New Fate/Stay Night by ufotable

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Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] OST Vol.1

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I doubt it. It does sound like Kajiura. And if you Check Fukawasa's tracks, it also only says composer.
yes, that's what made me think otherwise later, I just didnt write it here XD

btw, there's such a big difference in the feel of the Fukasawa track titles and the Kajiura ones, as if hers were remnants of the FZ osts and they just put them in here :XD:
2nd half FSN UBW OP by "Aimer" (that sounds like a letters swap of "Aoi (M) Eir" :XD: ), titled Bravely Shine, comes out June 3

「Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Wroks]」2ndシーズンのOPテーマをAimerさんが担当!
2015年4月より放送される「Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Wroks]」2ndシーズンの
楽曲名は「Brave Shine」です!


TVアニメ『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』2ndシーズンオープニングテーマ
8th シングル「Brave Shine」
 初回生産限定盤(CD+DVD):1500円+税  DFCL2127~2128
 通常盤:1250円+税  DFCL2129
 期間生産限定盤(Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』盤):1500円+税  DFCL2130~2131



She's around since 2011, but never heard about her before :ayashii:

plofile < LOL
2011年にシングル「六等星の夜」でメジャーデビュー。2012年にリリースした4th single「あなたに出会わなければ~夏雪冬花~」がスマッシュヒットを記録し、続く1st album「Sleepless Nights」はオリコンCDアルバムランキングにて初登場5位を記録。2014年6月25日には2nd album「Midnight Sun」と、澤野弘之とのコラボレーションアルバムSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer「Unchild」を同時発売し、オリコンCDアルバムランキング同時TOP10入りを果たす。同年12月17日には通算7枚目のシングルとなる「broKen NIGHT/hollow wORlD」(PSVita「フェイト/ホロウ アタラクシア」主題歌)をリリースし、オリコンCDシングル週間ランキングにて初登場9位を記録。シングル3作品連続でオリコンTOP10入りを果たす。
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Really? You haven't heard anything she did with Sawano or Kanno's Zankyo no Terror ending?
threatrical screening for the first 2 3 episodes of the 2nd half (13 -15)
Fate/stay night[UBW] 2ndシーズン特別先行上映-where you belong- 開催決定!
4月からの放送に先駆け、苛烈する聖杯戦争を描く、2ndシーズン第1話~第3話(#13~#15) 一挙三話の


 先行上映、関係者挨拶 ※来場者特典付き
 三浦貴博(監督)、杉山紀彰(衛宮士郎 役)、門脇舞以(イリヤ 役)、近藤光(プロデューサー・ufotable代表)

■ 申込受付期間:3月7日(土)11:00A M - 3月13日(金)11:00A M
■ 抽選結果発表3月13日(金)夕方
 ※ チケットのお申込は、お一人様1枚までとさせていただきます。
 ※ チケット当選後の変更・払戻は出来ません。予めご了承ください。
 ※ プレリザーブとは、事前のお申し込みの後、チケットを購入できるサービスです。
 ※ 必ずしも優先的に良いお席をご用意するものではありません。
 ※ お申込多数の場合は抽選にて当選者を決定します。(先着順ではありません)
 ※ お申込は受付期間中ならいつでもOK。(メンテナンス時間をのぞく)

 チケットぴあのお店 営業時間 10:00~20:00【営業時間は店舗によって異なります】
 サークルK・サンクス 営業時間 朝5:30~深夜2:00【発売初日は10:00~】
 セブンーイレブン 営業時間 0:00~24:00【発売初日は10:00~】
 音声自動応答 TEL:0570-02-9999 
 TEL:0570-02-9111 または までお願い致します。

BD Box I unpacked
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PV 1 of season 2

listening to the Kajiura tracks for now

im glad they turned out this lenghty (the longest after the main theme and #23)

general comment for the soundtrack: I think it would fit better in a game. it seems to be in a big % computer generated, and ritardando wont like it because its has Lots of strings sound like the Fate/Zero one did. Some of these tracks would be better IMO without the beats/electro sounds, after all its in a world that's not focusing on tech stuff (mecha /sci-fi). I wonder if the vocals in some tracks are actual people or sampled

The Kajiura tracks were pretty nice 'count it from zero" was basical a Point to Zero instrumental with overture. 'down in the zero' was kinda sleepy at first but got more interesting and touching after some point were the other instruments started. The fact that each of them is basically 2 tracks in 1 made us think there were 4 tracks.
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the soundtrack is out :notlistening:
HAHAHAHA THIS it sounds too soft... I hope they just switched ring your bell and Brave Shine's places >_<
But I'll be giving it the benefit of the doubt for now.
The 92-page booklet is out too :sohappy:(there's a novel "Gerden of avalon" by Kinoko Nasu in)
Music by Hideyuki Fukasawa (01~25):
Music Composer & Sound Producer: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Recording, Mixing & ProTools Operater: Takashi Koiwa (SIGN SOUND)
Production Coordinator: 佐藤靖 (Office Without)
Musician Coordinator: 山田広 (新音楽協会)
Co-Orchestrator & Music sheet preparation: Kenji Ashimoto, Takako Yamanouchi, Saori Minomo [蓑毛沙織]
Recorded Studio: Purring Noise Studio, Sound City, Bunkamura Studio
Mixed Studio: SIGN SOUND studio
Mastering Engineer: Yasuji Maeda (Bernie Grundman MASTERING)
Mastering Studio: Bernie Grundman MASTERING
Assistant Engineer: Masanori Hata [秦正憲] (Sound City)
Special Thanks: Mitsunori Imoto [井本光紀], Hirotaka Karaki [唐木博崇], 藤田風花, 藤田羽空, 小鉄 & アントン

Synthesizers & Midi Programming: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Strings: Hitoshi Konno Strings, Yu Manabe Strings
Vocal: Mami Ishizuka
Guitar: Masato Ishinari
Flute: Ryo Sakagami

<"THIS ILLUSION" STAFF> - Episode 12 Insert Song & Ending Theme
Lyrics: Keita Haga
Music: NUMBER 201
Arrangement: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Vocal: LiSA

Vocal Rec: GENDAM (I to I Communications)
Vocal recording studio: Sound City Studio
Special Thanks: Shinji Yamauchi [山内真治], Gen Okamura (Aniplex)

Music by Yuki Kajiura (26, 27):
Sound Producer: Yuki Kajiura
Producer: Yasunori Mori [森康哲] (SPACE CRAFT PRODUCE)
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Takashi Koiwa (SIGN SOUND)
Assistant Engineer: Shohei Kojima (Bunkamura Studio), Kouzou Miyamoto (STUDIO SOUND VALLEY)
Recording Studio: Bunkamura Studio, STUDIO SOUND VALLEY
Musicians Co-ordination: Kazuo Sudo [須藤一男] (HOT WAVE)
Score Support: Hiromitsu Ishikawa
Mastering Engineer: Yuji Chinone (Sony Music Studios Tokyo)
Mastering Studio: Sony Music Studios Tokyo

ALL Keyboards & Programming: Yuki Kajiura
Strings: Kiyo Kido Strings

Enclosed with Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Blu-ray Disc Box I (ANZX-11631~7).
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WOW SO FAST thanks~
Oh wait it's episodes 0-4 ohwell I thought it's from the 2nd season
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I'm honestly surprised you haven't heard of Aimer, George. I think I came across her when the No.6 anime came out back in 2011, which she did a song for. Frankly aside from her song and Lama's ED, it was atrocious. She also did a cover of Coldplay's Vida la Vida, which is... interesting. More than I can say for Coldplay at least.

And I'm not surprised that the UBW music sounds more like it should be for a game; the composer has mostly created game soundtracks in the past, including prolific titles like Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Street Fighter IV.