New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

The first day is great ! Yuki's voice in Yorokobi is JUST DIVINE ! But we can't see her ... I can't load the second day ... Please, HEE~LP!!
^ download both parts of each day and extract part 1, and the program (I suggest Winrar) will merge them and give you a folder with the playable file at the same location the archive is in.
The link was dead, but now it's ok. So I'm downloading it with FLVCD, as usual.
Thanks George-san :-)
Iunno. Some are trying to make the music itself immersive, others are trying to reproduce the LIVE experience (music from the front and mostly audience from the rear).
Can someone record each song into mp3s? I really want the second nowhere and akatsuki no kuruma (Yuki and Yuuka's smile to each other during it was just perfect) Wow, they totally rocked it. Yuuka especially. I will have to listen to Yorokobi again to hear Yuki. That was so funny during the making when Yuriko's page fell and Yuuka stepped on it and couldn't stop laughing, but then started singing Yakusoku again. Then when Yuriko imitated the accordion being played. (The one playing it was the one I saw in the Kalafina ttb video that was on a tv program, but she was playing the violin.)

My favorites were: nowhere, aikoi, destination (really great), akatsuki no kuruma, honoo no tobira (one of my faves by her so of course I am going to love it live), Seiya (really loved how powerful her voice was in it), Yorokobi, nostalgia (another favorite, it was really wonderful hearing it live), Yakusoku (my absolute favorite song by her, it was amazing live! both times), I actually liked the live of Romanesque better than the studio version, and Yasashii Yoake cover was nice. blessing was also good, since I do not like that song too much, and circus and silly-go-round (especially the second day) were great. The others were okay. I really want to get this now. I think I like her live a little more, did not really before, for some reason. Again I wished the cameras would have just panned straight instead of turning sideways sometimes, and would have focused on faces of the band members more. I did however like the overlapping they did. Rie Akagi was great and so was the accordion, though I think I prefer Kalafina's (he was doing the synth right?) Of course Yuuka and Yuki were awesome! Thanks so much for sharing again. Can't wait to FJ's concert!
Then when Yuriko imitated the accordion being played. (The one playing it was the one I saw in the Kalafina ttb video that was on a tv program, but she was playing the violin.)

You mean Kanako Kato? I don't think she plays the violin.

and so was the accordion, though I think I prefer Kalafina's (he was doing the synth right?)

Synth? What do you mean?
Hmm I did everything, but I still can't play Day 2, beyond the first part of Circus. The whole thing went poof. :leaf:

First day was great! :love: Loved Nowhere and Nostalgia. Akatsuki (What's an FJ Yuuka live without Akatsuki?) made me weep, it was divine. Yuuka put so much more emotions in Yakusoku and Yorokobi, enjoyed them tremendously. Angel Gate... I preferred the Vol 4 Yuuka x Kalafina in the first refrain. 2nd part was divine. Liked the 2nd refrain as much as the Vol 4 one.

Minor complaint--lighting. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who felt it was too dark at times, and then got blinded during Yasashii Yoake whenever they close-up on Yuuka's right side, her head bobs away, and the frigging blinding light shines straight into my eyes! :glower:
All in all, fabulous job, Yuki-san, Yuuka-chan, Hikaru-chan, Yuriko-nee and FBM! :cheer:
Never really gave Yuuka much thought, so out of curiosity I gave this a listen and there's a lot of stuff to like.

Day 1 likes:
Honoo no Tobira (Yuriko and Hikaru), Kioku no Mori (Y&H), Akatsuki no Kuruma, Madlax Mix (absolute favorite from both days), Yorokobi, Hitomi no Chikara, inside your heart, Yakusoku (Y&H), Silly-Go-Round (I freaking love this song) and nowhere.

Day 2 likes:
aikoi (especially Y&H) , Silly-Go-Round (once again since this song is one of YK's best OPs), Dare Mo Inai Basho, Shizuka na Kotoba (especially Yuriko), inside your heart (really like the accordion), nowhere

Yuuka was solid vocally, though I wish she used more of her lower tone since it's much less nasal, and she should control her use of vibrato. Right now she uses it way too often and it's cringeworthy since it's so prominent. Yuriko Kaida and Hikaru definitely steal the show whenever it's just the two of them.:ohoho:

Overall, I liked this concert. A lot of the issues I have are really to do with the songs themselves since they're very much same-y with few that stand out in terms of composition and arrangement. The setlists were diverse enough for both days so I'm pretty satisfied with that.

Also to note, I dislike cazador del amor. A lot. It's messy and the violin is very gimmicky.

Still, I can't believe I haven't heaard Silly-Go-Round before this. It's just...awesome.:love:
I personally prefer el Cazador for the accordion bridge and kajiurago. I thought it was a waste to perform Cazador del Amor when there was an accordionist right there.
Kowz: He came out at the end of both lives, I think he was the accordion for the Kalafina Consolation live right? But he was in the back behind the curtain, then Yuki said something before his name but I couldn't tell, that's why I thought it was just the sound effects or something. And it looked like her in the video anyways, she had short hair like that, and seemed familiar from that performance. It was on some tv program they performed ttb and it wasn't Konno playing the violin.

Yeah, I forgot about the accordion in cda. I don't really enjoy that song too much, but I did in the live versions. (There are songs like that, like Kalafina's Signal at ACen for me.) Also don't really like Silly-go-Round to listen to but it was very well done in the lives.
Nice! I still want all the songs individually though in mp3 format if possible. (Wish I had more recording talent.)
I wonder if the dvd/bd edition will have that diamond pic as the cover? It is pretty cool and would be a great one, I would think. Ahh can't wait for this.
I know this is kinda stupid but
could some link me a download for the DVD download or FLAC download in normal links or torrent?
if there is none maybe an online stream >.> sorry i'm not too active XD so im pretty confused with everything now~