Puella Magi Madoka Magica ☆ Magia Exedra Game Theme Song "Lighthouse" FictionJunction feat. LINO LEIA

the booklet for that See-Saw album does have snippets of lyrics of Kalafina's "I have a dream"

he just writes lyrics, music, arrangements best suited for a "song", rather than "artist". But then for another answer she basically says she imagines specific singers singing what she writes
Yes! Both happen, spontaneously and sometimes simultaneously, in the composition process.
I choose to believe Kajiura just creates songs. Not specifically "Kalafina songs" or any other artist.
Would these compositions have fit into Kalafina’s discography? Absolutely. But I'm 99% certain they weren’t written with Kalafina in mind.
I agree!
The song was specifically composed for three vocalists, not one, not four, but exactly three. If you swap out ASCA, Aoi Eir, and ReoNa for Keiko, Hikaru, and Wakana, you essentially get a Kalafina song. No other post-Kalafina track would be this easy to convert.
You've got me imagining the song with Kalafina.... Keiko definitely starts as usual (or Hikaru) with Wakana joining her on the first harmony...
Or Sokyu no Fanfare could just be a full vocal&lyric arrange of swordland that was made for SAO's 10th anniversary. Wild idea, no? o_0
Lol, sure, that's possible too.😅

Kajiura said that Sokyuu was what grunty described, and swordland was supposed to be Kirito's theme but ended up being a theme for the whole anime cause it became popular, thats why Sokyuu used its melody too later on.
Did Kajiura unmistakably state that it was written specifically for the 10th anniversary? Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I remember she only said in that interview, that when she wrote swordland, she wrote it as Kirito's theme. I guess that was probably what she was supposed to write from the music menu she received from production. Still, swordland was handled and utilized as the overall main theme of the anime since episode 1, so I think as soon as the production team received the tracks they recognized immediately that swordland was main theme material. Therefore it wouldn't be surprising to me at all if she had used it for the song already as early as 2012 after she got feedback from the production team.

But of course, this is all just speculation. All I want to say is, that of all the songs Kajiura has produced since Kalafina's disbandment, this, to me, seems to be the most likely one to have been created with Kalafina in mind (plus maybe also Hachigatsu no Organ).
Just a word of caution, we might not get a clean online version of the OP video until AJ2025 is over. (Or the game is out on Thursday.) Camcorded footage here we go.

Who knows about the song itself... lol.
The refrain is typical anisong one, the verse are a bit up n down but i ll get usef to it. I like Yuriko's high vocals and yes LL has improved .

I suppose this is the lighthouse ?


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Listening to these camrips in the morning, I still feel I like it. The last phrase of the refrain with its transition to the outro fills me with a rush of positivity. I'm here for a lighter/more positive sounding era (only to be taken away from us with Walpurgis Rising). I'm still glad it's not a Hachigatsu no ORGAN situation with LL singing higher and higher. Looking forward to hearing a clean version, if only to hear how she actually sounds.

What bothers me is the transition to the refrain (the ending of the prechorus, which seems rather autopilot anisong Kajiura, and the cut itself to the refrain). I expect the transition back to second verse will be rough too, but that's par for the course for Kajiura songs in the last 10 or however many more years.
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I'm still glad it's not a Hachigatsu no ORGAN situation with LL singing higher and higher. Looking forward to hearing a clean version, if only to hear how she actually sounds.
I'm with you on that! LINO LEIA needs to be firmly planted in the low-to-mid-high region of her range to get a good vocal performance from her.

I also think she does better in these rhythmic songs rather than slow ballads that require longer held notes and vibrato (which she's not really good at) or runs/dynamics (she's also not good at that).

I would also like to hear this song at the YKL21 to really hear how she really sings it. Hopefully with this same game animation playing on screens behind.
Well, I have to admit that I was expecting something else.
I'll wait to listen to the song in a decent quality because the first listening with those camrips is... disappointing.
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アーティスト:FictionJunction feat. LINO LEIA


All Keyboard & Programming:梶浦由記

今野 均Strings
1st Violin:今野 均・漆原直美
2nd Violin:石亀協子・渡邉 栞
Viola:金 孝珍・三品芽生