^ What if its limited only to the coverart, after all the song will be about summer festival most probably, and we all know (from animes) what sort of things happen during it 

Nick Hunter said:I'm a male and I won't lie about not wanting to see Kalafina in bikinis...But I'm 300% positive I DON'T want to find this sight on a CD cover.
+1!very true
wikidesu said:Minna no Uta (みんなのうた?), literally Everyone's Songs, is a five minute NHK TV and radio program broadcasting several times daily since 1961. The program is generally used as filler at the end of regular television programs. While many of the episodes are aimed at children, a large percentage are not, so the program enjoys a wide audience.
The program is used to introduce new songs from popular and new singers, as well as to highlight the talents of various animators and directors. A list of upcoming and currently-airing episodes is listed monthly in magazines such as Animage and Newtype.
This song will be featured alongside a video by Oomomo Yousuke and Kawano Hiroki from The Department of Animation of the Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts.
Ophelia Arcana said:Yeah, that's to be expected. Everything about Kalafina emanates European aura. Kalafina in kimonos appears only in my dream. From the announcement on Kalafina's blog, did anyone see the banner? It's sepia-colored and I think it definitely will be European styled "moonfesta" PV. Just my opinion.
maxwell9 said:now it makes sense.. and i just found some examples of this "minna-no-uta-isation" of the songs
Kokia - yuukyuu no mori
Hiromi Iwasaki - egao
what banner?Ophelia Arcana said:Yeah, that's to be expected. Everything about Kalafina emanates European aura. Kalafina in kimonos appears only in my dream. From the announcement on Kalafina's blog, did anyone see the banner? It's sepia-colored and I think it definitely will be European styled "moonfesta" PV. Just my opinion.
aki said:what banner?Ophelia Arcana said:Yeah, that's to be expected. Everything about Kalafina emanates European aura. Kalafina in kimonos appears only in my dream. From the announcement on Kalafina's blog, did anyone see the banner? It's sepia-colored and I think it definitely will be European styled "moonfesta" PV. Just my opinion.![]()
wintersviolet said:^ That's fan-made. The image is from the 2012 calendar.