Keiko's solo debut (after 2020)

I don't hate the song but my opinion stands still from the first time she revealed the song on her fan meeting thingy: There's not much going on with the song, it's giving me a juxtaposition of being complete and being empty at the same time lol

Keiko please just give us more city pop songs. Or something like Ray but don't sing it nasally.

The MV for Nobody Knows You is good though, I adore it. Simple but quite captivating.
You nailed it -- complete and empty at the same time.
I don't hate the song but my opinion stands still from the first time she revealed the song on her fan meeting thingy: There's not much going on with the song, it's giving me a juxtaposition of being complete and being empty at the same time lol

Keiko please just give us more city pop songs. Or something like Ray but don't sing it nasally.

The MV for Nobody Knows You is good though, I adore it. Simple but quite captivating.
I actually like the concept n the direction they re going with the song but the instrumental is way too lazy. Just 2 rhythms playing and its actually carried by the melody which is too slow for the music's speed. I think Keiko improved her english even more or just repeated the "nobody know you nobody knows me" phrase 1000 times until she nails it.
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I love the song, personally. It’s got an incredibly dark atmosphere and the arrangement/composition is very cinematic. I can definitely understand people having problems with the structure but strangely enough I don’t mind it. Let’s see what Keiko does next!


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Hmmmm the new Keiko song Hachigatsu no Sora (which she self composed btw, so proud of her) has a potential to be a song that I could really like but I'm not sold on how she sang it on her mini live. Still not a big fan of her singing in cutesy/with her larynx up, vocal placement was kinda all over the place as in some parts I can hear she went to that chesty register of her that I and we all love lol I really wish she fixes this habit of her.
The flute melody was really nice though, and she was accompanied by all girls band.
Oh, yeah. Almost forgot: we’re getting a new digital single on October 20th! The song is called 通り雨 (Tooriame, “Rain Shower”)!


I’ll admit that the title reminds me of Hikaru Utada’s 真夏の通り雨, which is a quite pretty ballad, but the cover is giving me slight Tameiki no Kieru Machi vibes, so it could be city-pop! Or jazz, that would be interesting!
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Love love love the instruments. Is it a cello? Definitely sounds like a cello at the bridge but at the beginning I thought it was a viola.

I really really like this song! I’m excited for “Dew” now.

What an anticlimactic finale though.

Her voice was nice, but nothing captivating about the melody. It’s still not as good as “myself” by Wakana in my opinion. But a step in a great direction away from Inochi no Hana (sorry - I’m very bitter about that debut single).

Edit: guess a full MV to come on the album?
Wow, I was right about the ballad guess, haha! Anyways I love the song. There’s a combination of lightness and sorrow, and the entire thing is atmospherically gorgeous, with Keiko’s vocals being emotionally precise and the arrangement! It definitely lives up to its title.
We’ve got covers and a track-list!

Left to Right: CD/BluRay/Analog, CD/BluRay, and CD.


1. Nobody Knows You
2. 通り雨 (Tooriame)
3. 桜をごらん (Sakura wo Goran)
4. ミチテハカケル (Michite wa Kakeru)
5. ラテ (Latte)
6. 八月の空 (Hachigatsu no Sora)
7. 現実のメタファー (Genjitsu no Metaphor)
8. キミガネムルカラ (Kimi ga Nemuru Kara)
9. 笑ってやる (Waratte Yaru)
10. Revolution
11. Lost
12. Burn In The Wind

9 of these (NKY, Tooriame, Latte, Hachigatsu, Genjitsu, Kimi, Revolution, Lost, Burn In The Wind) will be getting PVs on the Blu-Ray!

I can’t wait for December!
New Digital Single for November 15th: 現実のメタファー (Genjitsu no Metaphor).


Hmm, I might wait for the album release to listen to this song, since it’s less than a month away. I’ve heard it’s very upbeat, though, so I hope anyone who listens to it tomorrow enjoys it!
New Digital Single for November 15th: 現実のメタファー (Genjitsu no Metaphor).

Cover: View attachment 24689

Hmm, I might wait for the album release to listen to this song, since it’s less than a month away. I’ve heard it’s very upbeat, though, so I hope anyone who listens to it tomorrow enjoys it!
Imo it's well worth the 79p on iTunes to listen to the song now, but if you're gonna buy the album it is a waste of money I guess XD
Genjitsu no Metaphor is gorgeous, probably the best Keiko solo release so far. I like it more than Tameiki no Kieru Machi and Akane. Definitely gonna buy her Dew album because so far the album looks far more promising than her first album.

Also her performance in Keiko Lounge 006 was great. That live has the best Akane live so far. Hachigatsu no Sora was much better than in Lounge 003/004 (forgot which one I watched lol). Kimi ga Nemuru Kara was forgettable because the song was kinda like Nobody Knows You in a sense that it felt empty while being a full song, even more because from what I remember the song doesn't really have a reffrain. Her performance of end roll was also smoother than the CD version. be yourself was still rough but so far this version was the most listenable, still the worst performance of the night. Same with Nanairo no Finale, some part was really smooth but the higher notes were all shouty (tho she hit the notes). Jukkai 1984 was still great. Overall a very pleasant and listenable live.

tldr: Keiko please kick Nanairo no Finale and be yourself from your live setlist, bring back Tameiki no Kieru Machi.
Imo it's well worth the 79p on iTunes to listen to the song now, but if you're gonna buy the album it is a waste of money I guess XD
Honestly, it’s less about that and more that I like leaving a lot of surprises for the album. But thank you for the advice, though! And like I said, I might cave and listen to it anyways, haha.

Also, I just noticed something.

September: Nobody Knows You
October: Tooriame
November: Genjitsu no Metaphor
December: Dew

So that’s why Genjitsu got an early release! They had to continue the monthly streak! (Okay maybe not but I still like that! Keiko’s really been working hard this year!)