Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#20 (June 2-Aug 3) & ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~ (Nov 2024)

some tweet reports said that HIKARU actually sang ARIA on the original key. I still highly doubt this to be true because it's been like 10 years since Hikaru sang it on the original key and even on the lowered key she still struggled a lot. She might've pushed herself to do so though since it's YKL and maybe she felt "burdened" to sing the song the way Kajiura composed it. At the same time, her recent solo performances also never showed her getting her voice back so... but hey at least people were moved. Her part of the concert was the only thing people were talking about (understandable because the rest is nothing new).
In the original key??? I won't believe it until I hear it! That song has a lot of jumps in the 4th and 5th octaves.

In the 10th anniversary version it even sounded like her larynx would come out of her throat and I think the key was lowered for that show.

Hikaru began to have issues with singing "ee" vowels high since she always tries to chest-sing and just constricts everything, even preventing the air from coming out from her nose. I suspect her tongue really gets in the way too. That squeezed sound has become synonymous with her high range maybe from above C5 (I haven't gone back to check the pitches but I suspect so).

I know she's been singing professionally for 15 years but I feel if she could get someone to help her get her head voice in better shape (doesn't matter if it's even just in the 4th octave) it would help her to re-navigate how to sing high without resorting to squeezed/strangled efforts. It pains me to see her struggle to sing.

I would prefer if it was just a breathy falsetto she had up there and the songs were re-arranged to have lighter instrumentals to allow that vocal effect for her. I do feel Hikaru temperamentally might be a little stubborn with her vocals, wanting to get the note out with force for the sake of feeling, instead of radically changing how she approaches those parts of her range, post-damage.
I think she did really well on the 30th anniversary live. So her on nowhere interests me. I know Kalafina has covered that song before. I'm not sure how she is in her own lives, but maybe some time away from the Kala songs did her well.
Updates on the Asian tour.
No Eri. :/ But you get Hikaru.


LIVE 【Overseas】Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~Asia Tour 20th Special SET LIST~ 詳細決定!​

2024年11月に、上海、広州、初のタイ・バンコク、マレーシア・クアラルンプールを巡るアジア公演 Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~Asia Tour 20th Special SET LIST~の詳細が決定いたしました。

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~Asia Tour 20th Special SET LIST~

  11月15日(金)Union Hall

  11月17日(日)Zepp Kuala Lumpur

 Coming soon…

 Coming soon…


Guest Vocal:Hikaru

[是永巧一 (Guitar)、佐藤強一 (Drums)、髙橋“Jr.”知治 (Bass)、今野 均 (Violin)、 赤木りえ(Flute)、中島オバヲ (Percussion)、大平佳男 (Manipulator)]

Shit the KL one is on Sunday... I don't have any paid leave left lmao. If I try to attend it's either I take the last flight on Sunday or the first flight on Monday and go straight to work lmao. The venue has decent capacity, but I so know the Chinese/HK/Taiwan fans are going to try for the KL one as well. Now do I really want to go or not...
Shit the KL one is on Sunday... I don't have any paid leave left lmao. If I try to attend it's either I take the last flight on Sunday or the first flight on Monday and go straight to work lmao. The venue has decent capacity, but I so know the Chinese/HK/Taiwan fans are going to try for the KL one as well. Now do I really want to go or not...
So near, yet so far...

Also my bank a account:
lol I was just about to say that the cut on Joelle's dress is atrocious. Why the slit at the front. Why did they put that organza on the lower part of her dress. The top part is incredible, the lower part makes me question the design choice because that organza finishing really doesn't fit there. Maybe it was added later because they realized later thatstiff fabric with cone skirt is never good (like Wakana's second dress on fotw live concert). Really giving a main character aura though, fitting for a semi Joelle live.

Leia's and Keiko's dresses are magnificent. Excellent cut and excellent silhouette. The assymetrical skirt on Keiko is kind of a choice because everyone else's are symmetrical but I can kinda get behind it. Hikaru's dress is great too but it's obviously made with leftover fabric lmao. Overall these dresses are one of the more thoughtful YKL dresses.
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lol I was just about to say that the cut on Joelle's dress is atrocious. Why the slit at the front. Why did they put that organza on the lower part of her dress. The top part is incredible, the lower part makes me question the design choice because that organza finishing really doesn't fit there. Maybe it was added later because they realized later thatstiff fabric with cone skirt is never good (like Wakana's second dress on fotw live concert). Really giving a main character aura though, fitting for a semi Joelle live.

Leia's and Keiko's dresses are magnificent. Excellent cut and excellent silhouette. The assymetrical skirt on Keiko is kind of a choice because everyone else's are symmetrical but I can kinda get behind it. Hikaru's dress is great too but it's obviously made with leftover fabric lmao. Overall these dresses are one of the more thoughtful YKL dresses.
Alright, I cannot say that I love the design anymore. xd
Lol you can, the concept is actually great. I can see what the designer had in mind on paper but they definitely encountered some problems when the dress was actually being made because they couldn't get the cut and silhouette they wanted, so they had to "improvise". The cut at the front was definitely made so the dress could fall better as the outer red fabric looked quite thick and sturdy, so without the cut it just would fall flat. That organza finishing/inner layer also looked like it was added after the cut was made because otherwise Joelle would be exposing her underwear/whatever she wore under and it was chosen because it's a light fabric that won't bulk the dress down/make it too heavy at the bottom. But you can just tell that it was added later because no one else has organza on their dresses. It was definitely an extra last minute order.

This is why when you designed whatever piece of clothing you want, you also think about the materials you're gonna use.
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Now includes:

 11月8日(金) 亜運城総合体育館
 11月10日(日) 静安体育センター

【Guangzhou, China】
 November 8th (Friday) Asian Games Town Gymnasium
【Shanghai, China】 
 November 10th (Sunday) Jing’an Sports Center

Information on ticket sales will be available through the following social media accounts:

Some moar pics. Now with no red lightning for a better look at their dresses, hue.

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These are lovely, Lorde-Kowz.

It sometimes surprises me how much I am pleased by seeing these ladies perform over and over, sometimes the same songs, as they grow older and visit many stages.

Guess this is what it means to be a fan. I haven't had this level of fandom before (except maybe for Perfume in the past who I still follow from time to time). Getting to know them through 2019/2020 while learning more about vocals really cemented them, but of course it is Kajiura's and her team's melodies and harmonies that were expressed. So full kudos to them! ♥️❤️😍

Just felt like saying that. Sorry if it's off-topic.
lol I was just about to say that the cut on Joelle's dress is atrocious. Why the slit at the front. Why did they put that organza on the lower part of her dress. The top part is incredible, the lower part makes me question the design choice because that organza finishing really doesn't fit there. Maybe it was added later because they realized later thatstiff fabric with cone skirt is never good (like Wakana's second dress on fotw live concert). Really giving a main character aura though, fitting for a semi Joelle live.

Leia's and Keiko's dresses are magnificent. Excellent cut and excellent silhouette. The assymetrical skirt on Keiko is kind of a choice because everyone else's are symmetrical but I can kinda get behind it. Hikaru's dress is great too but it's obviously made with leftover fabric lmao. Overall these dresses are one of the more thoughtful YKL dresses.
Do you have a fashion background? Just asking, because you were so detailed!
Do you have a fashion background? Just asking, because you were so detailed!
I did not major in Fashion but I joined the Theatre club/troupe when I was in college - and back then I was in charge of the costume, so in a way I do have some background in stage fashion and production. Back in pandemic I had free time so I also took fashion designing class lol. Which is why I was so bummed when they didn't get any special or new dresses for YKL#19 because I'm a firm believer of dresses enhancing overall production quality and value (also because I hate YKL18 dresses lmao)
Note: there are photos in the linked article, but the forum wouldn't let me post the article with the photos included.




梶浦由記、Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20~日本語封印20th Special~ ツアー、千秋楽公演のオフィシャルライブレポート公開!​

作曲家の梶浦由記が8月3日、自身20回目となるライヴ「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20~日本語封印20th Special~」の国内公演を埼玉・大宮ソニックシティで締めくくった。“日本語封印”とは、梶浦が作ってきた膨大な作品群の中から日本語以外(英語や造語など)の歌詞が付いた楽曲のみを演奏するというもの。つまり、数々のアニメやテレビドラマ関連の曲の中でもキャッチーで日本語詞が付くことの多い主題歌類を外すということであり、ライヴの盛り上がりという観点からは不利になりそうなものだが、日本語以外の曲だけで遜色なくライヴを成立させてしまうところが梶浦音楽のすごさでもある。実は2008年に開催した第1回のライヴが“日本語封印”であり、2023年のデビュー30周年イヤーを経て「ここで一度原点に帰ろう」という意図もあったのだという。

ピアノの梶浦と共に楽器を演奏するのは(バックバンドならぬ) FRONT BAND MEMBERSの面々。是永巧一(ギター)、佐藤強一(ドラム)、髙橋“Jr.”知治(ベース)、今野均(ヴァイオリン)、赤木りえ(フルート)、中島オバヲ(パーカッション)、大平佳男(マニピュレーター)という、長きにわたり梶浦の音楽を支えてきた鉄壁の布陣だ。また、入れ代わり立ち代わりしながら複雑なヴォーカルワークを聞かせる“歌姫”は、KEIKO、YURIKO KAIDA、Joelle、rito、LINO LEIAに加え、今回のライヴではゲストヴォーカルとして伊東えりが全公演に参加したほか、6月2日の公演初日から参加してきたレギュラー歌姫のKAORIが産休のため、この日の千秋楽のみHikaruが登場することとなった。

梶浦らしい不穏な雰囲気のオーバーチャーから続くオープニングナンバーは、ツアー開始時にはまだ放送中だったテレビドラマ「アンチヒーロー」のメインテーマ。KEIKO、YURIKO KAIDA、Joelle、rito、LINO LEIAの歌姫5人が横一列に並びハーモニーを奏でると、原曲にも参加した伊東えりがゆっくりと登場し、パワフルで存在感のある歌声を響かせる。たちまち場内に厳粛かつ壮大な世界が広がり、そのまま『the four rings』『absolute configuration』『E.G.O.』とアニメの戦闘曲を続ける。本場欧州のオペラのような濃密な音楽で聴衆にカタルシスを与えていった。

テレビドラマ「キッチン革命」のメインテーマ、NHK「経済羅針盤」のために作られた『voyagers』、NHK「歴史秘話ヒストリア」初代オープニングテーマの3曲は、梶浦いわく「私にしては明るい曲たち」。『キッチン革命・メインテーマ』のイントロで佐藤強一と中島オバヲが“おたま”で鍋を叩くユニークな演奏を見せると、『voyagers』では歌姫たちの爽やかなハーモニーに今野のヴァイオリンと赤木のフルートが彩を添え、Kalafina『storia』の原曲としても知られる『Historia:opening theme』へと繋げられた。

続くセクションで演奏された英語詞の5曲は、英語ネイティブのJoelleが主にメインヴォーカルを務めた。いずれも梶浦のソロアルバム『FICTION』『FICTION II』に収録されており、ライヴでもたびたび披露されている、比較的ファンにはおなじみのナンバーだ。高い技術と豊富な経験に裏打ちされたFRONT BAND MEMBERSの演奏は安定感抜群で、ヴォーカル陣のハーモニーと楽曲の魅力を際立たせる。『I swear』ではKEIKOが主旋律を担い、柔らかく深みのある歌声で聴衆をときめかせた。

ライヴ中盤では、再び伊東のヴォーカルをフィーチャー。NHK「グレートネイチャー」の挿入歌として書かれた『Gaia』で大自然を思わせる壮大なハイトーンを披露した伊東は、アニメ「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」で印象的に使われた通称“マミさんのテーマ”こと『Credens justitiam』では透明感あふれる高貴な歌声を響かせる。『hepatica』『godsibb』はいずれもゲーム「Xenosaga III」のために書かれた楽曲。『hapatica』で梶浦のリリカルなピアノ伴奏と息の合った歌唱を披露すると、『godsibb』では激しさを増したサウンドの中、唯一無二の高音ヴォイスで空間を支配した。

続く『in the garden of sinners』『ARIA』『Sprinter』はいずれも劇場アニメ『空の境界』の楽曲であり、KAORIからHikaruへメンバー交代したことで大きく変更された部分となる。オーバーチャー的な位置づけの『in the garden of sinners』をKEIKOとJoelleのハーモニーで聞かせると、そのままKalafinaのシングルにもなった『ARIA』へと移行。ここで満を持してHikaruがステージに現れ、KEIKO、Joelleと共に持ち前の熱い歌声を放つ。その『ARIA』と両A面シングルだった『sprinter』のイントロを是永が奏でた瞬間、観客が総立ちになり、盛大なクラップが湧き起こった。千秋楽だけのサプライズともいえる選曲は、ファンを歓喜させる結果となった。

アンコールは『Prologue』『蒼穹のファンファーレ』と、FictionJunction名義の最新アルバム『PARADE』収録のナンバーからスタート。5人の歌姫が横一列に並び、明るく華やかな歌声を重ねる。アニメ「MADLAX」の挿入歌『nowhere』はFictionJunction YUUKA名義で発表された人気曲で、冒頭のバスドラムの四つ打ちが聞こえた瞬間、観客が歓声を上げクラップを打ち鳴らす。ここで再びHikaruがメインヴォーカルで参加、ほかの歌姫たちと右腕を天空に突き上げ観客を熱狂させた。

この日最後のMCでは、6月9日に神奈川県民ホールにて行われた公演が9月14日にCS放送TBSチャンネル1にてオンエアーされるとの情報も、そして今年11月に開催されるAsiaツアー及び新情報として梶浦から次回ライヴ『Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#21』の開催が発表された。2021年の『Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16』以来となる“Soundtrack Special”(※歌がほぼないインストゥルメンタル曲中心の公演)が含まれるとのことで、観客から大きな歓声が上がる。華やかな歌姫がいなくても、キャッチーな歌入り曲がなくても、FRONT BAND MEMBERSの演奏だけでオーディエンスを満足させてしまうところもYuki Kajiura LIVEならでは。いずれにせよ、来年もまたYuki Kajiura LIVEがある――。そんな喜びが、観客だけでなく梶浦本人の表情からも伝わってきた。

最後のナンバーは、NHK「歴史秘話ヒストリア」のために作られたKalafinaの『into the world』。Hikaruも参加し、みんなで届ける壮大で美しい『into the world』。デビュー30周年を経てなお音楽作りに邁進する梶浦由記が、ここからどんな“world”を見せてくれるのか、さらに期待が膨らむ一夜となった。

-Asia Tour-
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~

中国・広州:11月 8日(金)亜運城総合体育館
タイ・バンコク:11月15日(金)Union Hall
マレーシア・クアラルンプール:11月17日(日)Zepp Kuala Lumpur

Guest Vocal:Hikaru
[是永巧一 (Guitar)、佐藤強一 (Drums)、髙橋“Jr.”知治 (Bass)、今野 均 (Violin)、赤木りえ(Flute)、中島オバヲ (Percussion)、大平佳男 (Manipulator)]



Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#21
2025年8月10日(日)東京・オーチャードホール ※Soundtrack Special
2025年8月11日(月・祝)東京・オーチャードホール ※Soundtrack Special


「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~日本語封印20th Special~」神奈川県民ホール公演(全曲ノーカット版)


Guest Vocal:伊東えり
[是永巧一 (Guitar)、佐藤強一 (Drums)、髙橋“Jr.”知治 (Bass)、今野 均 (Violin)、赤木りえ(Flute)、中島オバヲ (Percussion)、大平佳男 (Manipulator)]



Fate/stay night 20周年記念コンサート


9月21日(土)横浜BUNTAI [Heaven’s Feel]公演
9月22日(日)横浜BUNTAI [Unlimited Blade Works]公演


※梶浦由記の出演は9月23日(月・祝) DAY2

梶浦由記 / FictionJunction
LIVE Blu-ray
「30th Anniversary Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#19 ~Kaji Fes.2023~」


