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Sound Horizonメジャーデビュー10周年年記念念作品第3弾

9th Story CD『タイトル未定』

完全数量限定デラックス盤 (2CD+Blu-ray+特製グッズ) 10,000円+税(PCCA-04161)
初回盤(CD+DVD) 3,500円+税(PCCA-04162)
通常盤(CD Only) 3,000円+税(PCCA-04163)

◆9th Story CD『タイトル未定』予約購入先着オリジナル特典
4月15日発売の9th Story CD『タイトル未定』の完全数量限定デラックス盤・初回盤・通常盤をご予約・ご購入頂くと、先着にてオリジナル特典を予定しております。


◆アニメイト限定 早期予約購入応募抽選キャンペーン

5 years ago I would've been excited but I didn't like what Revo's been doing after Moira.

PS. What's the 8th Story?
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Sound Horizon 4年半振りの「Story CD」を4月に発表

Sound Horizonが、2015年4月15日にメジャーデビュー10周年記念作品第3弾9th
Story CDを発売することがわかった。

Sound Horizonのオリジナルアルバムは4年半ぶり、ファンにとっては待望の発表と同時に「なぜ9th Story CDなのか?」と話題になっている。前作「Ma"rchen」は7th Story CD。順当に数えると今作品は「8th Story CD」となるはず。

しかし、発表されたリリース情報には「9th Story CD」と明記されているのだ。いったい「8th Story CD」はどこへ行ってしまったのか、その理由はアルバムに隠されているのだろうか…。


10年という月日をかけて、「物語音楽」というジャンルを創り上げてきたRevoが放つ4年半ぶりのStory CDは、「とある骨董品屋からはじまる物語」だという。「もしあの時こうだったら、何かが変わっていたのだろうか・・・」とは一体どういうことなのか、何を描いているのか。今後の展開が楽しみである。

9th Story CDは3形態で発売。初回盤、通常盤に加え、完全数量限定デラックス盤も予定されている。完全数量限定デラックス盤は、2CD+Blu-ray+特製グッズが含まれ、かなり豪華な内容が期待される。詳細は後日発表とのこと、収録内容を心待ちにしたい。

☆Linked Horizon名義のあの曲はこちらへ!

Vol. 999 of “Revo fools his fans for a laugh” is here!
Feb 6, 2015 • 19:15
The title for the 9th Story CD is revealed, but it’s only provisional. A piece of conceptual art (or key visual) is released, showcasing a futuristic look that includes girls with cat ears and a Revo-looking character with sunglasses. Is this a new installment of Revo fools his fans for a laugh?

Cat-eared “Revo” and his cat-eared friends from the future
The following image was made public today via the Sound Horizon official website:


The sci-fi look seems to clash with the tagline associated with this new Story CD:

“A story beginning from a certain antique shop.

If it had been this way back then, would something have changed?”

However, anything is possible (and anything makes sense) when it comes to Revo and Sound Horizon. Many theories have sprung up since the release of the image. The yelow and green blocks turn blue and purple when inverted, reminding of Hortense and Violette.


Also, it has been suggested that the grey shadow surrounding the main character’s face could be the sillhouette of a woman reaching out to him from above.

Album title revealed… or is it?
Along with the image, the 9th Story CD was given “provisional title” Bastet. All in all, many doubts are still yet to be cleared:

  • Will the 9th Story be based in the future?
  • Will it actually bear any connection with Super Marvelous Dimension?
  • Does Bastet have anything to do with the Egyptian cat-looking goddess with the same name?
  • Is it just a coincidence that “cats have 9 lives”?
  • Is this an April Fools joke?
Sound Horizon’s new album 9th Story CD “Bastet (provisional title)” will be released on April 15, 2015 and will come in three different editions. Click here to learn more about the contents of each edition. If you’re interested in preordering any of the editions on CDJapan, you can do so below:
I'm really looking forward to this album. I'm pretty sure we'll all be surprised when the album is finally released. Can't really expect anything from Revo xD
Please make the four cat girls in the cover Kaori, Yuuku, Remi, and Rikki! I want them back :cry: no more vanishing starlight treatment for this upcoming horizon please
The album randomly popped up on my amazon links and I checked SanHoras site:

The CD got pushed back a week and is now called Nein (instead of the temporary Bastet).
Indeed. Maybe he also went for some phonetical nine, Idunno. Who the heck knows with Revo.
Regular Edition cover art which seems to be unfinished?

5th silhouette resembles Elef and Misia from the Moira cover at
3rd silhouette resembles the Gitano sister from Seisen no Ibera (although I'm not sure since these silhouettes might be from the main horizons)
4th looks like elizabeth and meru from marchen
7th looks like yield with her parents :XD:

9th Story CD『Nein』レコーディング参加アーティスト【第2弾】発表

Sound Horizonメジャーデビュー10周年記念作品第3弾

9th Story CD『Nein』

■完全数量限定デラックス盤 (2CD+Blu-ray+特製グッズ) 10,000円+税(PCCA-04161)
■初回盤(CD+DVD) 3,500円+税(PCCA-04162)
■通常盤(CD Only) 3,000円+税(PCCA-04163)

<Vocals & Voices>

Jimang、Joelle、 Shin、南里侑香、深見梨加、Fuki、藤田咲、結良まり、RIKKI




サッシャ、Ike Nelson

9th Story CD『Nein』には、第1弾で発表したアーティストも含め、