A Reinterpretation of Recent Events: Thanks to a certain radio show, Keiko was finally able to get her happy ending.
Keiko: *thinking* Gosh, Wakana’s hands sure look nice today~
Host: What a nice shirt you’re wearing today, Wakana-san!
Keiko: *thinking* Oh, it is nice, isn’t it~~
Wakana: Oh yeah, this is my funny-sleeved shirt!
*exposes arm*
Keiko: *thinking* OMG
Wakana’s arm~

What an attractive woman you are, Wakana-san~
Keiko: *still smiling, but…*
*thinking* Wait….what did he just say??
*strokes Wakana’s arm possessively in nervous reflex reaction*
Keiko felt the green-eyed monster of jealousy awaken within her…
Keiko tried to stay focused but she just couldn’t keep her eyes off Wakana, who inevitably always brought a smile to her face.
Keiko: *thinking* Wacchan~
Host: Have you ever considered modelling, Wakana-san? You certainly have the looks for it~
Wakana: *embarrassed* Oh, haha…no, no, you flatter me, really…
Silently fuming, Keiko burned holes into the table with her furious glare.
Wakana seemed to notice something was wrong and was about to ask Keiko if she was okay, when…
…that infuriating DJ interrupted her…
Host: So, Wakana, I heard you like sharks. Well, it…haha…

just so happens that I tame sharks in my spare time at Oceanworld.
Host: Yeah
*flexes* Actually people also call me DJ Megalodon
Host: Hey, I even know some shark jokes. Here’s one for ya: Who’s the best shark writer? William SHARKspeare
Wakana: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG DJ-san you’re so funny!
Keiko: *thinking*Right. That’s it. I can’t stand this any more!

Wakana is MINE.

I must reclaim her...
*Later on, during the show break*
Keiko: Hey, Wakana, I have something to ask you…
Wakana: Huh, yeah, ask away~
Keiko: This might be a but sudden, but…
*tearing up* 
Wakana, I’ve always loved you!

Please marry me!
Wakana: …………..

Wakana: *grabs Keiko* Keiko…is this true?!! Are you serious?!!
Keiko: Of course I’m being serious, would I joke about something like this?!!

I’ve loved you since the very beginning…for so long now…
Wakana: But…but…why didn’t you say so earlier?!!
Keiko: You – you were always so cold to me!

I didn’t know what to do to reach you, so I held back!
Wakana: Oh Keiko…it’s because when I get too close to you I feel like my heart will burst…

...and you looked so happy with Hikaru, I thought I had no place beside you

But I’ve always loved you secretly too!
Keiko: So…your answer…?
Wakana: …is YES, of course!
Keiko: YES?! REALLY?! I don’t believe it!
Wakana: Look, I’ll even announce it to the world! Hey minna, listen up! Keiko just proposed to me and I said yes. You all hear that? I’m marrying Keiko~~
Wakana: And now I think I’m ready to finally express my feelings for you, Keiko~
Keiko: Wait…wh-what…?
*Wakana leans in slowly towards Keiko’s face*
-after the kiss-
Keiko fainted.
Wakana: Oh dear, was it too much for her?
Hikaru: *generally confused*

Sorry, I only just tuned in…what happened?
-after Keiko was revived-
Wakana: Remember, Keiko, you belong to me, now.
Keiko: And you’re mine, Wacchan~
Hikaru: *finally knowing what’s going on* OMG congratulations! I don’t believe it! You finally confessed! I had a bet with Kaori when you two would get together.
- afterwards, Wakana showed off the engagement ring to everyone -
- and with that, the wedding preparations went into full swing -
Keiko: Hikaru, I’m going to delegate you as best man and Kaori as maid of honour!
Hikaru: …why am
I the man?
…and they lived happily ever after…