I have reached Yuki nirvana
Also did Crush have vocals? Since the original didn't I wondered what they did with this song.
Luminous Sword (Remi, Kaori backing)
- Is Kajiura inviting Remi only to have her sing a non-SAO song a sign that she intends to use Remi more in the future? Yes, please. I personally think it's a sign that she likes Remi's voice. Invite her to the family!
Also did Crush have vocals? Since the original didn't I wondered what they did with this song.
oh I forgot to ask, are Rainbow main theme's lyrics really in italian ?
For some reason, I think having Kalafina sing first is to have them easily removed from a release. Lol.
Though, I'm curious on how a DVD release of this magnitude would work. Would they split it? One DVD (multiple discs of course) for 5 hrs sounds like it'd be crazy expensive.![]()
Kowz said:One blu ray should be enough, although I've heard DVDs are REALLY cheap.
貝田 由里子 @yurikokaida 14h
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura @Fion0806 14h
@yurikokaida お疲れさまでした〜、ゆり姉相当歌いっぱなしでまじありがとうございましたたたた!!今後もまだまだ宜しくお願い致します!
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貝田 由里子 @yurikokaida 9h
@Fion0806 梶浦さん、こちらこそありがとうござました〜!!アコーディオンとの歌も歌わせてもらえて嬉しかったです♪私にとって、梶浦さんと出会った原点なので。。またお力になれるように頑張ります!!
george1234 said:Live's setlist is up with all the details yuki.n and Kuga provided ... kaji-fest/