Sword Art Online (SAO: P)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keiri
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Oh, no, I don’t watch this anime since season 1. I’m tired of the main theme or even the soundtracks. Hehe.
What is it that you don't understand about "I'm tired of the soundtracks"? Ok, I've to recognize they are getting mature in the last seasons. In fact, I liked those new sounds of Alicization buuuuut the thing with Yuki's career is getting like this: SAO SAO SAO new/different anime SAO SAO SAO SAO new/different anime SAO....

Pls, george1234 don't kill me for expressing my opinion :)
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Come on its the first long running anime she is ever done. Bet its the same for the composers of Conan Naruto Fairytail One piece etc. I personally have no issue as long as she gets to work at other projects as well, and she has done quite many since SAO started: Madoka Tv anime and 3 movies Hanako to Ann, Fate Zero Zaregoto Lord El Melloi, Pripri, FSN HF...
Come on its the first long running anime she is ever done.
I suppose I'm not used to this lol
But I'm pretty happy with the soundstracks for Fate, Lord El Melloi (Season2pls) and even KnK. I want more of this :)

PS: Madoka and Fate/Zero was before SAO.
90% chance will be our favorite sound director but who knows....It's still early anyway but hearing the trailer, it's kinda not like him to insert luminous sword without edit and the first sfx sounds like a work of a sound director lol (not just getting some ambient tracks from Kajiura) so I'm a little bit optimistic :ohoho:
Aw shucks. I was hoping she wouldn't have to do more SAO for a while. Hope the music is as good as Alicization.
Wait. It's a movie? Wut. Ordinal Scale feeling intensifies.
Maybe they just reuse the original anime OST with 3 new tracks and call it a day, it would probably be for the best, lol.

In all seriousness doing this whole Progressive project is so dumb when the novels are still barely at the beginning. How much beyond the first ?4 episodes of SAO could this movie go? lol. Is it just going to be episode1 from Asuna's POV?

If anyone is having trouble with youtube's geolocked animu PVs just go to twitter, they usually post them there too without geolocks.
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This is not so bad news. Do remember that some people were complaining before that the reason why her music wasnt as good as before is that she's composing for shows that have male MC instead of female - or something like that. But if its from Asuna's POV, that makes her the protagonist, right ? And so far the best themes were for the female characters: Luminus sword (Asuna), You' re not Alone (Yuuki) She was sitting... (Alice) with few exceptions like Bercouli. so if there are new musics there is high chance they ll be good. Still i wont believe this is the only thing she's working on, it ll have a ton of reused bgms.
This is not so bad news. Do remember that some people were complaining before that the reason why her music wasnt as good as before is that she's composing for shows that have male MC instead of female - or something like that.
To me that's utter BS.
(inb4 you find a quote from 10 years ago where I myself said that, lol, but I doubt even I was that crazy.)

And so far the best themes were for the female characters: Luminus sword (Asuna), You' re not Alone (Yuuki) She was sitting... (Alice) with few exceptions like Bercouli.
That's debatable. They may have been your favs so if you want to believe it's because they were "female"centric themes in the show, great - hope you aren't disappointed with that line of thought on upcoming projects.
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