Re: Re:

somehow I doubt any of them would go topless!
@george: lulz, yeah, I can actually imagine the peacefull mermaid theme with Kala sitting around on giant clams or something (instead of the usual chairs) and combing their hair whilst singing on a beach (in lieu of the usual singing whilst standing around and waving their hands in a meadow)
@dandy: So it'd be Pirate Hikaru and Pirate Keiko having a an epic sea battle until Queen Wakana of Shark rises from the ocean and eats them all?

(Oh, they can re-use Wakana's pirate hat from Kagayaku Sora's PV!

Keiri said:
Oh LOLLLL, pardon me for going off topic but that image kinda reminds me of
this. *Is shot*
Hey, the PV makes sense now! (With some slight changes)
~Once upon a time, Prince Keiko was married to Wakana, Queen of Sharks. However, Wakana spent all her time with her beloved shark pets and barely spared a second glance for her husband. Prince Keiko, neglected by the Queen, grew lonely and sad~
Prince Keiko: Wacchan, my dear, I'm just going out for a stroll.
Queen Wakana: Huh? Oh yeah, whatevs~
*continues playing with shark*
Prince Keiko:
~Whilst she was out, she came across a curious-looking oyster~
Prince Keiko: 
Hmmmm...what's this?
*taps oyster*
~Suddenly, the oyster shell sprung open!~
Prince Keiko:
~Inside the oyster was the most beautiful mermaid princess Keiko had ever seen, slumbering peacefully~
Prince Keiko:
*Princess Hikaru wakes up*
Princess Hikaru: *yawns* Oh, hello...

*their eyes meet*

M-My name's Hikaru. What's yours?
Prince Keiko: 'Tis Prince Keiko of the Seven Seas at your service, fair maiden.
Princess Hikaru:
Prince Keiko:
Princess Hikaru:
Prince Keiko:
*continues thusly for some time*
Prince Keiko: *after intense love-gaze has ended* Hey, let's get married!
*completely forgot about her first wife*
Princess Hikaru: Sure!
~And so, Keiko and Hikaru went off together to get married. But alas...~
*at the altar*
Priest Yuriko Mermaid: ...if any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
*tense silence*
*Priest Yuriko opens mouth to continue, but suddenly...*
*Queen Wakana of Sharks comes charging in with army of sharks*
*shocked gasp goes around room*
Princess Hikaru:
*turns to Keiko* You were married?!!
Prince Keiko: Nuooooooo I can explain!!
Queen Wakana: Why yes, Keiko, I'm sure you can explain why you're marrying another woman when you're already married to me!
Prince Keiko: Married to
you?! I might as well not be!

You spend all your time with your beloved sharks and never give me any love at all!
Queen Wakana: 
That's - not - true…!
Prince Keiko:…
never loved me…
Queen Wakana: 
*Keiko chases after Hikaru*
Prince Keiko: Wait, Hikaru!

You are my true love! I have divorce papers right here, we can marry straight after filing them…
Princess Hikaru: *sniff sniff* Oh, really…?
Queen Wakana:
Priest Yuriko: Ehehehe...whoops, time for me to go!
*Wakana enters raging dominatrix shark queen mode*
Hikaru and Keiko:
Cue this picture:
'cept imagine Wakana there sitting on the back of a ferocious flailing great white and Hikaru and Keiko as the two clinging to each other in the sea
*Suddenly, Hikaru starts glowing*
OMG Hii-chan, you're glowing!
Hikaru: Ehhh?

Oh, I am!
*Hikaru floats into the sky and transforms into a giant butterfly*
Hikaru: Keiko, take my hand! We can fly away together!
Keiko: Hii-channn~

Gosh, Hikaru, you sure are talented~
*The thunderclouds part and they fly away into the sunset*
*lightning dies down*
Wakana: O_____________________O ……………………………………………?
Hey, I even managed to fit in a Yuriko cameo there!

Though...not exactly along the lines of AYYX's idea… >.>