progression of this song even though it's mainly a chant song.

- Synth Kajiura unlocked! Nice to see her with fingers on two sets of keys. Hope we get more of that in the future. She was giving 100% concentration!
- Eri and Kaori unison was cute and rich. Kaori provided more of the lower frequencies. When all the other singers joined in, it got much richer with only Yuriko floating. Then in Eri's solo, I really liked when Keiko came in with the head voice and register transition on her counter-melody!
- Eri, Joelle, Yuriko trio is also sweet (Joelle on the low notes).

- Yuriko and rito so cute, with LINO too! rito's low range makes me smile for the future. It was a lighter configuration of Keiko- or Kaori-level but younger and softer.

- Nice seeing different configurations. I see the flexibility of having LINO essentially take a spot Kaori would have sung naturally (even standing in her position). Her light voice in low harmony actually gives a sweetness to those harmonies - lots of bright voices on stage.
- Joelle's lead reminding of why I am a fan of her voice. Always an interpretive singer. LINÒ doing low harmony to her was cool.
- Well, at least some audience members got the visual of LINO as part of "main" FictionJunction, but not replacing Joelle (cause she can't! LOL!)

Historia-opening theme:
- I didn't even miss Wakana's tone (sorry, I had to stir that pot a little bit, haha!). Yuriko taking the lead was sweet, and when Joelle joined her for some high head voice goodness, perfect - they are actually the "absolute configuration" for that skill in FJ!

- I imagine some wouldn't like the more legato take from Joelle at the beginning. I didn't mind it as she made it her own as her solo, even adding a riff at the end. But on Keiko joining, Joelle blended to the staccato flow.
- OK, during the chanting bridge, I initially was confused that Keiko was doing the duet with Yuriko first, then it hit me that Joelle would be doing the main part Keiko usually did. And I loved it. Then I realized it was a 3-lady roster not 4. Kaori wasn't needed and I didn't miss her. That's the power of having singers with range! Joelle essentially did Wakana's original lead parts with Keiko's original bridge part, while Keiko did Kaori's original part and some of her (Keiko's) harmony parts. Actually my favorite version, now...
- Akagi Rie's solo in the old performance (with Wakana) is still my favorite, though.

my long forgotten cloistered sleep:
- Kajiura is really starting to close the loop on Wakana's old classic leads, with Joelle having sung most of them at this point! You also don't often have Joelle standing in the center of the stage at the beginning of a song and especially for this solo, which I think was symbolic.
- This was also a 3-person song rather than a 4-person song like the original performance. Again, the strengths of this core trio (in Kaori's absence).
- I wondered if Joelle was thinking about some of the old fans' reactions to her leading this song...

I swear:
- Keiko's lead was sweet. A little nasal and less warm/full. Maybe trying harder with the English (Joelle input?)
- The hand off from Joelle to Keiko (with the camera switch to make things more confusing) was smooth and unexpected. I thought Joelle wouldn't continue the verse.

- Joelle, Yuriko, Keiko! This trio! I would actually like to hear their unedited recording. Just curious!

I reach for sun:
- Yuriko, Joelle, Keiko, rito (switching with LINO in voyagers). Her bright echo with Yuriko on the lower notes was nice. A light and bright voice.
- Yuriko and Joelle duet was so cute, with Yuriko being cute and smiling.
- Yuriko and Keiko kajiurago duet!!! One of my favorite kajiurago harmonies/breakdowns.

- Eri was fully on form! Sweet and strong classical head-voice high note, amd register changes. Beautiful harmonies.

credens justitiam:
- Eri was perfect for this song! I liked her lead voice throughout.
- OK, maybe my favorite version of this song too?

- Emotional performance from Eri, with the breathy tone and expression.

- As cool as ever.

- Hearing Eri leading was really cool.

bloody rabbit:
- Epic! Kaori was just looking resplendent. Good genes.

- Having Yuriko and Kaori start the song was cool, then Yuriko joining in. Eri solo was emotional and I feel that Joelle replicated it quite closely in that popular fan club version on Highway Star's YouTube.
- I can now see that Joelle vocal range/tone was also meant to help to cover some of Eri's vocal range/color as well as Emily's, permitting some of these songs to be done in their absence.

zodiacal sign:
- Firsr zodiacal sign with rito and LINO LEIA! Upgrade!!! For them and the song. I can see they've really been accepted by the fans.
- And Kaori got her solo! She still maintained her long notes! Her breathing was more audible, so she was doing more work. Understandable.

open your heart:
- Joelle! I would have liked to hear Kaori take the lead like in the 2008 original, but I'm glad she could rest for this song.
- I could see that Joelle was singing the prayer with intention.

kotonohoka yawarakai"
- Kaori giving a more refined sassy attitude since she's not moving around as much (and needs to hold a better singing posture).

- Excellent, as always, from Joelle's beginning to the very end!
- Kaori's solo really shone. I am looking forward to hearing some more refinement in her vocals when she returns.

- Same as Parade. Excellent!
I was gonna hold off watching it until after the November concerts, but curiosity got the better of me. The new material is great, and I loved the Antihero main theme.

There's a lot of repeat songs from vol 5 and vol 11 though. I'm very meh on Joelle's renditions of voyagers and I reach for the sun, I just think Wakana and Keiko do a more interesting rendition of it.

I'm glad to see Yuriko on lead for a few songs (finally). But overall, the concert was very low-key and subdued until the Pandora Hearts medley. An absolute surprise and I'm so glad it's finally on a DVD release. Still waiting on a KnK medley, Kajiura.
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For now all i have to say is that Yuki's little jump on the seat at 22:49 is super cute :hearts: and enjoyed the keyboard show-off:groucho: on E.G.O too. I was super busy the summer so i totally missed that the setlist was freshier, happy that i see it now. Wow they use kitchenware as percussion, so cute.
For now all i have to say is that Yuki's little jump on the seat at 22:49 is super cute :hearts: and enjoyed the keyboard show-off:groucho: on E.G.O too. I was super busy the summer so i totally missed that the setlist was freshier, happy that i see it now. Wow they use kitchenware as percussion, so cute.
I enjoyed the variation in the setlist myself. I'll be honest that some of the songs I'd never heard before so it was nice to hear them.