New FictionJunction Album "Parade" (Release April 19, 2023) [MV out on YT!]

I'm prepping for another thread and noticed I got one kanji wrong for one of the violin players in my post with album credits. Gomen.

I somehow put 渡邊栞 instead of 渡邉栞.

Hopefully that's all that's wrong. Sorry.
I'm prepping for another thread and noticed I got one kanji wrong for one of the violin players in my post with album credits. Gomen.

I somehow put 渡邊栞 instead of 渡邉栞.

Hopefully that's all that's wrong. Sorry.

Took me a while to see the difference, noticed this entry for Shiori Watanabe: (which may have other credits for YK albums that may or may not be in our existing credits).