Actually, I'm afraid that in a few days it will be pointless to use spoiler tags if poor Mami undergoes heavy memetic mutation. And even if she doesn't, there's always Auntie Wikipedia with her episode summaries (and spoiler tags don't seem to have been invented there yet).
Btw, before I forget - some glimpses at the manga. Usual courtesy of AS, since I'm obviously too lazy to look for info elsewhere.
For the episode... I was... not shocked (due to anticipating that from the spoilers), but close to it. Few spoilers actually mentioned HOW it was going to happen. The whole absurdity of the surroundings (THE CAKE IS A LIE, anyone?), the witch's disturbing cartoon cuteness, and... the ending. Boy, the ending visuals, coupled with the song, make just as big an impact as the whole episode. Btw, TVtropes wrote that the face we see at the end is Mephistofeles' mask from the movie of the same name. A mahou shoujo full of Faust shoutouts? Shinbo-sensei's practically made a genre micro-revolution with this alone.
The TVtropes page also has a guess/info that explains why Homerun-chan Akemi didn't use her bow this time. It seems that the Barriers react to any influential presence, namely those of Puella Magi's - their emotions (check out the scene on the bridge) and probably thier will. In theory, Soul Gem power allows partial control over the Barrier and probably the ability to choose whatever attack method you prefer. Instead of being given some exclusive weapons, they may be just inventing them on the go and sticking to the most efficient ones. While I don't know about the credibility of this all, I remember how easily Mami modified Sayaka's bat in Ep2. Her unlimited hyperspace flintlocks, ribbons, teacups and big guns also fit.
I can't wait to see Ep4. While I'd like Mami to be revived, I'm staying cautious about WHETHER or HOW it may be accomplished. And anyway, we have yet to know if wishes are granted immediately or not. Of course, Kyubey's anxiety about the girls' wishes back then was understandable to me -
he might have not known whether he could rely on Akemi, and becoming Puella Magi looked like the only chance for survival, what with the witch dining meters away. Of course, that practically put the girls into a situation similar to Mami's - "wish for your life", although in broader context.
And don't forget another girl featured both in the OP and ED - the one with the bow and ponytail, I mean. Is she a Puella Magi, too?
And the music remains great. We got reprises of Mami's theme (now it started sounding like Eri Itoh to me.... arrgh my head ) and the [explanation] theme (lame title, but I can only base it on the first appearance so far... or maybe it's a general Puella Magi motif?), the reprise of [witch hunt] track, a new battle theme with Arabian tints... and my personal "knockout of the episode" award gooooooeeeeees tooooooo.......... the violin song Kamijo played! Even though it's heart-wrenchingly SHORT. I'm expecting a full version, though. :please:
I have a question! Probably not a very significant one, but I'm curious
When Mami ties Homura up in 3rd ep, Homura says that the monster they're about to fight is "different". Why does she say that? Is it because she knows the monster is beyond Mami's skill? Or because it does something special to the people it ingests? Or it had those weird multiple layers that kept peeling off when it was exploding? Or something else?
Oh, my. Charlotte, the poster child for "beware the nice ones" trope, gets her own spotlight.
And Mami is sad for being
eaten by a creature twice as cute as herself
One blogger reviews the events and landmarks leading up to Madoka Magicahere.
"Kujiura Yuki" bugs me, mostly for being put in quotation marks. Rather than a misprint, could it be a mistake from the staff press releases? Or... does it have some punny meaning, like in the case of "chidamari sketch"?
I rewatched Ep 1 with a friend and i realized that Mami's transformation theme was slowed down, just like Magia.
Really? It sounds all the same to me. Not that my ears are of much authority in such cases. Of course, it won't be until the OST release that we'll know if the Episode 1 version was slowed down or the later versions were sped up.
being actually the doll on a chair. And she dies when Akemi reaches and crushes her.
That might be credible and expanatory to Akemi's warning about the witch's difference. So much the more that the episode started with the talk about familiars. Judging by the screenshot where the caterpillar just spits another caterpillar, Mami actually attacked a nigh-immortal familiar who would only get progressively dangerous in the course of the fight. Poor girl wasn't even ready for the second phase.
Remember how Mami said at the beginning of the episode "It's not just show-off". Sadly ironic that she practically went for a show-off and quick victory in the fight... and failed. She was too hyped by the fact that she was not alone anymore.
BTW, I wonder if Mami lost her family in that traffic accident. But then, couldn't she just wish them back to life? Or can a wish only be directed at a single person at a time?
(how about a little gambling? I become a Puella Magi, you save my family... and won't you have to save ME anyway? Dying here will surely prevent me from fulfilling my part of the contract. Of course, I doubt someone like Kyubey would buy it)
EDIT to avoid quadriple posting: now, THIS speculation really made ROFL. Makes disturbing sense, too. Albeit undermining the concept of risk magical girls put themselves into... although
it was exclusively Mami who HAD to wish for "not dying".
And if you wish this deliberately, you're wasting your wish on the work you have to do for it.
Of course, there's MAdoka who doesn't seem to have any particular wishes. If the aforementioned AS speculation proves true, she might consider this option.
And the witches around the world go "" at the news of a potentially POWERFUL and INDESTRUCTIBLE Puella Magi appearing.