thanks for the samples!

1. Like I thought, an overture. Accordeons are back
2. the rhythm section sounds like FJ version rather than the original

can't spot other differences so far, but I'll be content with the extension alone (the original was unfairly short, especially in comparison to Fatal Fight)
3. Lotus ROCKS. Indeed, sounds like something that would fit Madoka Magica (any bets on the possibility of it?

) But I'm not sure if it's Fion or Hanae...

(*imagines Yuki saying "oh well, I recorded a song like they wished, and they don't even recognize me"*) waaaaaaaahhh!!!1

4. good quality at last

IMHO one of the best Yuki/Emily collabs, along with ETYKM

5. the beginning is cute and promising

and while I'm the worst vocal-identifier in the history of CPM, I'll take a guess: Tulivu-Donna Cumberbatch (she sang Lullaby in Fiction)
6. Well, nothing new to comment on. Awesome as ever.
7. Ditto.
8. what? a vocal version of EGO?!!!

this I didn't see coming...

puzzled about the main vocal (doesn't sound much like Eri to me), but it seems like Yuriko in the background...
EDIT: one more loop - were you talking about the bridge, Grunty? I didn'y pay attention at first, since the song was fading away, but this DOES sound like Eri.

9. ah, this song... a CD should be proud to have it burned in...

10. another reunion - a song rivalling pretty much everything Celine Dion has ever released. Someone here classified it as europop (maybe Grunty, since there was something about "despise" and "wannabe"

) I, for one, love it.
11. L.A. Love Absolutely.
12. a candidate for "best song of the album".

this alone almost makes up at the disappointment I felt for not hearing any bagpipes (although these are but samples, so hope springs eternal

13. oh my...

just... oh my...
14. my only complaint about this song was that it seems a bit too long. If the structure is reworked here, can't wish for more. Emily Curtis is one of the more unusual and thus interesting voices Yuki has worked with.
Well, a bit too emotional, but I'm what you may call "pleasable fanbase"

which is presumably allowed here more than anywhere else.
Somebody, release this in Europe, let it at least reach Russia...