Yuki Kajiura LIVE #19 Kajifes 2023 - 30th Anniversary Live

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X--hI6CHt4 (and if anyone dares say Hironobu is the one bringing this live down, I'll stick a foot up yours.)

and of course the forever classic vol9 ustream


I can't find the Hokuto no Ken wedding event videos on youtube...
I had watched the 1st and 3rd but the second was a treat seeing my young lovelies with their still-very-fresh voices and looks! I would admit Mr. Kageyama's enka-rock voice initially threw me off from listening to their harmonies, but I saw his juxtaposition working especially with Wakana, well enough together for a duet I think.

The first one was fair. Their voices were become more strained by this point to my ears.

The 3rd FJ one was shocking to me the first time I heard it being a full unedited live (Royce for the win), with Wakana's seriously off voice in may parts, breathing, dynamics, etc. I wondered if the audience didn't squirm hearing all of that and recall that Kajiura seemed visibly annoyed at one point during the video. Lots of commentary for that video. Some songs sounded almost studio solid takes, especially a couple by Keiko ("Houseki") and Kaori ("Dreamscape").

I found myself noticing the added difficulty of blending in a group like FJ of Kalafina as compared to Ensemble Planeta (or Voces8) where they are all classical/chamber singers and so can hone the blend and harmonics to the nth degree for some incredible acappella goodness.
Oh I really appreciated this too!

Hearing FJ WAKANA's voice coming made the scene special being a "wedding/love" scene. It also reminded me of my first time hearing that timbre and voice (and anything YK) in "RYB (In the Silence)" with the unique effects added to give it that sound! That song/live drew me in to FJ world and I haven't looked back.

Great writing by Kajiura and Wakana's performance as well. Yuriko's high vibrating notes at 1:56 took the harmony to another level and also at https://youtu.be/WUbNScMXNuU?si=6S1w4Kp6w1JuwqLx&t=171. Paired with the storyline and the voice acting made it very special. I imagine for those that watched the anime during its original airing as well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X--hI6CHt4 (and if anyone dares say Hironobu is the one bringing this live down, I'll stick a foot up yours.)

and of course the forever classic vol9 ustream


I can't find the Hokuto no Ken wedding event videos on youtube...
I was going to add "that" Ephitalamion live performance, but it's gone from youtube... again.

However, @CloisteredFlame , there's also a bootleg recording of Vol 7. Have you listened to it?
I was going to add "that" Ephitalamion live performance, but it's gone from youtube... again. However, @CloisteredFlame , there's also a bootleg recording of Vol 7. Have you listened to it?
I was going to add "that" Ephitalamion live performance, but it's gone from youtube... again. However, @CloisteredFlame , there's also a bootleg recording of Vol 7. Have you listened to it?
You can share, please. I'm guessing it's the live that only had Wakana, Yuriko Kaida, and Keiko with no Kaori?
I was just watching the full version of the KajiFes again (days 1 and 2) again on Bilibili, and finally getting to see the full version with all the MCs and small parts that were left out of the broadcast captured. I believe it was the complete list of songs. In case you want to watch again:

Day 1: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17x4y1s7C5/?spm_id_from=333.788
Day 2: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ez421i7mc/?spm_id_from=333.788

Hikaru got to have a small talk with Kajiura and the audience in her speaking section. I enjoyed her confidence on stage and her quirky self - she brought first a playful and then earnest vibe and I wish we had the translation of what she said. I was reminded again of the impact of Kalafina and how losing it affected her and the others in more ways than one. I really hope she finds her solo footing again.

Eri Itou really seemed to really make Kajiura go really shy with her praises and other comments more than others, such that she was almost lost for words at a point (imagine that!). I wish we could have translations for all of the MCs.

Aira Yuuki's voice sounded strained during her MC talk as if she had a cold or something, which seems to support the suspicion some of us had (including me) that playback may have been used to strongly support her performances and she was miming, because her face and breathing did not seem to support her actually singing (at least for me, having watched her sing in a solo live before).

Watching the video in Microsoft Edge and using Microsoft Translate allowed me to read the top-scrolling comments of the Chinese watchers on the site, which I always like to do when I watch videos there as they often bring some things to light attitudes about their favorite YK singers (including nicknames) and songs. 💪 🍿
Got that bluray set from cdjapan, and it's a blast. : ] - I can recommend getting this.
So many good singers, melodies and lots of new stuff. A lot has happened since Wakana's not on board anymore. (Yes, I was outdated. :>)

After I finished watching both days (each day one bluray), I went straight to Youtube to watch "Kalafina - Mirai" (good old Madoka Magica days) to finish up the experience. I have to say I miss Wakana a lot, but the new singers, especially Aimer was cewl on her own way.
Especially Hikaru I was suprised about. Her singing was clear and straight (how to say it?!); I like her voice and performance. And she's really getting well along with Keiko. I rememer Keiko had invited Hikaru (also Yuriko and Kaori) for her birthday party videos. (Unfortunately because of my lacking language skills I could only understand about 15%. - Not sure about the Youtube live translation.. sometimes appear to be missleading.)

That Eri Itou moment in that MC session with YK was... interesting hihi ^^ - You could clearly see the omg moment in YK's eyes, when she realised that didn't go well. - And yes, she was clearly looking for something nice to say... but she couldn't come up with anything. hihi ^^'

But yes, you're right: Last time (Was it Yuki Kajirua Live II in 2008?), after she and Eri Itou were performing, there was a similar effect in an MC session. Clearly these two are special when talking together. : ]
From what I understood with my sparse japanese knowledge, Eri Itou was praising YK's nice melodies and YK was clearly moved and went blush for a moment.

And yes, I wish there would be something (or someone? :D) translating the MC sessions. - I'd love to understand (each word) of what they say.
Can't help it.. I need to learn the language with MORE determinism. :>

Anyway, thank you for sharing the bilibili links, @CloisteredFlame!

So many good singers, melodies and lots of new stuff
Yes, yes! It's great that you have the Bluray. Top-quality listening experience! Lots of singers. This is the highest number I've ever watched or heard in a Kajiura performance and I was pleased to see and hear so many songs I'd never heard before.
I have to say I miss Wakana a lot, but the new singers, especially Aimer was cewl on her own way.
That's very understandable. She definitely had a unique voice and effect in Kajiura's sonic space.
Her singing was clear and straight (how to say it?!); I like her voice and performance.
Hikaru was good. Kajiura had to change the vocal arrangement to give Yuriko some of the higher notes Hikaru would have sung in her earlier days (she also sang some of Wakana's parts...with no complaints I noticed).
That Eri Itou moment in that MC session with YK was... interesting hihi ^^ - You could clearly see the omg moment in YK's eyes, when she realised that didn't go well. - And yes, she was clearly looking for something nice to say... but she couldn't come up with anything. hihi ^^'
That was funny and curious indeed. Kajiura acted like a starstruck teen, and Keiko laughed at that up on the higher stage (you can see her in the background).

But yes, you're right: Last time (Was it Yuki Kajirua Live II in 2008?), after she and Eri Itou were performing, there was a similar effect in an MC session.
Yes, 2008! During the MC session definitely, but even during one of the songs. Eri looked at Kajiura and she almost had to look away! It was so funny!
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (21).gif

I'm hoping in the future for these two to do something together.
Listened to the beginning for now, Liminality with Wakana was so much better I can't believe it. Her voice is very missed.
So stupid that she is the only one not being there like come on. Songs are not as enjoyable without her.
Sorry. :(
Hope you get to enjoy Kajiura lives as much again one day, even without Wakana or Keiko.
It's a new world. I am just wondering about the FictionJunction fan club and live audience and their reaction to the loss of Keiko, including the buzz on social media.
Listened to the beginning for now, Liminality with Wakana was so much better I can't believe it. Her voice is very missed.
I must say, I enjoy Wakana's beginning part and the group's first chorus on the song, sounded very full and well balanced, just from the beginning until the end of the first chorus (Yuriko's solo part till the end isn't something I often stop to contemplate (no hate)). Kasahara rendition is very unique and new to me (perhaps it's mainly because it's her first showcase on video xd). I do find myself going back and forth, vol 19 and vol 2 version from time to time, and enjoy the nuances. : )
I hope you find Kajiura's lives enjoyable again soon.