New Fate/Stay Night by ufotable

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I actually liked Aimer's new song 'Brave Shine'. . I always used to love her voice ever since though there were times that the song itself doesn't fit the animation. But still, its slow pacing fits the epicness of the show :) and RYB TV size was love.:dote:
TBH I'd never heard Aimer before either, although I'd seen the name in one or two places. I do like the song used for this show though. Guess I'll have to check them out properly now!
And I'm not surprised that the UBW music sounds more like it should be for a game; the composer has mostly created game soundtracks in the past, including prolific titles like Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Street Fighter IV.

I've heard of that background about the composer too OTL Maybe they wanted to preserve the visual novel feel in this adaptation? idk really XD

But just finished watching episode 14.
Didn't expect that gruesome scene to happen so soon ;A;
And though I still have some problems with Brave Shine, I'm liking it as a song (I actually like it really, it just doesn't fit the pace of the opening animation at all >_<). I like Aimer's voice a lot, but I just couldn't see it being able to fit UBW :/ ring your bell is not having any problems growing on me; I actually find myself singing especially the chorus nonchalantly sometimes :P

Can't wait for the next episode. Wonder if it will be good enough to tug at the heartstrings? Hmmm...
I'm not entirely sure that either Brave Shine or Ring Your Bell fit UBW that well, actually. I'm liking RYB and it's growing on me and Brave Shine is great, I've always had a liking for Aimer's voice the few songs of hers I've heard and this doesn't disappoint.

As for episode 14, this practically confirms that THAT event happens next week's episode. Knowing that the hymn version of RYB hinted at it, but the pace and events in this episode also fit.
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The past two or three episodes have been great, but this second season didn't half take its time in moving the storyline along. I'm pretty used to Type Moon stuff being, well, talky. But still. There's "exposition" and there's "glacial pacing." I'm guessing this is what it must feel like to be a fan of Shounen Jump adaptations or something*.

That official artwork is pretty rad though. It captures the bad-*** nature of what happened in the last couple of episodes.

*as in, the old joke: "how many DBZ characters does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"Just one, but it takes ten episodes."
^Five more, according to MAL. Thirteen eps per season, I'm guessing?

I'll be interested to see what I think of the show as a whole when I rewatch it (the DVD/blu-ray is due to be released in my part of the world at the end of the year) because although the presentation is great, the pacing has been all over the place. I actually hope that Heavens Feel is a theatrical movie after the way that UBW has been handled from week to week.
Wow, did it get leaked or something? lol. but anyway this is the first time I've thought both TV size and full version of a song are great. I'm hoping Aimer releases Last Stardust sometime soon too (I kind of prefer that one actually).
^ I think you can rarely compare TV size with full size since TV size is usually just the first 1:30 of the full size with some of the last secs of the full, to close it. However there have been some cases where these 2 are different, like in Egao no Wake.
Lol that's true. Generally I like one or the other though depending on how the rest of the song sounds like, haha.

Also so I'm back on topic, how did Archer have enough mana to do UBW again in the last episode? or am I missing something? …. I mean it looks cool but doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they're trying to distract us with the animation.
Also so I'm back on topic, how did Archer have enough mana to do UBW again in the last episode? or am I missing something? …. I mean it looks cool but doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they're trying to distract us with the animation.

You mean last week's or today's? Haven't watched today's yet. Using UBW in Ep20 was an addition by ufotable, he didn't do it in the VN because he ran out of mana during the fight in the church. It's hard to get upset about since it's a lot more visually interesting and relevant to the argument than the castle foyer so whatever.

I liked the jazzy track on the single (04), does anybody listen to Aimer enough to know if her albums have anything similar?
Aimer trolling the whole universe with her engrish xD 'Stay the night', damn it completely sounds 'You're my savior light' and it also makes sense with 'You save my light'.
You mean last week's or today's? Haven't watched today's yet. Using UBW in Ep20 was an addition by ufotable, he didn't do it in the VN because he ran out of mana during the fight in the church. It's hard to get upset about since it's a lot more visually interesting and relevant to the argument than the castle foyer so whatever.

I liked the jazzy track on the single (04), does anybody listen to Aimer enough to know if her albums have anything similar?
Last weeks episode. Yeah I figured that was the case, the animation is really on point and one of the reasons why I started watching the show. haha

Aimer has a cover album from her indie days called "your favorite things" that has some jazzy songs. Other than that, I'm not sure she has had too many of those kinds of songs. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
Episode 10. I really enjoyed the communication between Tohsaka and Shirou it was really cute and funny. Love the musics from the transplanting and onwards. Oh I was wondering about those fish/sperm things that were appearing in the start of the ED but they are explained here! :) I dont get what's so embarashing about watching a kid failing his gymnastics lol