Yuki is lord of heaven and earth
Each of Yuki's main singers are strong solo and have multiple music/vocal influences so they're capable of singing varied and complex music Yuki writes for them. I was watching Highway Star Party 2023 again and just noticed how different Yuki's music was from the rest of the excellent cast of artists.She is really an edgier pop singer. Her voice is a bit too strong for the typical Jpop although most of Yukis singers have an edge over the average Jpop Singer. There are some exceptions even among idols (I must think of former Morning Musume Member Ai Takahashi as an example).
Morning Musume! They are the first Japanese group I ever got exposed to years ago via YouTube rips of a TV show - something about Japanese speaking English (with an American "teacher"). Rie Tanaka was new (maybe 13 or 14 if I recall) then I think. I watched many episodes and got to recognize some of them. Ai Takahasi is a familiar name from memory.
Having so many different characters in that kind of group kept things from being boring. The group was a more basic group vocally, but used a lot of catchy tunes, good looks, personality and dancing to create hype/interest.