Golden daffodil at her window
the booklet for that See-Saw album does have snippets of lyrics of Kalafina's "I have a dream"
Yes! Both happen, spontaneously and sometimes simultaneously, in the composition process.he just writes lyrics, music, arrangements best suited for a "song", rather than "artist". But then for another answer she basically says she imagines specific singers singing what she writes
I choose to believe Kajiura just creates songs. Not specifically "Kalafina songs" or any other artist.

I agree!Would these compositions have fit into Kalafina’s discography? Absolutely. But I'm 99% certain they weren’t written with Kalafina in mind.
You've got me imagining the song with Kalafina.... Keiko definitely starts as usual (or Hikaru) with Wakana joining her on the first harmony...The song was specifically composed for three vocalists, not one, not four, but exactly three. If you swap out ASCA, Aoi Eir, and ReoNa for Keiko, Hikaru, and Wakana, you essentially get a Kalafina song. No other post-Kalafina track would be this easy to convert.