(POLL) Yuki Kajiura tracks with MAKEOVERS (or multiple versions) (as of 2024)

Let me see


I thought this one would be a no-brainer but, as on those older tracks before, I'm flipping back n forth, lol. Sans vocalists, the song and its arrange are mostly the same, just with more live instruments and an overall softer approach to the performances & sound. Thing is, I think I don't really dislike Kajiura's keyboard cheese sound... Or the ?juvenile all-out musical singing - it has its charm once you know what you're getting...​

I guess the softer sound feels more fitting for the song so I'll go for the FJY version but I really wouldn't skip Juliet's version either if it came up.​

+1 FJY​


Oh this one turned out to be easy. I can't stand how the choruses sound in the piano version, neither Wakana nor Hikaru sound pleasant to me. The overexcited & sharp (with cutting notes short) performance from Keiko during the first verse is kind of offputting to me as well - I do not understand why they chose to do it like that for the scarce arrange 'cause she sounds great with Hirotaka in the 2nd verse.​

I guess we can argue that Keiko's not singing soft in the original either but it works far better with the busier arrange and blended mix IMHO. Same for W&H.​

+1 og single ver.​

"Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru"

I feel ReMix2013 really changes how the song feels. The original version might be a little hollow but it feels wider/"soaring", for lack of a better word in my vocabulary. The aggressive bass in ReMix2013 that covers just about everything once it hits kind of constricts the song and IMHO is quite obnoxious. A.guitar feels like it's taking a backsit in ReMix2013 and the rest of the instrumental feels much smaller overall. I also don't like that they minimized certain synths throughout. It is "just" a remix but the focus of the track kind of changes between the two versions.​
Listening to the new intros in those two released TV-Sizes today (setting some mixing/mastering differences aside for the main-part), I feel the stripped-down type1 is okay but the new vocal take & slower piano in type2 is rather cheesy (and not in a cute but pretentious/forced-pathos kind of way)... maybe just my mood today.​
+1 og single ver.​
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Koi no Kiseki
(2003 "melody" / Saeko Chiba album)
Performance: Saeko Chiba

I liked the positive vibe of her vocal and the backing harmonies: simpler, not the most "polished" voice, but heartfelt!

you are my love
(2005 Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape I)
Performance: Eri Itoh

English version: Beautiful performance by Eri Ito with her tone, bright expressiveness, and English speaking. The smoothness and richness throughout her range (even while singing breathily), and giving of the proper emphasis and meaning of the English lyrics, is just top-tier as usual.

you are my love
(2006 "Amrita" / Yui Makino single)

Japanese version: A breathy voice (or artistic choice for the song?). Of course, Eri's is superior.

(2009 "Everlasting Songs" / FictionJunction album)
Performance: FictionJunction (KEIKO, KAORI)

Singing is at the usual level. I am just not feeling the effect on Kaori's voice (mentally comparing it to the lives, since that's my intro to the song).
Also not a fan of the high-hat hits (sound and placement). Not sure I've noticed them being done during lives.

Well, as I’ve previously stated, I’m not a nostalgist of early 2000s keyboard arrangements in the slightest. Despite that, the original is quite ok actually, also vocally. Nevertheless, the FJY version is by far the better version in my opinion, not only because of the instrumental arrangement, but also the slightly expanded vocal harmonies in the chorus.

+ 1 FictionJunction YUUKA ver.


There is a time and place for stripped down acoustic versions of songs, but, at least to me, they are rarely in general better than their original counterparts. This one is no different. Especially during the Kajiurago parts of the song, the acoustic version just sounds a bit too simplistic, if not to say boring. The strings really do carry quite a lot of the songs atmosphere in my opinion and keep in engaging during the Kajiurago parts. In general, I find the original arrangement was exceptionally well done.

+1 original ver.

Kimi wa boku ni niteiru

I absolutely agree with @grunty on the remix version. The acoustic guitar is my favorite element of this song arrangement wise, and when it gets pushed so far into the background like this, it really doesn’t help the song at all. Many other elements apart from the ac guitar and bass are actually mixed better and sound fuller in the remix compared to the original, most notably the strings and the electric guitar but also the vocals. Still, the loud bass and quiet ac guitar kind of destroy the remix version for me.

As for the tv versions, they were an interesting listen, but as only the intro changes significantly and they are not full versions, they cannot compete with the original version.

+1 original ver.
OK this had pros and cons on both sides, for me.

In the 2013 original, the strings were driving a lot of the dramatic tension and flow of the song (as they usually do). It's written almost as a gentle, warm prayer, so that was an important factor. The rhythm section (bass drum) gave forward momentum to the song showing a progression through time, as the song lyrics spoke of best wishes for the future so while the 8th-note push on the bass reflected moving forward, the drum tempo felt like someone taking a steady walk (you can walk to it).

The 2016 acoustic was more of a cry and appeal because of the very forward vocals. Keiko was the same on both as the lead. She didnt approach it any differently. Her dynamics and tone were essentially identical.

Since Hikaru and Wakana were essentially providing all the harmonic content and energy for the chorus (or weren't mixed lower with vocal effects) unlike the original, everything they did stood out as present and highlighted, not atmospheric or dreamy like in the original (including the Kajiurago).

So I would say the original song felt more like a track with Keiko leading while accompanied by all the surrounding backing vocals and music, while the acoustic version felt more like a prayer from all of the 3 of the ladies, where they could each express their feelings more prominently. Sakurada's always excellent accompaniment gave some life and tonal/temporal balance to the vocals.

Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru
(2005 "Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru" / See-Saw single)
For this song, the original was the most balanced in terms of the mixing of the lead guitar and Korenaga on the electric with the vocal lead. The bright effects of the high notes on both instruments came through cleanly. I also enjoyed the intro vocal with the percussive synth and keys.

Different intro for the TV versions (just guitar wth lower mix prominence) and the remix instead had solo piano sounds for the intro. In both, the mix sounded a little muddier/less clear and distinct in the mid-to-highs for the guitars. The bass sounded more prominent instead.

Vocal performance was the same by Chiaki except for the slowed down intro on the remix.

Seiya was kinda boring to me (no anime/nostalgic investment to give it emotional weight) so I just listened to Yuuka's version on YouTube and left it at that.
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Just an aside, but one of the ways I rate a vocalist is their technical and expressive depth - how they can change their understanding and expression of a vocal over time across studio and live versions, and in consonance with changes in arrangement and instrumentation.

If we ever did a vocalist tier ranking (though that would be controversial) let me just say some of the popular favorites might not be S-tier in my books.

Listening to these songs further cements this opinion in my mind, since I'm much more singing-focused.

@grunty Thanks for the spread of tracks I might not have listened to otherwise.
Just an aside, but one of the ways I rate a vocalist is their technical and expressive depth - how they can change their understanding and expression of a vocal over time across studio and live versions, and in consonance with changes in arrangement and instrumentation.

If we ever did a vocalist tier ranking (though that would be controversial) let me just say some of the popular favorites might not be S-tier in my books.

Listening to these songs further cements this opinion in my mind, since I'm much more singing-focused.

@grunty Thanks for the spread of tracks I might not have listened to otherwise.
Would you send me per PN how you would rank so 10 singers of yuki you can think of?

It's been a bit since I've re-listened to this one, as it's, uh, not one of my favorite Yuuka tracks. I wasn't aware this was a self-cover, and while I like the Juliet version's arrangement, the random vocal switch feels rather jarring. Also, I felt less bored listening to the Yuuka rendition, though I'm not sure why lol.



Talk about a palette cleanser! I've used this song to ring in the new year for the last five years now (time flies!), and so it has a special place in my heart. The original wins out for me, because I find the refrain's harmonies a lot smoother there, but I do also enjoy the piano version. I similarly re-listen to the Winter Acoustic during the winter holiday, so its emotionality has grown on me over time.

+1 Original

Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru

I haven't re-listened to this song in ages, for similar reasons to Seiya. I think both tv-sizes are fairly pretty, with a bit more preference towards Type 2. The original just drags for me, and the re-tracks version has an odd reverb on the vocals that feels forced.

+1 TV Size Type 2

@Decretum do you need the Fantasy Sound & Reading album?
. . . If you have it, then yes.
Seiya was kinda boring to me (no anime/nostalgic investment to give it emotional weight) so I just listened to Yuuka's version on YouTube and left it at that.
Well, I guess it's Kajiura's take on a christmas carol, considering the lyrics and it being performed in a christmas musical.
week4 lets go~

Okay, lets get Fate/Zero out of the way. Maybe I should've waited til next week for a 5th week special, but I said I'd do the previous random choice in a dump this week so it is what it is. It's a bit of a mess, I just dumped all the musicians credits.

Did we ever reach a consensus on who was singing in "the beginning of the end" when Eri isn't credited? Or did we just assume her not being listed was a mistake (it certainly sounds like her...).

We'll get back to the chronological/alphabetical/random format next week.
Did we ever reach a consensus on who was singing in "the beginning of the end" when Eri isn't credited? Or did we just assume her not being listed was a mistake (it certainly sounds like her...).
She always sings it live so it must be her.
(I will eventually vote guronti! I had actually written full poopinions for week 1 but my draft for some reason didn't automatically save and I got salty hue)
Thank you for week 4! Allow me to suggest to also include a link to dogfight#2, as the live arrangement ver. mixes sections of both dogfight and dogfight#2, if I remember correctly.
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Point Zero

While I also enjoy the live arrange version quite a lot, I have to say that I do prefer the movie-score atmosphere of the original with the mixed choir. Also, I prefer how the main theme melody is first instrumental before the choir comes in a bit later. It just sounds more interesting and dynamic than the live arr. ver. where the whole thing is sung.

+1 original

let the stars fall down

Uuh, this one is difficult. I kind of like both the same and don’t really have anything to say here.

+ 1 original / +1 live arrange

the battle is to the strong

I quite strongly prefer the original version. In my opinion, the e-guitar takes quite a central role in this track and in the live arrange ver. the guitar just sounds too weak for my taste. Also, the guitar solo is just better in the original, like WAY better. Additionally, the mixed choir just hits so much more than the live arrangement vocals imo.

+1 original

the beginning of the end

Absolutely love the original, but here I actually have to go with the live arrange ver. as my favorite. The addition of the piano and e-guitar especially towards the end really add a lot on top of the already dramatic feeling of the original track. But the main selling point for me is the added flute section towards the end of the track, which I adore.

+1 live arrange


This one is interesting, as the live arrange ver. really is a combination of dogfight and dogfight #2: Up to aroud 1:40 the live ver. follows the original dogfight, but from then on we basically switch to dogfight #2 up to roughly 2:45, where we then go back to dogfight where we left before. Effectively dogfight live arrange ver. is an arrangement of all of dogfight and about 2/3rd of dogfight #2.

I would say I kind of do prefer the live arrange ver. here over the individual original tracks, as it is kind of the “ultimate” dogfight, if that makes any sense. The ending with the added piano is also more interesting to me than in the original.

+ 1 live arrange

the world is tumbling down

This track was never among my favorite tracks of the original soundtrack, but the live arrange ver. really manages to do a lot for me to elevate the song. While I’m usually not a fan of prolonging a song by simple repetition of a section, the vocal variations here really add a lot to it in my opinion. Also, Yuri Kasahara is truly on top of her game here, just awesome!

+1 live arrange
It's not a ded thread yet so go ahead (even with previous weeks' tracks). :)

I'm not in the mood for Fate/Zero ATM so I'm kind of dreading jumping into the current selection. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better.
Point Zero

One of my all-time favorite Kajiura tracks; love it to bits. Yuri's voice is excellent on both recordings, and the FJ harmonies work very well. Live version has a slightly glitchy guitar effect, which is initially a tad off-putting but it also kinda works. Idk if I can bring myself to choose between them so I'll just choose them both.

+1 Original, +1 Live Arrange

Let The Stars Fall Down

The live has stronger strings but the percussion feels a bit over-the-top. Hanae's vocals are also shakier, which is understandable but generally leads to a less-engaging listen.

+1 Original

The Battle Is To The Strong

Love the guitar intro, but the harmonizing is very forceful and jarring. So essentially the same as above lol.

+1 Original

The Beginning of The End

The live's harp is pretty, and the instrumental on both versions is excellent. Might prefer the live flute just a bit, but the original's is good too. Eri does a good job on the live vocals, but I prefer the more haunting vibe of the original's.

+1 Original


Ughhhhhhhhhh what a slog. Never liked this one much, though oddly enough I think I'm gonna give this one to the live version. Yes, it's the longest at four minutes, but I like the addition of the piano.

+1 Live

The World Is Tumbling Down

Once again, I like the piano. Yuri's voice is very powerful and very clear, and both versions have good harmonizing. The improv work on the live threw me off a bit but it managed to tie itself together pretty well. Having a hard time choosing . . . WHY HELLO, WAKANA!

+1 Live
Week 4

Point Zero: the og but the live isn't too bad. The og in soundtrack has more heft to it and the piano actually makes it worse (not this time Kajiura!)!!!

Let Stars Fall Down : I take it that we don't include non-canonical lives for this ? Because Live 9 ver. TRUMPS ALL. Definitely the og though over that live arrange which is awful.

the battle is to the strong: torn. the vocals in og are better but the drums+guitar in live is more interesting. when in doubt go with the og...

the beginning of the end: the live for sure. the flute at the end and piano+strings make the song so much more powerful than og. Eri's clean delivery. muah.

dogfight: live ver. but not by a long margin.

The World Is Tumbling Down: live ver. hands down. Yuri's wailing voice in the middle adds so much character to the song (starts @1:50). Yuri's operatic voice at 3:19 is as if she plays a heroine in an opera. YES YES YES! Yuri's low voice (!!) and the chorus returning at 3:33 ... brings tears to my eyes.

I'm stuck here lol, that ECHO at 3:07 from Yuri's is also a heart stopper.
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