New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

^ just click follow link and it will redirect to youku page

halfway done watching day 1. Probably this is the 1st time i hear Yuuka sing kajiurago (clearly). Dat madlax mix :love::love::love:
^Let me know if you get an error message when you get almost to the end! Ugh, I was so mad. I hope it gets uploaded somewhere else, or if someone could that would be great. I am loving it so far though.
That's strange. I got every segment downloaded and them xlmbar just merged them for I've got both days ( full except for day 2 which misses the final song of the live) and the making. Since they're about 200mb I'm more than happy to share them with anyone whose having problems downloading or loading. They are both LQ as HQ is for VIP members?? Keep an eye out today .:tea:

In the making Yuriko and Yuuka are hilarious! :plot:
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Believe in the onions 08

Believe in the onions 09


Believe in the making ;)

P.s I haven't checked whether xlmbar did the merging correctly, but I assumed it did as it ended with credits. let me know if it goes funny somewhere XD
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thanks alot Peach! I fixed the first onion

Started watching day 1, the arragements are amazing but the lightning looks terible, since they are all covered in darkness even when the cameras point to them, what the ? :XD:
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^Thanks, I will check it out. And yeah, the cameras made me dizzy sometimes when they kept turning them on their sides. I hope they don't do this in future lives. I wish they would have actually pointed at faces more. Like when Koichi had a really cool solo and they were filming the drummer I think. But I did like it that sometimes they had the drummer and guitar playing on the same screen, like overlapping. I love Yuki's expressions. Then when she was talking about the violin going too fast. I laughed so hard at the strange noises she made.

When does Yuriko's sheet music fall? I have not seen it do that so far. Is it in day 2?
Is it just the scans or is it the actual concert too? When I extracted the files, it said to insert a disc. Why do I always have these types of problems? Ugh. I might just wait until it's up on youtube.
Is it just the scans or is it the actual concert too? When I extracted the files, it said to insert a disc. Why do I always have these types of problems? Ugh. I might just wait until it's up on youtube.
You're a failure as a pirate. :P
grunty: I usually don't download things, especially when it comes to Yuki, but since I have no job right now I am kind of stuck. And I think it's more my computer that's the failure. lol

Edit: I got it to work again, so I am watching the rest of day 1 still. I think it has a time limit like some anime sites do.
Is it just the scans or is it the actual concert too? When I extracted the files, it said to insert a disc. Why do I always have these types of problems? Ugh. I might just wait until it's up on youtube.

I didn't download the concert, but I saw that each day is divided in two. Make sure you download both .rar, have them in the same folder, and extract the one that says part1.
^I know it's in two parts. I will try it again later, I am just happy to watch it as well. Thanks for the tip though!

I quite enjoyed her Yasashii Yoake. It never really was one of my favorites by see-saw, but I do enjoy it every once and awhile. I think she did a good job. Drooling over Konno's violin. *is whacked*
Does anyone mind telling me the audio specs on the Blu-ray? Stereo or surround sound?
Does anyone mind telling me the audio specs on the Blu-ray? Stereo or surround sound?
Why would you need 5.1ch sound for music?
They record it from mics, not from different points in the hall. Unless you want them to mix it into 5.1ch. I do think it will still sound weird. Plus, the sound source is stationary and only in front of the audience.

Has there ever been a concert BD release with 5.1ch surround sound? Lol. Would love to see what it is like.
Actually there are plenty 5.1(and up) live DVD/BD releases. Some better than others.
Just to mention one example of such, Nana Mizuki's concert-releases seem to be in 5.1. At the very least the two that I have are.