Urgh... I was about to post the very long reply and my windows went blue...TwT. Try to rewrite it....
@ritardando&@coral It's ok to have different opinions and I respect yours..:)
@ritardando Firstly, I agree with your opinions, but I also have my own other opinions. I'm not care much about the viewing pleasure for myself, but I agree that many people care, and I just picked up some other side that no one hasn't talked about before. I mean the part about that safety-first choices of DVD release setlist (that you may not agree), not the first two paragraphs about my personal reason that why I don't want the unreleased songs that much. (In fact, I don't feel that your post are sth. b*tching like you said because you just stated your opinions reasonably. It isn't even aggressive.)
@coral Sure, it's 'just my opinion'

. Now when you pointed out about Serenato, I agree that it's kinda disappointed for Serenato fans that the unreleased song appearing half the time in the tour setlist can't make it to DVD release.
For your question, if it's my preference, I'd trade Kyrie with some other unreleased song because personally, I think that Kyrie live performance isn't that impressive, but Ongaku and Red Moon did. In fact, what made I feel indifferent with those unreleased songs in 5anni CD isn't much about the singing of the vocalists (except for Serenato), but it's the live performance arrangements that are not much interesting comparing to other songs or their own recording versions. (Again, you can see that it's really my personal taste..

.) So..I may trade Kyrie with some unreleased one even I don't know whether I'll like it or not, but just take a chance :D. (But SME may not agree with me..lol.)