A brief translation of some points. Contains some interesting info. Like the sequel's screenplay having input from the whole Magica Quartet instead of Urobuchi alone
and Shinbo approving of Meguka parody
I must admit I'm getting increasingly more hyped about it all... darn, and to think we're probably not seeing the first movie until 2013
unless Shaft goes into ultra boost mode, but then the theater version will end up with a lot of quality shaftisms and the staff will end up comatose
Not to mention we'll have to hope for the pirate screen copy (and those, as I learnt from my attempt to watch Evangelion Rebuild 1.0, are naturally crappy) until the BD is released later. And we'll have to wait for the BDs to get the OSTs. AND PRAY GOD LEST SONY SHOULD DECIDE TO BUNDLE THE THREE MOVIES AND SELL THEM SOMEWHERE AROUND 2014/15
I read in 4chan that Gen (or whoever is in charge) wanted to call it Revenge of the Incubators/ Incubators Strike Back.
Judging by the extracts in the link above, it was Shinbo. Now need I even say why I adore this man?
I just hate those old man smiling face that you use.It looks creepy.
That is MEANT to be creepy and just hated. It's a widely accepted visual definition of a trollface, after all.
looking forward for this new movie sequels
+ [infinity sign]
When I read all the interview extracts... I couldn't help thinking, "Damn, I'm looking forward to the recap AND the sequel movie AND more sequel movies for them to come up with!
Everyone, I'm so sorry to be the hopeless fag I am finding myself to be.
btw, the cover image is available in clean mode now.