Some thoughts about the live. In overall, the live was very solid and funny, it looked like everyone was enjoying during their performance. It was nice to have a balanced setlist with all the utahimes, and I loved to listen to Kaori doing chorus and harmonies again

- the main theme of Kimetsu no Yaiba: it was awesome how the song broke the atmosphere of the overture, and keiko was damn good. Loved Kaori doing the low harmonies.
- the sea is never without a wave: a good song to follow the kimetsu one. I like it a lot.
- vise versa: exactly what I imagined it would be, a cute song with good harmonies.
- time to sail!: I loved how everyone was having fun while performing it.
- what she was here for: nothing much to say. Kaori and Joelle did well here.
- Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no You na: I was really afraid on how this song would turn, as it seemed they would lower down the mood and tempo of the song, but I love the new arrangement. Keiko did really well, and the addition of the kajiurago gave the song that touch of anxiety from the original version, like it. NOW, CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE THAT ENDING FROM YURIKO KAIDA, IT WAS SUBLIME.
fiction: Joelle was awesome, mainly because she was singing in a low tone, just as in the world. However, I think Keiko should have some leading vocals here too.
- Hanamori no Oka: as always, beautiful.
- lotus: I'm not going to talk about any singer in this one, as they did great. I'm going to talk about that fantastic idea of adding the percussions in the song. Obawo's sound was hypnotic, I barely listen to anything else. I love every second of this song.
- inverse operation: I think this was one of the songs I was expecting the most, and I wasn't disappointed at all. Hanae was really good, and I loved her interaction with the audience.
- le chasseur: Hanae's voice is beautiful. Nothing else to add.
- mezame: never fails. It was energic and powerful as I was expecting.
- Mou Kimi wo Mitakunai: this song reminds me a lot to Mo Hitotsu Mawashite, as it was very repetitive. Rito did well, but I don't think this song will grow a lot for me.
- Hachigatsu no ORGAN: Lino Leia, on the other hand, she was really awesome, and I liked the song a lot. The harmonies were really good, specially Keiko's.
- elemental: another song that will never fail. Obawo did it again.
- zodiacal sign: will I ever be tire of listening and watching the performance of this song? Of course not. And thanks Rie-san for all your energy and dances!
- Parallel Hearts: it took 13 volumes and for Wakana to live to add that kajiurago line, GOD. Despite everyone, I really liked Joelle in this version, she was very solid. Also, Yuriko was more audible in comparison to previous lives, which I loved. Yet, I will always think this song should be leaded by Keiko.
- swordland & luminous sword: both songs were great. Good way to generate expectations for the SAO live.
- sprinter: I was very, very happy to see Keiko and Hikaru sharing a stage again, they both shine, a lot. The arrangement was similar to the original, which makes me like it more, and Joelle doing Maya's part in the bridge was what I need it to listen. Yuriko did great too.
- sweet song: lovely. Thanks Joelle for Kaori's English pronunciation, it was really good.
Small comment to attract hate from all Wakana-lovers: did anyone notice that now , without Wakana, we can listen more to Yuriko's voice, even when she is doing the same harmonies as she did before?? Example 1 - stone cold (Vol 16), example 2 - parallel hearts now. (Or course, I can always continue).
Before you start hating me for that comment, a small
gift. Now, you can proceed to hate me