Pics Discussion Topic

  • Thread starter Thread starter maxwell9
  • Start date Start date some things just need to be dug up.... :tea:

Like this one...... :psst:

Keiko would make an awesome ice cream ambassador! :goodjob: But if Wakana is a professor of sharkology, what's Hikaru? :confu:
Curator of a butterfly museum? :XD:

No idea.....either that or just something that is very moe.....

Special_K said: some things just need to be dug up.... :tea:

Like this one...... :psst:
If this was real, I would totally go for this brand over Häagen-Dazs any day! Not that I can afford Häagen-Dazs in the first place anyway and not that their ice creams taste the best. :ohoho:

Cerise said:
Keiko would make an awesome ice cream ambassador! :goodjob: But if Wakana is a professor of sharkology, what's Hikaru? :confu:
A physician who treats insomnia. No one raves about the importance of sleeping more than she does. :sparkleguy:
Dr Hikaru Masai, Sleep Specialist
Prof. Wakana Ootaki, Sharkology PhD
Ambassador Keiko Kubota, International Ice Cream Representative

Speaking of digging up stuff :ayashii: ...


Found this buried in some old file on my laptop…can’t remember where it’s from but it’s so :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Wakanaaaaaa :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

BE STILL MY HEART~ *flutterflutter* :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Anyone refresh my memory as to which booklet/pamphlet it’s from?

(And Wakana’s signature is SO CUTE – it has it’s own face! :XD: )

EDIT: never mind! thank you winter, who just told me it was from kagayaku pamphlet :love:
Hehe seen the behind-the-scene for this particular photo shoot?

Such a huge contrast from the mellow mood exuded in the pamphlet. GOOFBALLNESS FTW!! :XD:

Commander Wakana: All Goofball Squadron troops assemble! :ohoho:

LOL but really, what on earth is she actually doing there?? :XD: :XD: she looks like an air-traffic controller :XD:
:cry: AAAH WAKANA!!!!!! She's just so cute. Wanna have her signature too.
*hands over a shark-shaped-cake*
Dr Hikaru Masai, Sleep Specialist
Prof. Wakana Ootaki, Sharkology PhD
Ambassador Keiko Kubota, International Ice Cream Representative :ayashii:
Cerise I adore you!! :shy:

AAAH WAKANA!!!!!! She's just so cute. Wanna have her signature too.
*hands over a shark-shaped-cake*
Wacchan is always adorable *WWWWWW* :sohappy:

And also I want all these icecream *________*