(POLL) Yuki Kajiura tracks with MAKEOVERS (or multiple versions) (as of 2024)

Point Zero

The live recoding is nice but the tension and atmosphere are really lacking. There’s really no comparison here for me, og all the way.

OG +1

Let the stars fall down

I like the otherworldliness of Hanae’s vocals in the original, but I prefer the strength of the drumming in the live. I’ll give this to the live

Live +1

Battle to the strong

Much like Point Zero, the og is better in every way.

OG +1

Beginning of the End

Live. The drums, bass, e guitar, and piano really elevate this piece

Live +1


Live. I love the addition of piano, and I like that it mashes up both versions.

Live +1

World is Tumbling

Live. I didn’t care for the og at all but the live is so fun. I love how aggressive the singing is compared to the og, and the added lines of chanting make it all sound more full if that makes sense.

Live +1

Kind of surprised by how much I enjoyed the live tracks. I’m not a huge fan of fz’s ost, and I actually remember not liking the live tracks when this collection released
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@Sora your +1 ratings don't seem to match your opinions.
I'm still in a poo mood, only got worse with the arumajo thread, so not touching F/Z for now.
canta per me
og is classic. I can't even say anything to try and be objective here. The song is ingrained in my brain. Love.​
I also enjoyed listening to the Japanese version actually. The lyrics are surefine and the vocals are perfectly servicable for a character song. What is fascinating is the clean mix compared to the rather muffled original. Wonder why they couldn't have gone back to sessions to re-mix the og for Early Best ('cause they clearly only remastered it there) - are those really lost by now? Shame, even though I do not hate the og mix sound.​
FICTION ver. is way too aggressive to my liking, both on the instrumental side with the very clear accordion, as well as vocal side. Do not like it, do not care for it. I guess there's some argument to be had with the Japanese ver mix also sounding more aggressive than the muffled original but it's nowhere close to this FICTION version for me.​
+1 original, +1 Japanese ver (shockingly?)​

Tsuki no Shijima
I don't remember what I thought when the song first came out but the thread was about revisiting recordings and I'm very here for it today. I'm not the biggest fan of Yui Makino's vocals but the whole song is very pleasant to me and very much Yui works for me here today. I love the steady rhythm and how it flows, I like the melodies, all transitions make sense to me, the strings chilling in the background are magical.​
And here's the kicker... I think I like the ultimate mix even more. It seems I really like having one singer doing everything these days, including backing vocals. The song is even more harmonious without Yuriko.​
+1 ultimate mix (blasphemous?)​

Mizu no Akashi
There are a few notes in Rie's performance which are grating but it's another a classic in my book so I can't fault it. When I was putting the bracket together I was thinking I'd be giving some props to the Acoustic Ver but I realized I like how the percussive synths in the 2nd half are giving the original song momentum and pushing it forward. The Acoustic Ver. kind of stalls for me with the keyboard strings and piano not really doing much, despite cello trying and being as pretty as ever.​
Continuing from the above, I'm actually going to give props to FictionJunction ver. for essentially being what the Acoustic Ver. was attempting to show off and doing it better in my book. WAKANA's vocals in this recording are doing it for me as well. Very nice all around indeed.​
ReTracks is another take on the Acoustic Ver. (pretty sure it's still the original keyboard piano) and while the strings are very pretty and are doing a better job at keeping the song alive for me than the Acoustic Ver. synths were, I find the mix a little on the sharp side. The cello at the end also seems kind of weird, like I'm not sure if it's new or taken from the original recording (despite not being credited) or doubled in the mix.​
+1 original, +1 FJ ver​
canta per me - OG. fiction is not bad especially the chorus + deb lyons but the OG is the best. i'm pretending japanese ver doesn't exist.

Tsuki no Shijima - no feelings either way but the ultimate mix sounds more interesting with the various beats and synth.

Mizu no Akashi - Wakana ver. Rie Tanaka vocals are no for me. Wakana sniff.