There have been some interesting Kajiura tweets today.
Some details about the 3 themes, some that most of us already know. Some interesting things. Some potentially disappointing news to some people. And hints to the cover song.
Summarizing more than translating here.
The lives in June will be Japanese only, Soundtrack special and no-Japanese. But amongst the three, there is one where there is a very apparent, much smaller pool of songs to choose from. Which is the Japanese only songs. So it is probably already possible to sort of guess what the line up will be like.
This much was obvious. They will most likely perform most of the FJ singles. I believe here, she is probably referring to songs that are FJ's.
If we're just talking about the possibility, the day that can see the biggest changes to the lineup is probably the soundtrack special....
Also, I think most already knew but Kajiura confirms that the chances of the utahimes performing on soundtrack special day is very very low. It's mostly for instrumental tracks. So those that want to meet the utahimes should go for the other two. &
……3日ともほぼ同じでした。正直サウンドトラックデーとか埋まらなかったどうしよう(^▽^;)。と思っていたのですが。それぞれ聞きたいと思って頂けるのは有り難い事でございます。いつもありがとうございますm(_ _)m。
Here she talks about the popularity of each day for vol 9, where she also split it into Japanese only, Soundtrack special and Japanese sealed. She, herself, was very curious about what the demand for each day would be like. She thought that Japanese day would be the most popular. She was worried that soundtrack day would have a lot of empty seats. Turns out, all three were more or less equally popular, and she is really grateful that there were those that would listen to each of those categories.
Previously, it was 3 days only and it caused a lot of inconvenience! (note: she is probably referring to the fact that a lot of people couldn't get tickets because demand was too high. It also resulted in them adding a special live)
This time it's 3 days x 3 times! Surely it'll be better this time!
Oh Kajiura. Do you not know? If you put out 6 lives in Tokyo, your fans in Tokyo will most likely still attend all 6! The most hardcore will attend all 9. Just as they attended all 3 the other time. However, the thing to note about this statement is that we are likely to see a similar lineup for each theme, as I had speculated.
Now.. about the cover song. Over these few days, Kajiura has been working on arranging songs. It seems to be multiple songs. Of course, there is a possibility that she is also working on Kalafina's budokan lives. She did write a really scary intro which she had to tone down. But! Today, she spoke about what is
undoubtedly probably a cover song. Is she arranging a very old BGM track? & &
It's hard to decide the sound to use for the synth brass (シンセブラス) since I seldom use it.
The last time I searched for a sound called "synth brass" was ... perhaps 7-8 years ago ... No. Perhaps more?
It's a sound from back then so, unexpectedly, if I don't make the source sound feel like an oldie then it just doesn't fit (as well). Or perhaps I should just change the entire phrase? That in itself is ....
*She does mention KORG in her tweets which seems to be a company that manufactures instruments. So specifically synth brass from a KORG keyboard?
This is where she realises that what she said might be spoilerish and stops. OK. My fellow detectives. Time to start hunting for her songs that had the synth brass.
Is it 千夜一夜? Edge?! I don't knowwwwwwwwww
11pm I think:
I tried using the code of the first 3 digits of my travel agent's postal code and my old membership number at , but that didn't work. My membership had been renewed after lapsing but I hadn't received any details of a changed membership number.
Upon renewal after lapsing, it is likely you have been assigned a new number. Even just losing the card and asking for it to be reissued will get you a new number. Is there no way to find out? Maybe you can try your luck at the general sales?