sorry for bumping, but i found this thread just now and i couldn't resist ><
seventh heaven - like many before me, i simply found it too boring

.... but then, i discovered the live version in kalafina's 5th anniversary live cd. i think the overture also helped a lot to make me love it. keiko's part is

and when all three come together and harmonize perfectly it was like

in a good way. and then i listened to it while reading the bittersweet ending to a fanfic, and the combined effort made me cry, LOLOL. (the same thing's happened with interlude 01, actually, but i loved that song from the start, so it shouldn't be mentioned here lol)
in your eyes - i actually pretty much hated this song, but the catchy beat grew on me. well, actually... i read a conspiracy theory about the lyrics of the song, and that makes me laugh and like this song every time i listen to it now
houseki - i didn't really like marina's version (the original). but everything changed when i watched the live version that had keiko singing it

her voice really brings out like... everything lol. of course she does well at it! houseki was the song she used to audition for kalafina, iirc
kyrie - i couldn't really think of a reason why i never liked to listen to this song... but as i fell in love with all of kalafina's dance tracks, this quickly won me over
ongaku - to be honest, i still don't
like like it... i thought i would, because keiko is the main vocal and i love keiko, but.... the thing that changed my mind for me was wakana's part, and then keiko joining in later

i still only prefer the live versions of this
symphonia - really it's just like my experience with seventh heaven. i think it has waaaay more impact if you listen to it at the end of a playlist, especially when the playlist starts out with eden. those two go together like woahhhh; it comes as no surprise that i fell in love with symphonia only after going through after eden from beginning to end.
i do wish that the pv wouldn't focus on those weird two kids though
aria - i used to skip over this because i never enjoyed the beginning, lol. but now i absolutely love this because of how the tempo picks up power
mirai - i never liked the original, and i never liked kalafina's cover of it. but at the end of the 5th anniversary live, when they played it at the end and wakana was crying because she was so touched by all the fans and keiko comforted her -- i actually started to cry too

i still don't listen to it all too often, though
the totoro theme song lolol - yep. i never really liked it at all. but when i heard kalafina's completely-on-the-spot improvisation of the theme i was like WOWWWWWW. it's a pity they didn't cover the entire thing
there's probably a lot more, but these are the examples that come to mind first