Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2013 “Consolation” Special Final's DVD

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thanks for the vid, ritardando!

guh... i don't like what i heard of destination unknown in this vid either... :TdT: i really did enjoy the live performance of that song in the after eden special though.

ritardando said:
Extra notes of mine : The drumming is as dull as ever.

on a similar note, i feel rather annoyed by the keyboardist's latest improvisations that he adds to their lives... i wonder if it's just me

ritardando said:

A piece of recording from Kalafina Consolation concert. Is it the special final?
And again the sound-quality sounds like the 5-year-anniversary live... Please tell me this is just an unfortunate side-effect of the TV-broadcast and that the BluRay will not sound like that. Red Moon and After Eden did not sound like this, nor did the live CD... So what's up with the quality lately?

...Actually even I can't quite pinpoint what it is that bothers me about it... I mean, the best I can come up with is that it sounds kinda muffled, but I'm not sure that's the best way to describe it either... In any case, SOMETHING about the audio just doesn't feel right to me, and it kinda prevented me from enjoying those anniversary performances as much as I probably would have otherwise.
Lord Starfish said:
I mean, the best I can come up with is that it sounds kinda muffled, but I'm not sure that's the best way to describe it either...

yeah, the 5th Anni had that quality too... i think that muffled is a good way to put it, but it also felt rather... empty? kinda... hollow, in a sense. i wonder if that's because of the stage they performed in too.
My bet it's an unedited live video so they haven't enhanced the music, audio and so on.

@Immortal Birdcage : Yup, Sakurada's improvisation sometimes really bother me too. The most is in their Hikarufuru 5th anniversary live.
The sound quality is just... wow. Is it just me, or does it sound even worse than 5th anniversary? But I'm confident the bluray/DVD won't sound like that--not even Progressive live DVD sounded that bad (which isn't to say it sounded good, but...)

I thought Hikari Furu was okay, but nothing compared to the knockout performance at ACEN. Can't pass judgement on Destination Unknown at this point, though I loved the After Eden live. Sound quality torpedoed TTB so can't judge that either, lol.
Lack of reverb, volume adjustments and EQ is why it sounds like it does (like 5th Anni TV live).

DVD/BD should sound much, much better. But for unedited live performances, they actually sounded really good and actually on-key.

@kirito, ahhh, i c then. thanks for explaining!
Hmm, I liked the 'hakanasugite' in the studio edition. :shy:

But I think Hicchan pushed her voice too far this time round.
Like, too S-T-R-A-I-N-E-D. :blood:

I rather like the TTB part. :XD: Weird taste of mine.
Hikaru is so passionate that even when she's supposed to be singing softly she just belts like it's nobody's business :ohoho: I love her because I'm her die hard fan, but I'm glad she has improved with time and doesn't shout her lines anymore. Baby steps, she'll get there when it comes to Hikarifuru.

She's just too intense :sparkleguy:
I liked her "hakanasugite". Too much dynamics in how she projected it but it still sounded good to me

And it's almost implausible that the Consolation bluray won't sound similar to the Red Moon and After Eden lives in terms of sound quality. Stop worrying people :XD:

garnetjester said:
She's just too intense :sparkleguy:
I agree, she's very intense but that's what I've always loved about her!! I adore her fierce voice and I am actually a very big fan of her "hakanasugite" cause it conveys a certain kind of passion that always gets to me even if it isn't perfect pitch-wise or whatever. :P

WakanaIsFreakingGod said:
And it's almost implausible that the Consolation bluray won't sound similar to the Red Moon and After Eden lives in terms of sound quality. Stop worrying people :XD:
I agree!!
Urgh... I was about to post the very long reply and my windows went blue...TwT. Try to rewrite it....

@ritardando&@coral It's ok to have different opinions and I respect yours..:)

@ritardando Firstly, I agree with your opinions, but I also have my own other opinions. I'm not care much about the viewing pleasure for myself, but I agree that many people care, and I just picked up some other side that no one hasn't talked about before. I mean the part about that safety-first choices of DVD release setlist (that you may not agree), not the first two paragraphs about my personal reason that why I don't want the unreleased songs that much. (In fact, I don't feel that your post are sth. b*tching like you said because you just stated your opinions reasonably. It isn't even aggressive.)

@coral Sure, it's 'just my opinion' :XD:. Now when you pointed out about Serenato, I agree that it's kinda disappointed for Serenato fans that the unreleased song appearing half the time in the tour setlist can't make it to DVD release.

For your question, if it's my preference, I'd trade Kyrie with some other unreleased song because personally, I think that Kyrie live performance isn't that impressive, but Ongaku and Red Moon did. In fact, what made I feel indifferent with those unreleased songs in 5anni CD isn't much about the singing of the vocalists (except for Serenato), but it's the live performance arrangements that are not much interesting comparing to other songs or their own recording versions. (Again, you can see that it's really my personal taste..:XD:.) So..I may trade Kyrie with some unreleased one even I don't know whether I'll like it or not, but just take a chance :D. (But SME may not agree with me..lol.)
^Heh, glad we can both agree on Kyrie at least.

Ah, the arrangements of the unreleased songs... I think I understand where you're coming from now. I personally did find Serenato and Utsukushisa interesting (though you've made it clear the singing is the problem for Serenato, so that's a different matter), but I won't dispute you on the other songs.

I personally don't expect interesting arrangements for most songs, nor do I consider that a big selling point. I mean, it's good when a live arrangement does something different (e.g. Magnolia and Adore sounded like rock songs live, while their studio versions were more electronic). But I care more about the singers delivering a passionate performance (e.g. Sandpiper, which didn't have a drastic arrangement, but I prefer the live version for the vocals).

Anyhow, this is all just personal taste and expectations. The only thing left we disagree on directly is that I didn't find Red Moon or Ongaku live to be any more creative in terms of arrangement than the 5th Anniversary unreleased songs.
Aww, seems to be a while off, but at least that means I can save up cash 'til then.
Re: Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2013 “Consolation” Special Final's DV

December 11th aye?

On the plus side, I don't have any known expenditures until late November, so I have time to build up money.

On the negative side, November is when tickets for my local convention go on sale, and I've also got preorders for around £150 worth of Madoka merch coming out between late November and early January.

Then again, if this Christmas is like the last, I should get plenty of extra hours at my job, so covering it shouldn't be an issue :sohappy: .
the dvd/blu-ray released was just confirmed by kalafina staff to include a documentary of ACen, ofc :goodjob: