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The Xenosaga soundtracks.
Never played a single Xenosaga game (I really should though, considering Xenoblade is one of my favorite games of all time), but this soundtrack is really making me want to. Kajiura needs to compose for video games more often :touched::touched:
Enya-Wild Child
I don't listen to a lot of English music, but Enya is one of the few artists I really enjoy. Her music is very serene and euphoric, almost reminds me a lot of Emily Bidiger and all the Fiction I and II tracks. I've even seen some people call Kajiura's music the 'Japanese Enya' so there you go lol
Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain by Mono x World's End Girlfriend.

This is one beautiful, depressing album right here.
Aimer's Daydream album again. So good.

It is really good, isn't it? I've been listening to it constantly and now it's pretty damn close to tying with Midnight Sun for my favorite work by her. There are just so many great tracks.:dote:

Anyways, currently listening to the Utsukushisa again. IEN and Tsioku are great and all (and I still love them) but honestly none of them even come close to Utsukushisa. :love::love::love:
It is really good, isn't it? I've been listening to it constantly and now it's pretty damn close to tying with Midnight Sun for my favorite work by her. There are just so many great tracks.:dote:

Anyways, currently listening to the Utsukushisa again. IEN and Tsioku are great and all (and I still love them) but honestly none of them even come close to Utsukushisa. :love::love::love:

Heh, I'm actually listening to Midnight Sun right now. I should really check out the BD that came with Daydream actually. And the one that came with Dawn. And the DVD with Midnight Sun :omgz:. Sadly I only have the regular edition of Sleepless Nights, so nothing there. I only just checked out the bonus BD from Consolation a few months ago, and I preordered that thing. I'm terrible at this :ohoho:.

I think my favourite tracks on Daydream though are Us, Ninelie, Closer, Falling Alone and the other one that TK worked on that I can't remember the title of because it's in Japanese. Her English pronunciation is so good too :plz:.

And yes Utsukushisa is gorgeous. Coincidentally the last things I listened to last night before I went to bed were Utsukushisa, Tsuioku and KnGnN :love:.
Heh, I'm actually listening to Midnight Sun right now. I should really check out the BD that came with Daydream actually. And the one that came with Dawn. And the DVD with Midnight Sun :omgz:. Sadly I only have the regular edition of Sleepless Nights, so nothing there. I only just checked out the bonus BD from Consolation a few months ago, and I preordered that thing. I'm terrible at this :ohoho:.

I think my favourite tracks on Daydream though are Us, Ninelie, Closer, Falling Alone and the other one that TK worked on that I can't remember the title of because it's in Japanese. Her English pronunciation is so good too :plz:.

And yes Utsukushisa is gorgeous. Coincidentally the last things I listened to last night before I went to bed were Utsukushisa, Tsuioku and KnGnN :love:.

Yessss Ninelie,Us, and Closer are among my favorites as well. It's so nice to hear Aimer harmonize with other singers, probably that's why I like Ninelie so much. Hiroyuki Sawano composed it too, so that makes me like it even more lol
And I believe the other song TK worked on was Kowairo? I really really love the strings in that one.

Currently listening to Aura from the .hack/sign OST. God this song is so good, it's really a shame FJ never covered it live. I would kill to hear Keiko sing that last part. :comeback:
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