I have reached Yuki nirvana
I See Three Ships-Lindsey Stirling (from her Christmas album, I know it's really early, but it's a cool song, not very Xmasy. lol more pirate or Assassin's Creed)
Rescue - SHINee
Urgh Jonghyun's and Onew's vocals and also Taemin's and also Key's and even Minho's in this song
I was listening to that song as i wrote that but then my dad called me so rn I I am listening to
Odd Eye - SHINee
Urgh Jonghyun's and Onew's vocals and also Taemin's and also Key's and even Minho's in this song (reaction is exactly the same lol)
Omggg Rescue (tied with Don't Stop, I just really love Jonghyun and Taemins vocals in that song) and Odd Eye are my favorite tracks off 1and1 and Odd, respectively.
I love Odd Eye in particular because Jonghyun wrote/composed the song with all the members in mind, so he wrote parts that really let all of them shine (even Minho) and that's why they all sound so good in it (same thing with Prism, I really like Minho’s parts there).
And I just love Jonghyuns compositional style so much (it's so unique and not generic like at all) so I also love this song because of that lol
And I LOOOOVE Rescue too, the harmonies are soooo GOOD, I'm gonna go listen to it after lol
They're both so goood
Currently listening to:
I'm in a psych lecture rn so currently listening to my professor talk; but once my lecture's over I'm gonna listen to SHINee-Rescue lololololol
Yess I knowww ugh Jonghyun is such a good composer and his songs are unconventional but the kind that I always liked. Even his version of 헌숨 that he sang in his solo concert differs from the one he composed for Lee Hi's, especially in the chorus.
I'm still really really obsessed with An Encore lol forgive me I forgot how much I liked this song. I especially like Onew's vocal in this song. His voice is mixed the loudest in chorus (well, his voice usually is in almost all songs) and he always delivered them greatly in live performances.
UGH RESCUE IS SUCH A GREAT SONG idk why there's a certain charm in Key's voice that I always really liked I mean Jonghyun and Taemin did really great on the first verse but the 2nd verse and the bridge by Onew and Key had me move my body THEY SOUNDED SO GOOD ALSO THE HARMONIES ARE SO GOOD there's no unnecessary members on SHINee, they all have moments where each individuals shine.
I took so much time writing this rn I'm listening to 괴도 by Taemin obviously.
Lol, about Sehun, it's not that I dislike him, it's just that I don't really get why he's there besides to look pretty. Like, yes, he can dance, but Kai and Lay are better dancers imo, and at least they both get more singing parts (still not much singing parts compared to the rest of EXO, especially Lay, but they usually still get more than Sehun). Like I don't think EXO would struggle at all without Sehun, while I think SHINee always suffers and don't feel complete during performances when it's only 4.
And about that point on Suju lol, while I know that KRY are the only ones who have actual vocal technique, I've always been partial to Donghae's voice lol, he has just such a different and distinct timbre to his voice (He's also attractive as hell lmao), even though he's not really the best singer, technique wise :p
But I fully agree about generally tending to like groups with less members, really big groups usually do nothing for me
And about EXO, I was actually in the exact same boat as you not that long ago lol. Baekhyun and DO are both very techinically good singers, but their voices kinda used to just sound like a generic and typical Kpop voice to me, like I didn't think they were anything special but idk, I started listening to EXO a lot more recently for some reason, and Baekhyun's voice in particular really started to grow on me, idek why. (I think it might have been this and this video, I like seeing him play piano because he's actually surprisingly really good and I play piano too lol so I appreciate seeing him playing. I especially really like that piano solo he does at the end of My Answer. And I've always really really liked My Turn To Cry as a song, I just wish he did the whole thing :/)
Currently listening to:
Girls Generation TTS- Adrenaline
I just found this song recently but it's really good. I think Girls Generation TTS' songs appeal to me more than Girls Generations normal songs, this song is just way more my type of genre, it actually sounds kinda f(x)ish to me lol.
Rip TTS tho :(
Also, since I'm kinda in an EXO mood, My Turn To Cry. This song is sooo pretttyyyyy (the instrumentals and harmoniessss), I love EXO's slow songs so much more than their more upbeat ones lol.