New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

And... Oh darn.
There is an additional special "vol. 11 tour original making DVD".
BUT, because they seem to hate us baka gajin want to get people to buy both releases, it's a campaign present.
You have to get both releases, get the insert for the campaign and mail it back to them. They will then mail you the "Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 Tour Original Making"(lit.) DVD as a present.

:omgz: Won't the BD include making-of clips?
^Yes, it will. It sounds like this is a separate thing. Additional. They're not very specific with regards to the content of the DVD. We only have that title to go off of. The literal translation is "Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 Tour Original Making" DVD, Engrish and all.
If I undertood well from the JVC announcement there will be a DVD with the Making off sent to the people who will send a flyer that's included into the first press FJYUUKA BD release.

Its a trick to make people buy both again :plot:

2014年6月25日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商品第一弾(VTXL-19~20)の封入フライヤーに付いている応募券を、2014年9月24日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商品第二弾(VTXL-21)に封入されている応募用紙に貼って、定額小為替700円分を同封の上、ご応募ください。
ご応募頂いた方全員に、「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 ツアーオリジナルメイキングDVD」をプレゼントします。
If I undertood well from the JVC announcement there will be a DVD with the Making off sent to the people who will send a flyer that's included into the first press FJYUUKA BD release.

Its a trick to make people buy both again :plot:
They first mention that the BD release comes with the Making of vol. 11 footage. This implies that it's bonus footage that you will get with FJ vol. 11, regardless of FJY.

They then say there is also a campaign for the dvd. Which leads me to conclude that there's additional making of content for those that buy both. But yes, it's to encourage people to buy both. I wouldn't use the word trick though. Lol. More of an incentive.
This has been sort of an emotional roller coaster for me, during the wait, after the wait and even now, looking at the official news. Damn marketing strategies.
Though it really shouldn't bother me that much since I lack the dough for both BDs for I have decided to spend it on Kalafina.

Both CDJ and HMV are on par imo though the latter is extremely fast due to EMS and use boxes that are more solid.
Am I the only one who found the crossfades between some of those Yuuka songs to be a bit jarring? :hide: Trailers/adverts rarely do the thing their promoting justice with their choppy editing though, so there's that. Still, it's great to see old faves like 'Aikoi' on the setlist. I think I'll have to pick this up at some point.
Additional making-of content... :comeback:

24 September is such a long wait. I shall look for other things to distract myself in the meantime :spotlight:
Larger cover of FJY's Blu-ray
Thanks elcazador! that size is huge :XD:

but with this arrangement of the text, it looks more like a coverart for a magazine :(

I love how Yuki is always concentrated in her keyboard :XD::dote:
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^ I think it's the eyebrows - they both make that expression with the little sad eyebrow crinkle in the middle :XD:
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Ooh it does look like a magazine cover. Absorbed-in-her-music Yuki is :love: But somehow I wish for a promo photo of Yuki looking directly at the camera. Ah yes @Cerise you said it, it's the eyebrow crinkle :XD:
Watching FJY digest video again, it seems Yuuka sang some of the songs in a lower tone and more use of vibrato this time most noticeably in Honoo no Tobira and Kioku no Mori :innocent:
And my copy just got shipped :touched:
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I really like this cover! Really elegant with those boarders too haha Hopefully the DVD cover for FictionJunction will be similar kyah! <3
Just finish watching the first day. Elenore, Madlax mix and Inside your heart is my favourite!
@george1234 I would be glad to share it if I knew how to rip a BD :innocent: