New Chat Complaint Thread (Reverted for now)

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Ok, notes to self:

/join is first precedent,
formatting is second precedent (bold, italic, strikeout, underline)
Is it possible to have a few alternative style sheets for chat to improve readability?
As I've already gone through and enlarged the default font, this should be very possible.

Also, Gave another read through the documentation, and /join should work now, given an F5.
Initial version of basic formatting is live.

bbcode is supported, along with textile (if you manage your spaces correctly). Basic Html too.
Another problem I experienced around 00:30-01:00 UTC 05 January 2015 was being able to change my nickname but not seeing text that I loaded until after several reloads (maybe 8 reloads were needed).
I've been attempting to speak in chat most of the afternoon, but none of my text is loading. I can see what others are saying, but cannot speak.
All I can suggest at the moment is clearing your browser cache - a bit more drastic than an F5, unfortunately.
First, thank you for your hard work, Sudrien :bow:
This morning I was able to log into chat (new) from my university, whose Internet usually blocks chat (old). However, that was when the mass I-can-change-nick-but-cannot-post problem happened, so I couldn't confirm if chat (new) really works for my uni's network.

Dunno if this helps, but I just tested some stuffs in new chat and found strange things:
  • In Firefox, I could change nick, see who leaves/joins room/changes nick, but cannot post. I couldn't see other messages either. Refreshing a dozen of times didn't help, and every time I refreshed, I had to choose a different nick b/c the previous one was still logged in. However, the me in IE could see all my text, which appeared pretty quickly too.
  • In pm, Firefox me had the same prob. However, Firefox me could see its own messages. IE me saw its messages and Firefox me's messages just fine.
  • Text coloring still didn't work in both main chat and pm.
  • Commands like [b']text['/b] (without ') didn't work, regardless of whether there was space before "text".
  • /invite command was invalid.
  • I couldn't hear the new message sound anywhere. And dunno if it's my pc's fault, but sometimes Internet Download Manager automatically suggested me to download a .mp3 file called sound noti or something. I didn't pay attention to it, so I couldn't remember, sr :bow:
Other than that:
  • /me worked. Yay! :sohappy:
  • /join worked too in both Firefox and IE, but with a 5-7 seconds time lag. Could be b/c of my Internet, though. However, in both browsers, after joining a room, my nick reverted back to kajiuran[something], but that only happened in that room (in main chat I still had my name). Changing nick one more time worked. In addition, 2 people cannot join the same room. Also, this has happened only once, but there was a time when I changed nick, I saw the nick change noti in main chat, but in a pm, it said [new nick] "joined the room"
[EDIT] Many thanks to @Ecarlet for helping me with this test :TdT:
Well, that's all for now. Hope that helped in some way :bow:
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Firstly, I would like to join wormbook in saying thank you, Sudrien :bow:

Secondly, I was not here this morning so I don't exactly know what happened (referring to the problems described in Kugayama's and Black Sword's recent posts). However, I was here when wormbook was doing the aforementioned tests and helped her out with them a bit at some point. This is a summary of the things we noted (just in case anything was missed in her post):

1. Firefox users cannot see any text apart from joins/leaves/name changes. However, they are able to see their own messages in PMs, but not the message of the person they are PMing.

2. IE users can see all messages, but they still cannot see coloured text.

3. The /join command works on both browsers, but the /invite command is 'invalid'. Also, no one else can join a room you created on Firefox or IE.

4. When joining a private room in either browser, one automatically becomes the moderator of that room but their name is changed back to the kajiuran name they entered the main room as (e.g. I joined the room as kajiuran1374, changed my nickname to 9999, but my name was changed back to kajiuran1374 when I joined a new room). The name change only happens in the new room.

5. A new icon appears in the gap between the 'Display Status Messages' icon and the 'Room Occupants' icon when you join a private room: the 'Room Administration' icon. When you click on it, you get a 'Change Subject' option. However, this option only appears in Firefox. It did not appear on IE, and at first the icon itself did not appear (it did a quite a while later).

6. Despite the 'Change Subject' option, you cannot actually change the subject.

7. One cannot see their own messages in a private room on Firefox, but they can in IE. This probably relates to the first point.

I believe those are all the points (for now at least). Hope this was of some help, and best of luck with the debugging :bow:

EDIT: @wormbook22, you're welcome :TdT:
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Something that revealed itself when the old chat was put back - it is apparently phpfreechat 1.5 which has some annoyances of eating text that phpfreechat 1.7 doesn't seem to have.
- Bold/Italic/strikethrough/underline ar now working to the point I can't break them.
- Lightened up the lines, tried to give more space to things
- Alternative "Large Text" stylesheet in progress
- Some testing with latest Safari for Windows, couldn't see anything in particular
- Moved to prosody chat server
- Fixed formatting not showing up for IE
- Added IEshiv for some of the HTML5 stuff.
- /invite implemented in as forgiving a way as I can do it

When joining a private room in either browser...
This behavior will not change for anonymous users. I'll have to see about registered users....

Any bug reports should consider sending me a link. I'll be happy to take them by private message.

EDIT: I have not made enough progress to switch it back yet, partially due to the HTTPS conversion.
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I don't know if it is anything to do with prosody chat server or other stuff, but the new chat seems a little more resistant to disconnecting than old chat when one has heavy internet traffic.
The main site, forum and chat were slow to reload earlier today after restarting the pc (IP address on the router hadn't changed from what was working fine before though).
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