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Revo cosplay~lol~he does looks like Revo though~ :ohoho:
He's the MC during Kalafina interview in Hong Kong~
A Reinterpretation of Recent Events: Thanks to a certain radio show, Keiko was finally able to get her happy ending. :TdT: :TdT: :w00t: :cheer:


Keiko: *thinking* Gosh, Wakana’s hands sure look nice today~ :shy: :love:


Host: What a nice shirt you’re wearing today, Wakana-san! :ayashii: :sparkleguy:
Keiko: *thinking* Oh, it is nice, isn’t it~~ :dote:


Wakana: Oh yeah, this is my funny-sleeved shirt! :ohoho: *exposes arm*
Keiko: *thinking* OMG :omg: Wakana’s arm~ :shy:


Host: OHHHHH SEKUSHI DA~~~~~ :psst: :psst: What an attractive woman you are, Wakana-san~ :sparkleguy:
Keiko: *still smiling, but…* *thinking* Wait….what did he just say?? :knife:
*strokes Wakana’s arm possessively in nervous reflex reaction*


Keiko felt the green-eyed monster of jealousy awaken within her… :glower:





Keiko tried to stay focused but she just couldn’t keep her eyes off Wakana, who inevitably always brought a smile to her face.
Keiko: *thinking* Wacchan~ :dote: :dote: :love:
Host: Have you ever considered modelling, Wakana-san? You certainly have the looks for it~ :sparkleguy: :psst:
Wakana: *embarrassed* Oh, haha…no, no, you flatter me, really…



Silently fuming, Keiko burned holes into the table with her furious glare.


Wakana seemed to notice something was wrong and was about to ask Keiko if she was okay, when…


…that infuriating DJ interrupted her…
Host: So, Wakana, I heard you like sharks. Well, it…haha… :sparkleguy: just so happens that I tame sharks in my spare time at Oceanworld. :groucho: :hero:
Wakana: WHA-? REALLY?! SUGOOOIIII :waii: :waii:
Keiko: :glower:


Host: Yeah *flexes* Actually people also call me DJ Megalodon :sparkleguy:
Wakana: REALLY?!! NO WAAAAY~~ :waii: :waii:
Keiko: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:


Host: Hey, I even know some shark jokes. Here’s one for ya: Who’s the best shark writer? William SHARKspeare :ohoho:
Wakana: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG DJ-san you’re so funny! :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:
Keiko: *thinking*Right. That’s it. I can’t stand this any more! :cry: Wakana is MINE. :glower: :glower: I must reclaim her... :touched: :orz: :orz:


*Later on, during the show break*

Keiko: Hey, Wakana, I have something to ask you…
Wakana: Huh, yeah, ask away~


Keiko: This might be a but sudden, but… :touched: *tearing up* :cry: Wakana, I’ve always loved you! :orz: Please marry me! :bow: :comeback:
Wakana: …………..:white: :white: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: EHHHHH MAJIIIII??!!!!!


Wakana: *grabs Keiko* Keiko…is this true?!! Are you serious?!!
Keiko: Of course I’m being serious, would I joke about something like this?!! :cry: I’ve loved you since the very beginning…for so long now… :cry: :cry:


Wakana: But…but…why didn’t you say so earlier?!! :omg:


Keiko: You – you were always so cold to me! :orz: :orz: I didn’t know what to do to reach you, so I held back! :cry: :cry:


Wakana: Oh Keiko…it’s because when I get too close to you I feel like my heart will burst… :touched: ...and you looked so happy with Hikaru, I thought I had no place beside you :cry: But I’ve always loved you secretly too! :touched: :touched:


Keiko: So…your answer…?
Wakana: …is YES, of course!
Keiko: YES?! REALLY?! I don’t believe it! :touched: :touched: :touched:


Wakana: Look, I’ll even announce it to the world! Hey minna, listen up! Keiko just proposed to me and I said yes. You all hear that? I’m marrying Keiko~~ :hearts: :hearts:
Keiko: :touched: :touched: :touched:


Wakana: And now I think I’m ready to finally express my feelings for you, Keiko~ :shy:
Keiko: Wait…wh-what…? :omg: :omg:


*Wakana leans in slowly towards Keiko’s face* :chuu:
Keiko: OMG IS THIS A K-K-K-K-KI- :blood: :imdead:



-after the kiss-

Keiko fainted.

Keiko: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:
Wakana: Oh dear, was it too much for her? :confu:
Hikaru: *generally confused* :confu: :confu: :confu: Sorry, I only just tuned in…what happened?

-after Keiko was revived-


Wakana: Remember, Keiko, you belong to me, now. :love:
Keiko: And you’re mine, Wacchan~ :shy:
Hikaru: *finally knowing what’s going on* OMG congratulations! I don’t believe it! You finally confessed! I had a bet with Kaori when you two would get together. :ohoho:


- afterwards, Wakana showed off the engagement ring to everyone -


- and with that, the wedding preparations went into full swing -

Keiko: Hikaru, I’m going to delegate you as best man and Kaori as maid of honour!
Hikaru: …why am I the man? :confu:
Wakana: :ohoho:

:shy: :plot:
…and they lived happily ever after…
OMG my tummy.... MY TUMMYYYYYY!!!! :XD: :XD: :XD:

Seriously, whoever is responsible for creating those onions should make a ROFLMAO one. GAWD AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I find that the scripted dialogues actually fit the pictures really nicely regardless of what they were discussing for real in the show itself (especially those moments where Keiko did look as though she's :glower: and :bloodlust: ). Fantastic, Cerise!! :goodjob:

Cerise said:
Host: So, Wakana, I heard you like sharks. Well, it…haha… :sparkleguy: just so happens that I tame sharks in my spare time at Oceanworld. :groucho: :hero:

Host: Yeah *flexes* Actually people also call me DJ Megalodon :sparkleguy:

Host: Hey, I even know some shark jokes. Here’s one for ya: Who’s the best shark writer? William SHARKspeare :ohoho:

LOL the guy is so lame :XD: :XD:

Cerise said:
Hikaru: *finally knowing what’s going on* OMG congratulations! I don’t believe it! You finally confessed! I had a bet with Kaori when you two would get together. :ohoho:

LOL² Hikaru and Kaori betting about Keiko and Wakana :ohoho: So, who won the bet? :XD:

Cerise, you're awesome. :goodjob: :XD: I loved when Keiko looked like :glower: , it totally fits. Just epic. So, when is their wedding? :psst:
Re: Re:

aero.senpai said:
So, when is their wedding? :psst:

^already happened :psst:


Reverend Hikaru: You may now kiss the bride. :ohoho:

~Keiko dived right into it~ :chuu:

Wakana: Huh - ? Wait - wha - nuuooooo ~tried to pull Keiko face back but only got her hair~ Hey, I wasn't ready!

Keiko: Sorry, Wacchan, I got too excited~ :shy: :love:

~they drift off into their own lovey-dovey world~

~meanwhile, the other girls wondering how Hikaru ended up as the priest~ :confu: :confu:

:imdead: :ohoho:
^already happened

Reverend Hikaru: You may now kiss the bride.

~Keiko dived right into it~

Wakana: Huh - ? Wait - wha - nuuooooo ~tried to pull Keiko face back but only got her hair~ Hey, I wasn't ready!

Keiko: Sorry, Wacchan, I got too excited~

~they drift off into their own lovey-dovey world~

~meanwhile, the other girls wondering how Hikaru ended up as the priest~
ahahah Cerise I love your story!!! :shy: :shy: :shy: :sohappy:
Re: Re:

Cerise said:
Reverend Hikaru: You may now kiss the bride. :ohoho:

~Keiko dived right into it~ :chuu:

Wakana: Huh - ? Wait - wha - nuuooooo ~tried to pull Keiko face back but only got her hair~ Hey, I wasn't ready!

Keiko: Sorry, Wacchan, I got too excited~ :shy: :love:
Aww man, wrong timing! :XD:

Oh yeah, continuing our discussion from this blog post about whether Wakana has usurped Keiko's harem, the answer is...
Nope, don't think so. :ohoho:

Keiko is still BOSS. :psst:

Piccies from the report of their recent in-store event + mini live at LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza.
^^ OMGG thank you Keiriiiiii~~~ KYAAAAAAAA~ ~~ The third pic :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: LOVEEEE~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :love: :love:

Oh, but I think see the whole picture now… :plot:

~a few days ago~

*The fickle Wakana begins to wander astray from Keiko*


Wakana: Why, Hikaluu~~ :ayashii: :shy: :shy: You certainly look amazing in that costume. :dote: I simply love your dress…and your boots…and… :psst: …take a photo with me!

Hikaru: :ayashii: Certainly, Wakana… :sparkleguy:


*Keiko felt a twist of jealousy watching those two and so got extra clingy when Wakana later approached her for a photo as well*

~A few days later, the affair(?!) between Wakana and Hikaru develops~


Hikaru: Quick, Wakana! Let’s elope together whilst Keiko isn’t looking~! :shy: :plot:

Wakana: :shy: Okay, Hii-kun~ :sohappy:

Keiko: *turns around just in time to see Hikaru and Wakana trying to sneak off*
:white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: NAAAANNNDAAAAAA

Wakana: :white: :swt: :swt: :fwa: Ah crap, she’s coming! :omg: :hide:

*Keiko storming across the stage towards them*


Keiko: :glower: :glower: :glower: AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING WITH MAI WAIFU, HIKARU MASAI?! :listen: *quickly pushing her away from Wakana to the other end of the stage* :knife: :knife: :knife: :knife:

Hikaru: :swt: :plot: Well, actually, to be honest, Wakana got bored of you so she came to me. :psst: :innocent: :sparkleguy: :ohoho:

Keiko: :white: :white: :white: :white: :blood: :blood: :blood: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :imdead: :imdead: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Hikaru: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Keiko: :TdT: Since it’s come to this, it seems I have no choice but to play my trump card :hero: :whip:

Hikaru: :confu:


Suddenly, there was an explosion and a bright flash of light…

Hikaru and Wakana: :white: :white: :white: :white:

~it seems Keiko knew Wakana’s weakness~ :plot:


Keiko:*advancing slowly on her prey victim ahem, target* Now, now Wacchan, mai dear lovely waifu, don’t you remember who you belong to~~~? *traps her in iron grip* :knife:

Wakana: *wall of resistance beginning to crack* H-haiii…of course… :omg: :dote:

Keiko: If you try to run away with Hiichan again, I may have to end up chaining you to me, Wacchan…now you wouldn’t like that, would you…? :innocent:

Wakana: :shy: Yeee – I mean! :omgz: Nooooooo… :swt: *trying to resist*

Hikaru: :omg: It’s no use! Wakana’s reached her breaking point!

Keiko: :knife: It seems I’ll have to…punish you…for misbehaving so much… :plot: :plot: :psst:

~another huge burst of light~

~And with that, not only was Keiko Kubota re-establised as the undisputed Harem Master BOSS, her conquest of Wakana Ootaki’s heart was complete~

/is sniped :imdead:
Perhaps this is why we never see much WakanaxHikaru – Keiko probably gets too jealous of the two of them… :ayashii: :XD: :XD:
Special_K said:
Keiri said:

DAT pic..... :psst:

^Yes. It's like Keiko comes towards Wakana for some hugging, and Wakana is telling her: "No, Keiko, not here..." :psst: :XD:

Cerise: How can you always do this? LOL Good laughs everyday with Kalafina's Love-Love Skits by Cerise :XD: :goodjob:

aero.senpai said:
^Yes. It's like Keiko comes towards Wakana for some hugging, and Wakana is telling her: "No, Keiko, not here..." :psst: :XD:

DESSHOOUUU~~ :psst: Just look at how aggressively Keiko is grabbing her wrist, and Wakana looks like she's trying hard to be reluctant and resist Keiko's advances :plot:
What can I say? :XD:

Epic pictures are epic!

(but epic yuri tales take it even further.......) :psst:
Yes, it's just epic :ohoho: While I'm laughing here, I'm can this be so funny? :XD: