SHINee's first album 'The Shinee World".
Rant Incoming:
I remember when I used to really like SHINee. Their first 2 albums were just godly R&B (seriously, check out
this and
this) but then once their 3rd album released they just kinda fell into the trap of generic, auto-tuned, dub step heavy Kpop songs.
It's sad because I really used to love them (along with a few other groups like Super Junior and Big Bang), but now they're just kinda barely above average compared to the vast amount of crap Kpop out there.
I mean, compare
Love like Oxygen and
Replay, some of their earlier (and best) songs, to stuff like
Everybody which is just all around generic.
Not all of their new stuff is bad, (1 on 1 was a good song, but the album itself was kinda meh) but they're just nowhere near as good as they were back in their debut.
Actually in general, Kpop just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. For one thing, a lot of the fandom is fucking cancerous and cringey as hell (something Kajiura is thankfully free of

), but the music itself is just incredibly samey.
Every group has the token rapper member, every song has the token rap stanza, there's never any harmonization, or any interesting harmonies/counter melodies in general (I never realized how much I've taken Kalafina's beautiful harmonies for granted), nearly every MV has over the top dancing (which I admittedly don't hate), it can be extremely cheesy, there's a crapton of autotune, and a lot of it is just flat out repetitive and annoying. (
please no) .
I honestly just don't get the appeal with the current big groups like EXO and GOT7... Sorry, but EXO's
Wolf is legit one of the most annoying things I've ever heard.
Yeah... I don't know where I'm going with this either, I just needed a space to sound like a hipster and rant

It just sucks because about 5 years ago I used to really be into Kpop and watching how far the industry has fallen makes me somewhat sad. Honestly nowadays, it's really not much better than the Western pop market, which says a lot.
This is why I can never agree with the people who argue that Kalafina has turned to shit.
Yeah, a lot of their recent A sides have been consistently sub-par, but for one thing the b sides are consistently
great, and tbh I'd rather listen to believe than something like
Bo Peep anyday.
I have a lot more I could say about this (Like why isn't
So Hyang more popular??! Shes infinitely better than everything Kpop has shat out in the past few years combined) but it's 3 am and I have school tomorrow and I should go to bed but yeah ugh rip Kpop.