Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU very much! I am new here and I don't know how to read Kanji or anything similar. (I only know words and phrases I picked up from anime subs!) So I was so very thrilled to read this really detailed translation.
Yuki, as we all know, is indeed a genius! Our lovely singers and the musicians confirm that through how they make her music come to life, but also here in how they talked about her in the interviews. They say "don't judge a book by it's cover", but in this case, there are so many things you can plainly see that are very positive about Yuki, that not only is her music so beautiful, but also that she herself is a wonderful person! Plus she surrounds herself with such beautiful and talented people, so what more could you ask for? Oh wait, WORLD TOURS!

Oh, does anyone know why Yuuka Nanri does not sing in YK Live? That would be great, too, since she is part of FJ.
I agree, the singers are all funny in their own way, especially Wakana (I mean, who talks about sharks all of a sudden in an interview?! LOL) I mean, sometimes she looks very serious when she is not singing that it makes me wonder if she is shy to show her personality, but in this interview you can get a clue. I can tell she is very intelligent and very deep in the way she thinks (sometimes too deep that she might be confusing to some, haha). Keiko and Kaori are very expressive and I can relate to their personalities so I enjoy watching them perform (on youtube anyway *sigh*). Wakana and Yuriko, together with them, they sing so powerfully, it's so lovely to watch and hear!
Again, arigato for the translation!