TC: Tsubasa Chronicle (TV S1 & S2)
TM: Tsubasa Movie
TTR: Tsubasa Tokyo Revelation
TS: Tsubasa Shunraiki
TC101-A-01 ship of fools
TC101-A-02 believe
TC101-A-03 if you are my love
TC101-A-04 the dreamers
TC101-A-05 best years in our lives
TC101-A-06 YKUNR-TC101
TC101-A-07 YKUNR-TC101
TC101-A-08 ship of fools
TC101-B-09 break the sword of justice
TC101-B-10 strange games
TC101-B-11 if you are my love (harp only)
TC101-B-12 if you are my love (no solo violin, sfx ending)
TC101-B-13 a song of storm and fire (strings excerpt 1)
TC101-B-14 a song of storm and fire
TC102-A-01 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 2 + 1)
TC102-A-02 YKUNR-TC102_105_121_122
TC102-A-03 ship of fools (instrumental excerpt)
TC102-A-04 through the gate (partially strings)
TC102-B-05 I talk to the rain (no beat, no synth edit)
TC102-B-06 together for tomorrow
TC102-B-07 YKUNR-TC102_113_202
TC102-B-08 storm and fire
TC102-B-09 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 1)
TC103-A-01 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 2)
TC103-A-02 lost wings
TC103-A-03 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC103-A-04 tsubasa
TC103-B-05 wayside
TC103-B-06 black sword
TC103-B-07 together for tomorrow
TC103-B-08 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC103-B-09 break the sword of justice
TC103-B-10 break the sword of justice (alt intro)
TC103-B-11 if you are my love
TC104-A-01 if you are my love
TC104-A-02 ship of fools
TC104-A-03 believe (starts with strings only)
TC104-A-04 wayside
TC104-A-05 I talk to the rain (partially instrumental, no violin)
TC104-B-06 blue clouds
TC104-B-07 if you are my love
TC104-B-08 guess how much I love you
TC104-B-09 storm and fire
TC104-B-10 tsubasa (vocal excerpt)
TC105-A-01 guess how much I love you
TC105-A-02 lost wings
TC105-A-03 wayside
TC105-A-04 ruthless (no solos)
TC105-A-05 break the sword of justice
TC105-A-06 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC105-A-07 strange games
TC105-B-08 strange games
TC105-B-09 strange games
TC105-B-10 strange games
TC105-B-11 dewdrops
TC105-B-12 YKUNR-TC102_105_121_122
TC105-B-13 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 2)
TC106-A-01 black sword
TC106-A-02 witch (samples, sfx)
TC106-A-03 hear our prayer
TC106-A-04 storm is coming
TC106-A-05 storm is coming
TC106-B-06 a song of storm and fire (with vocal excerpt 2 in the middle)
TC106-B-07 I talk to the rain (no synth no perc)
TC106-B-08 believe (strings excerpt)
TC106-B-09 through the gate
TC107-A-01 break the sword of justice (non-CD edit)
TC107-A-02 ruthless (piano)
TC107-A-03 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 1)
TC107-A-04 YKUNR-TC107_201
TC107-A-05 wayside
TC107-A-06 a tiny sunshine
TC107-A-07 witch (non-CD edit)
TC107-B-08 strange games
TC107-B-09 YKUNR-TC107
TC107-B-10 if you are my love
TC107-B-11 a song of storm and fire (edit with strings excerpt 2)
TC107-B-12 I talk to the rain
TC107-B-13 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 2)
TC108-A-01 if you are my love
TC108-A-02 YKUNR-TC108_109_112
TC108-A-03 break the sword of justice
TC108-A-04 together for tomorrow (no perc)
TC108-A-05 storm and fire (perc)
TC108-A-06 morning moon
TC108-A-07 a song of storm and fire
TC108-B-08 storm and fire
TC108-B-09 hear our prayer (partially no synth, no harp)
TC108-B-10 strange games
TC108-B-11 witch
TC109-A-01 hear our prayer
TC109-A-02 ruthless (koto excerpt 1)
TC109-A-03 ship of fools (intro vocals excerpt)
TC109-A-04 YKUNR-TC109_112_113
TC109-A-05 YKUNR-TC108_109_112
TC109-A-06 I talk to the rain (partial instrumental)
TC109-A-07 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 2)
TC109-A-08 black sword
TC109-B-09 witch (perc/sfx)
TC109-B-10 break the sword of justice
TC109-B-11 strange names
TC109-B-12 a song of storm and fire (strings excerpt 2 + 3)
TC110-A-01 if you are my love (strings excerpt)
TC110-A-02 storm and fire (perc)
TC110-A-03 storm and fire (perc)
TC110-A-04 strange names
TC110-A-05 YKUNR-TC110_123_206_TTR1
TC110-A-06 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC110-A-07 break the sword of justice
TC110-B-08 morning moon
TC110-B-09 morning moon
TC110-B-10 hear our prayer
TC110-B-11 I talk to the rain
TC111-A-01 storm is coming
TC111-A-02 a song of storm and fire
TC111-A-03 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 2)
TC111-A-04 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC111-B-05 witch (non-CD edit)
TC111-B-06 if you are my love
TC111-B-07 ship of fools
TC111-B-08 believe (starts with strings only)
TC111-B-09 believe (strings excerpt)
TC111-B-10 through the gate (partially strings only)
TC112-A-01 through the gate (strings excerpt)
TC112-A-02 blue clouds
TC112-A-03 best years of our lives
TC112-A-04 YKUNR-TC108_109_112
TC112-A-05 YKUNR-TC109_112_113
TC112-B-06 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC112-B-07 wayside
TC112-B-08 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC112-B-09 storm is coming
TC112-B-10 storm is coming
TC112-B-11 through the gate (partially strings only)
TC113-A-01 through the gate (opening cue with vocal only ending)
TC113-A-02 YKUNR-TC113a
TC113-A-03 YKUNR-TC113_205_211
TC113-A-04 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC113-A-05 YKUNR-TC113b
TC113-A-06 morning moon
TC113-A-07 YKUNR-TC102_113_202
TC113-A-08 YKUNR-TC113a
TC113-B-09 storm is coming
TC113-B-10 wayside (violin cello)
TC113-B-11 a song of storm and fire (strings excerpt 2)
TC113-B-12 YKUNR-TC109_112_113
TC113-B-13 I talk to the rain
TC114-A-01 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC114-A-02 breathless
TC114-A-03 a tiny sunshine
TC114-A-04 I talk to the rain (instrumental)
TC114-A-05 guess how much I love you
TC114-B-06 YKUNR-TC114_204
TC114-B-07 YKUNR-TC114_126
TC114-B-08 break the sword of justice
TC114-B-09 hear our prayer
TC114-B-10 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 2)
TC115-A-01 storm is coming
TC115-A-02 breathless (no synth)
TC115-A-03 storm and fire
TC115-A-04 a song of storm and fire (strings excerpt 2 + 3)
TC115-B-05 when two powers collide
TC115-B-06 best years of our lives
TC115-B-07 when two powers collide (strings excerpt)
TC115-B-08 believe (partially strings only)
TC115-B-09 ship of fools
TC116-A-01 If you are my love
TC116-A-02 through the gate (strings excerpt + opening)
TC116-A-03 YKUNR-TC116
TC116-A-04 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC116-A-05 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC116-A-06 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC116-A-07 strange names
TC116-B-08 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC116-B-09 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC116-B-10 fatigue (cello excerpt)
TC116-B-11 tsubasa (instrumental)
TC117-A-01 a song of storm and fire (strings excerpt 1)
TC117-A-02 YKUNR-TC117_118_124 (no beat)
TC117-A-03 ship of fools (vocal and synth)
TC117-A-04 wayside
TC117-A-05 YKUNR-TC117
TC117-A-06 guess how much I love you
TC117-B-07 black sword
TC117-B-08 stay
TC117-B-09 storm is coming
TC117-B-10 break the sword of justice
TC117-B-11 tsubasa
TC118-A-01 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 2 no lower harmony or choir)
TC118-A-02 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC118-A-03 the dreamers
TC118-A-04 YKUNR-TC117_118_124
TC118-A-05 if you are my love
TC118-B-06 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC118-B-07 black sword
TC118-B-08 stay
TC118-B-09 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC118-B-10 strange names
TC119-A-01 you are my love
TC119-A-02 Kaze no machi he
TC119-A-03 Kaze no machi he (partial instrumental)
TC119-A-04 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC119-A-05 voices silently sing
TC119-B-06 break it down again
TC119-B-07 voices silently sing (sax intro)
TC119-B-08 black sword (koto only)
TC119-B-09 voices silently sing (synth, vocal, sax)
TC119-B-10 I sing to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC120-A-01 voices silently sing (sax intro)
TC120-A-02 guess how much I love you
TC120-A-03 witch
TC120-A-04 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC120-A-05 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC120-A-06 black sword
TC120-B-07 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC120-B-08 if you are my love
TC120-B-09 you are my love (Sakura ver instrumental)
TC120-B-10 you are my love (Sakura ver)
TC120-B-11 1&0 city
TC121-A-01 when two powers collide (strings excerpt)
TC121-A-02 voices silently sing (sax intro)
TC121-A-03 best years of our lives
TC121-A-04 YKUNR-TC121
TC121-A-05 YKUNR-TC102_105_121_122
TC121-A-06 endlesly (cue)
TC121-B-07 Kaze no machi he
TC121-B-08 voices silently sing (intro vocal + sax)
TC121-B-09 a song of storm and fire (partially instrumental)
TC122-A-01 voices silently sing (sax intro)
TC122-A-02 voices silently sing
TC122-A-03 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC122-A-04 fatigue (starts with cello only)
TC122-A-05 ship of fools
TC122-A-06 YKUNR-TC102_105_121_122
TC122-B-07 ruthless
TC122-B-08 breathless
TC122-B-09 masquerade
TC122-B-10 voices silently sing (vocal intro)
TC122-B-11 endlessly (piano and chorus excerpt)
TC122-B-12 YKUNR-TC122_125_207_209_TS2
TC123-A-01 YKUNR-TC117_118_124 (no beat)
TC123-A-02 masquerade
TC123-A-03 Voices silently sing (intro vocal + sax)
TC123-A-04 voices silently sing
TC123-A-05 strange names
TC123-A-06 1&0 city
TC123-B-07 when two powers collide (strings excerpt)
TC123-B-08 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC123-B-09 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC123-B-10 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 2)
TC123-B-11 you are my love
TC124-A-01 a song of storm and fire (starts with vocal only)
TC124-A-02 voices silently sing (no vocal)
TC124-A-03 Kaze no machi he
TC124-A-04 breathless
TC124-A-05 1&0 city
TC124-B-06 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC124-B-07 YKUNR-TC117_118_124
TC124-B-08 break the sword of justice
TC124-B-09 catastrophe
TC125-A-01 YKUNR-TC122_125_207_209_TS2
TC125-A-02 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC125-A-03 1&0 city
TC125-A-04 1&0 city (piano then synth)
TC125-A-05 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC125-B-06 fatigue (cello excerpt)
TC125-B-07 voices silently sing (vocals only)
TC125-B-08 catastrophe
TC125-B-09 believe
TC125-B-10 ship of fools (partially vocal only)
TC126-A-01 if you are my love
TC126-A-02 ship of fools (vocal excerpt )
TC126-A-03 through the gate
TC126-A-04 YKUNR-TC114_126
TC126-A-05 you are my love (Sakura ver)
TC126-A-06 ship of fools
TC126-B-07 strange names
TC126-B-08 break the sword of justice (perc)
TC126-B-09 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC126-B-10 tsubasa
TC201-A-01 ship of Fools (vocal excerpt 1)
TC201-A-02 rainbow (no synth)
TC201-A-03 believe (strings excerpt)
TC201-A-04 indian summer
TC201-A-05 together for tomorrow
TC201-A-06 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218 (cue)
TC201-A-07 YKUNR-TC107_201
TC201-A-08 ship of fools
TC201-B-09 we go further everyday
TC201-B-10 slipstream
TC201-B-11 a song of storm and fire (partially instrumental)
TC202-A-01 slipstream
TC202-A-02 indian summer (guitar and drums only)
TC202-A-03 wayside
TC202-A-04 ruthless (no piano)
TC202-A-05 YKUNR-TC202_205_223
TC202-A-06 YKUNR-TC102_113_202
TC202-A-07 together for tomorrow
TC202-A-08 wayside
TC202-B-09 indian summer
TC202-B-10 slipstream
TC202-B-11 slipstream
TC203-A-01 a song of storm and fire (instrumental)
TC203-A-02 storm and fire
TC203-A-03 antinomie (synth excerpt)
TC203-A-04 ruthless
TC203-B-05 slipstream
TC203-B-06 we go further everyday (strings excerpt)
TC203-B-07 indian summer
TC203-B-08 total eclipse
TC203-B-09 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC203-B-10 believe
TC203-B-11 ship of fools
TC204-A-01 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC204-A-02 ship of fools
TC204-A-03 guess how much I love you
TC204-A-04 catastrophe (perc)
TC204-A-05 morning moon
TC204-A-06 morning moon
TC204-B-07 ruthless (no piano)
TC204-B-08 if you are my love
TC204-B-09 YKUNR-TC204
TC204-B-10 you are my love (instrumental)
TC204-B-11 dawn
TC204-B-12 YKUNR-TC114_204
TC205-A-01 merrymaking (no flute)
TC205-A-02 masquerade
TC205-A-03 YKUNR-TC205_221
TC205-A-04 blue clouds
TC205-A-05 YKUNR-TC205_209
TC205-A-06 YKUNR-TC202_205_223
TC205-B-07 ruthless
TC205-B-08 YKUNR-TC113_205_211
TC205-B-09 antinomie
TC205-B-10 I talk to the rain (instrumental)
TC205-B-11 tsubasa
TC206-A-01 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC206-A-02 YKUNR-TC206
TC206-A-03 YKUNR-TC110_123_206_TTR1 (no beat)
TC206-A-04 together for tomorrow (intro)
TC206-A-05 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC206-A-06 strange names
TC206-A-07 YKUNR-TC116_122_206
TC206-A-08 best years of our lives
TC206-B-09 darkness comes
TC206-B-10 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC206-B-11 rainbow (no synth)
TC206-B-12 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC206-B-13 dreamscape
TC207-A-01 YKUNR-TC122_125_207_209_TS2
TC207-A-02 merrymaking
TC207-A-03 ruthless (koto excerpt)
TC207-A-04 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC207-A-05 YKUNR-TC207
TC207-A-06 further
TC207-A-07 need your love
TC207-A-08 femme (synth excerpt)
TC207-A-09 femme (no synth)
TC207-B-10 merrymaking
TC207-B-11 ruthless (koto excerpt)
TC207-B-12 fatigue (cello excerpt)
TC207-B-13 the dreamers (cue)
TC207-B-14 ruthless (koto cue)
TC207-B-15 femme (no synth)
TC207-B-16 darkness comes
TC208-A-01 total eclipse
TC208-A-02 total eclipse
TC208-A-03 femme (no synth)
TC208-A-04 moebius
TC208-A-05 femme (synth excerpt)
TC208-A-06 siren song (instrumental excerpt)
TC208-B-07 need your love (cello excerpt)
TC208-B-08 femme (no synth)
TC208-B-09 moebius
TC208-B-10 swordbreaker
TC208-B-11 fireseeker
TC208-B-12 uninvited guest (no synth)
TC209-A-01 uninvited guest (no synth)
TC209-A-02 femme (no synth)
TC209-A-03 femme (no synth)
TC209-A-04 YKUNR-TC205_209
TC209-A-05 ship of fools
TC209-A-06 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC209-B-07 further
TC209-B-08 YKUNR-TC122_125_207_209_TS2
TC209-B-09 moebius
TC209-B-10 femme (no synth)
TC210-A-01 uninvited guest
TC210-A-02 femme (no synth)
TC210-A-03 femme (no synth)
TC210-A-04 moebius
TC210-A-05 dawn
TC210-B-06 merrymaking
TC210-B-07 rainbow (no synth)
TC210-B-08 rainbow (no synth)
TC210-B-09 wings of your imagination (no synth)
TC210-B-10 ship of fools
TC211-A-01 YKUNR-TC103_105_112_120_206_211
TC211-A-02 YKUNR-TC211_215_TM (piano)
TC211-A-03 you are my love (instrumental)
TC211-A-04 wayside (violin solo)
TC211-A-05 wayside
TC211-B-06 YKUNR-TC113_205_211
TC211-B-07 YKUNR-TC113_205_211
TC211-B-08 indian summer (no strings, no solo excerpt)
TC211-B-09 a song of storm and fire
TC211-B-10 YKUNR-TC211
TC211-B-11 wayside (violin solo)
TC212-A-01 YKUNR-TC212
TC212-A-02 1&0 city (piano excerpt)
TC212-A-03 when two powers collide (strings excerpt)
TC212-A-04 together for tomorrow (e. guitar and sax)
TC212-A-05 Kaze no machi he (piano ending only)
TC212-A-06 Kaze no machi he (piano ending only)
TC212-A-07 slipstream
TC212-B-08 slipstream
TC212-B-09 further
TC212-B-10 Kaze no machi he
TC212-B-11 ruthless (no piano, no koto)
TC212-B-12 fireseeker
TC213-A-01 I talk to the rain
TC213-A-02 I talk to the rain
TC213-A-03 Kaze no machi he
TC213-A-04 slipstream
TC213-B-05 YKUNR-TC213_220_225
TC213-B-06 guess how much I love you (piano excerpt)
TC213-B-07 Kaze no machi he
TC214-A-01 longingly
TC214-A-02 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC214-A-03 you shall overcome (no strings)
TC214-A-04 you shall overcome (no strings)
TC214-A-05 you shall overcome (solo excerpt)
TC214-B-06 you shall overcome
TC214-B-07 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC214-B-08 broken sword of justice
TC214-B-09 broken sword of justice
TC214-B-10 broken sword of justice (strings excerpt)
TC214-B-11 you shall overcome (solo excerpt)
TC215-A-01 you shall overcome (strings excerpt)
TC215-A-02 crying alone
TC215-A-03 crying alone
TC215-A-04 you shall overcome (solo excerpt)
TC215-A-05 you shall overcome
TC215-A-06 YKUNR-TC215
TC215-A-07 antinomie
TC215-B-08 YKUNR-TC211_215_TM (strings)
TC215-B-09 dreamscape (alternative solo)
TC215-B-10 aikoi
TC216-A-01 you are my love
TC216-A-02 ring your song
TC216-A-03 requiem for the evil (vocal excerpt 1)
TC216-A-04 requiem for the evil (vocal excerpt 2)
TC216-A-05 you shall overcome (partially no synth)
TC216-A-06 ship of fools
TC216-B-07 requiem for the evil (vocal excerpt 1)
TC216-B-08 prove yourself (strings excerpt)
TC216-B-09 aikoi (instrumental)
TC217-A-01 ring your song (piano excerpt)
TC217-A-02 antinomie
TC217-A-03 prove yourself (strings excerpt)
TC217-A-04 ring your song (piano excerpt)
TC217-A-05 you shall overcome
TC217-B-06 you shall overcome (strings excerpt)
TC217-B-07 Loop (instrumental) (by Maaya Sakamoto)
TC218-A-01 a tiny sunshine
TC218-A-02 further
TC218-A-03 little one so sweet
TC218-A-04 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC218-A-05 little one so sweet
TC218-A-06 YKUNR-TC218_220_TTR3
TC218-B-07 dreamscape (instrumental)
TC218-B-08 YKUNR-TC113_116_118_201_204_207_218
TC218-B-09 rainbow
TC219-A-01 need your love
TC219-A-02 tsubasa (instrumental)
TC219-A-03 breathless (no synth)
TC219-A-04 YKUNR-TC219_220
TC219-A-06 siren song
TC219-B-07 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC219-B-08 ring your song
TC219-B-09 YKUNR-TC203_206_209_214_218_219
TC219-B-10 siren song
TC220-A-01 YKUNR-TC220
TC220-A-02 siren song
TC220-A-03 YKUNR-TC218_220_TTR3
TC220-A-04 before the storm
TC220-A-05 YKUNR-TC219_220
TC220-A-06 YKUNR-TC213_220_225
TC220-B-07 a song of storm and fire (vocal excerpt 1 nochoir)
TC220-B-08 let go
TC220-B-09 I talk to the rain (vocal excerpt 1)
TC220-B-10 hear our prayer
TC220-B-11 aikoi
TC221-A-01 YKUNR-TC221
TC221-A-02 Kaze no machi he (instrumental)
TC221-A-03 YKUNR-TC205_221
TC221-A-04 ring your song
TC221-A-05 YKUNR-TC112_118_119_120_206_221
TC221-B-06 indian summer
TC221-B-07 indian summer
TC221-B-08 together for tomorrow
TC221-B-09 run for your life
TC221-B-10 believe
TC222-A-01 my dear feather (no synth no perc)
TC222-A-02 further
TC222-A-03 a whip and a witch
TC222-A-04 my dear feather (instrumental)
TC222-B-05 a whip and a witch (strings excerpt)
TC222-B-06 ship of fools
TC222-B-07 requiem for the evil (no perc)
TC222-B-08 my dear feather
TC223-A-01 a whip and a witch
TC223-A-02 ring your song
TC223-A-03 YKUNR-TC202_205_223
TC223-A-04 prove yourself
TC223-A-05 Tsuki no shijima
TC223-B-06 YKUNR-TC114_118_123_125_214_219_223
TC223-B-07 my dear feather
TC223-B-08 sacrifice
TC224-A-01 prove yourself
TC224-A-02 sacrifice
TC224-A-03 my dear feather (no synth no perc)
TC224-B-04 ship of fools (vocal excerpt 1)
TC224-B-05 my dear feather (vocal excerpt)
TC224-B-06 ship of fools (vocal excerpt 2)
TC224-B-07 crying alone
TC224-B-08 Tsuki no shijima
TC225-A-01 dreamscape (instrumental)
TC225-A-02 a requiem for the evil (vocals + synth)
TC225-A-03 swordbreaker (no solo excerpt)
TC225-A-04 YKUNR-TC213_220_225
TC225-A-05 my dear feather (no synth, no perc)
TC225-A-06 need your love
TC225-B-07 aikoi
TC225-B-08 sacrifice
TC226-A-01 ship of fools
TC226-A-02 prove yourself
TC226-A-03 sacrifice
TC226-A-04 ship of fools (vocal excerpt 1)
TC226-A-05 my dear feather (starts with vocal excerpt)
TC226-B-06 fireseeker
TC226-B-07 dawn
TC226-B-08 aikoi
TM-02 if you are my love
TM-03 YKUNR-TC211_215_TM (no piano)
TM-04 ship of fools (instrumental excerpt)
TM-05 a tiny sunshine
TM-06 breathless (synth)
TM-07 lost wings
TM-08 break the sword of justice
TM-09 morning moon
TM-10 YKUNR-TC211_215_TM
TM-12 believe
TM-13 storm and fire
TM-14 a song of storm and fire
TTR1-01 YKUNR-TTR3 (reverb)
TTR1-03 1&0 city (synth excerpt)
TTR1-04 break the sword of justice
TTR1-05 YKUNR-TC110_123_206_TTR1 (no beat)
TTR1-06 YKUNR-TTR3 (reverb)
TTR1-09 YKUNR-TTR3 (reverb)
TTR2-01 darkness comes
TTR2-02 prove yourself (partially no synth)
TTR2-03 moebius
TTR2-04 catastrophe (instrumental)
TTR2-05 hear our prayer
TTR2-06 a song of storm and fire (partially no synth)
TTR2-07 total eclipse (sfx)?
TTR3-01 total eclipse (sfx)?
TTR3-02 morning moon
TTR3-05 YKUNR-TC218_220_TTR3
TTR3-06 ship of fools (non-CD edit)
TTR3-07 hear our prayer
TTR3-08 if you are my love
TTR3-09 we go further, everyday (strings excerpt)
TS1-01 sacrifice (strings)
TS1-02 ship of fools (vocal excerpt 1)
TS1-03 morning mood
TS1-04 voices silently sing (vocal excerpt)
TS1-05 ruthless (koto)
TS1-07 ship of fools (extended intro)
TS1-08 proves yourself (non-CD edit)
TS1-09 fatigue
TS1-10 in the beginning there was you and me (partially no synth)
TS2-01 YKUNR-TC122_125_207_209_TS2
TS2-02 femme (synth excerpt)
TS2-03 let go
TS2-04 catastrophe (partially instrumental)
TS2-05 ship of fools (no beat)
TS2-06 hear our prayer
TS2-07 darkness comes (no synth)
TS2-08 I talk to the rain (instrumental)
TS2-09 if you are my love (partially without strings)
TS2-10 we go further, everyday