^ I've never actually heard E.G.O. live, but it sounds really interesting so I should check it out! Does anyone have a link? Like I said Keiko always surprises me with her falsetto, given that her voice is quite deep.
tabete.mio said:
joining this discussion
If it's not too much to ask, can you cite a specific timing where Keiko uses falsetto in any song?

I want to understand their voices better. Its actually really hard to recognize head voice to falsetto.
And can you tell us about the differences in Hikaru's and Wakana's way of singing? I'm not really sure but Hikaru's singing seem to be a lot breathy compared to Wakana's? Does this affect their performance in high notes?
The most prominent example I can think of is, like I cited before, in Oblivious live.
Look at this one here for an example, at about 5:11, she uses a falsetto. Compare that to her head voice-dominant singing in Kaze no Machi e.
The best way to tell falsetto apart from head voice is that falsetto will often sound "fake", because it's not in the modal register. Whereas head voice is just an elevated, breathy kind of voice.
As for the differences in Hikaru and Wakana's singing, Hikaru uses her throat a bit more -- which is what it sounds like Wakana is trying to do lately. It provides more stamina and lets you continue to sing longer. However this is also why Hikaru sometimes can't control the volume of her higher notes and comes off shouty, she'd be better of using a head voice or even falsetto for that
(or moving the mic further away from her mouth

Yukito said:
Any thoughts about Kaori voice? I mean, range... tessitura... falsetto examples... You guys are so pro talking about their voices XD
I love all their voices, they are so unique! But sometimes I confuse them too XD
Kaori is a mezzo-soprano, but she has an impressively wide range. This isn't written by Kajiura, but it's Kaori singing, but I think
this song shows how versatile her voice is. To me it sounds like her tessitura is in the mid range of mezzo, but she never seems to have any true problems reaching higher or lower. She's got a lot of talent.
If you listen to that song you can hear some of her falsetto as well. She uses all of her voices -- chest, head, and falsetto.