Kalafina invited @ Chicago Anime Central convention (ACen)

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^Yeah, really wish Konno-san could've been there. I remember wincing during Ongaku when his violin solo was replaced with Sakurada's keyboard. Ah well, near-perfect night otherwise.
thank you so much salvanos! :love: :sohappy:

i only listened to the new consolation songs from this (i'll probably get to the rest later... eventually). but door completely stole away my heart :love: oh wakanaaaaaa.... keiko's solo at the end omfg :imdead:

i was pleasantly surprised to hear that signal can actually be performed live, even if they weren't stellar here. i just about cried from happiness at wakana's scatting during this song, even if she sounded so tired she made me feel tired too :desksweat: :XD: oh well, i'm hoping that the one recorded for the DVD will be so awesome :love: as for me i don't really mind the instrumental solos at the end so far... okay i don't like the violin. but the guitar is really nice because it echoes the riff that's already in keiko's solo
ritardando said:
But I wish for live accordion for signal - wasn't Yoshiaki Sato played accordion in signal as well in YK live vol.10? I really hope for a live accordion there.
Yes. Yoshiaki played Accordian in Signal in YK live vol.10 and it's really nice... :shy: .

Big Thanks for Salva Nos....<3<3<3. I listened to all of them now and I really look forwards to Consolation live DVD now... Door is just....superb... :dote:.

1. Oblivious
Well..I must accept that I've never liked Hikaru at the beginnig of Oblivious. Even this one is more 'okay' than many other lives. I think Wakana is fine in this one as well as the other two. May be not the best but I'll classify it in a 'good' Oblivious lives category. (While we know that how many of 'failed' Oblivious lives so far...^ ^ll.)

2. Consolation
Wakana sounds not bad at the beginning. Dark Hikaru is always 'lovable' for me!! But I want more power from her. (I quite agree with Ritardando that she isn't skillful for this style of singing, but I still love this kind of voice from her.) Wakana may be not good in some high-note chorus parts, but not a big fail when compare to their studio version. (NicoNico Live...?) (More of Hanae's pre-recorded in the backing track should be the best solution... since Wakana sounds fine in most of her own part.) Hikaru in the bridge sounds so fierce, but I think she's still a bit weak especially at the ending.

3. Kagayaku
Wakana did a nice job here. I more concern on Hikaru solo for this song. Her aggressive and powerful solo still sounds too contrast with Wakana's smooth and sorrowful part. Even her voice isn't rough and annoying as in the recording, but I prefer her emotional and sorrowful voice (like in Neverending, Hanataba etc.) for this song.

4. Red Moon
They did well until the end of the first hook. I'm not sure whether it's Wakana or Hikaru who made a mess or may be both of them - -". Other than that, they succesfully carried out their dark and powerful performance. Hikaru was too loud at the ending or it may be Wakana and Keiko who were too soft.... I think that there singing are quite fine but the improper volume of each vocalist here and there made it sounds not as good as it should be.

5. Magia
I can feel the excited from the crowd..lol. Hikaru's sound so stressful while Wakana wasn't that bad, even I won't call that it's 'perfect'. Her chorus dominated Hikaru's main part so many times. Keiko also didn't sound as powerful as she would be.. (I guess that her mic may be set at the low volume..?) Another good performance for me though.

6. Hikari no Senritsu
Is nice...>_____<. Esp. Hikaru's falsetto chorus. (I think it's her...not sound like a pre-recorded one...but not that sure...Orz.) I think Kalafina usually did well for this song in average. Hikaru sounds so lively and cute in her part. Love them in the bridge esp. Keiko. Wakana and Keiko sound so powerful in the last hook...love it..^ ^.

7. Door
Wakana's opening is so sweet...>_____<. Hikaru's part sounds a bit too piercing, while Keiko is really good. I believe that Keiko's improvisation in the ending part is not in the original one. They may be not flawless, but I'm really appreciated with this song. There was the mic (or the recorder?) problem when the girls reached the high notes or sang so loud and it came out like...well..I don't know the technical term in English - -"... I hope that I didn't underestimate this performance because of that problem.

8. Mirai
Umm...at first, Hikaru, you didn't pass my standard for this song..Orz. But she sounds better when the song went by. I think Wakana's backup is way too loud (Well.., not her fault though. ) and she sounds quite weird in the bridge..O_O. While Keiko did well here. Wakana's Kajiurago at the end sounds so like Yuriko that I misunderstood at first..lol. That mic/recorder problem even went worse in this song.

I fully blame that mic/recorder problem for the terrible hook. It's just good, but there are many of their other Aria's live performance that are better than this. (Again, sounds like that technical problem gone worst in this song.)

10. Signal
The instrumental part sounds clearer and more exciting than in the recording. Love Hikaru is d(^0^)b. Wakana's chorus also sounds quite good for me. And guitar solo is so....>______< (just in the song, I don't likethat added long solo at the end at all even I think that they did it to 'connect' to the next song. (I think it happened many times for Yuki's live perf. but this one just sounds not ok for me. It's too repetitive.)). I think that sth. went wrong with them before the guitar solo. (that 'utaidasu') Sounds like at least one of them didn't give out the right note. Even Yuriko wasn't there, the overall performance is still as good as the one in KajiFes.

11. Obbligato
Keiko sounds so weird at the beginning. I feel that Wakana was already so weary in this song. Not a good impression for the first Obbligato live for me... However, I think Wakana did well when she took over Yuriko's part but it's the sound system (mic, recorder, or whatever) that made it sound worse. (Even she also sounds very tired, but the way she sang it and the result is still good.)

12. Ongaku
It's always the most epic song of the night for Kalafina. Keiko was really nice in this song. She sounds lively and fun with the song. (Ignore the fact that I almost hear only Hikaru's chant during the hook.) Guitar solo is really yummy...^w^.

13. manten
It's one of Kalafina's songs that I really want to hear it at live by my own ear. They're good but this song isn't outstanding for me. Hikaru was emotional and powerful, but Wakana wasn't at her best for this song. I would love more dark&aggressive Keiko in the bridge...O_O.. It's good but just not touching.

14. To the beginning
Wakana did quite well. I just don't like the way that Hikaru sang her part before the first hook. I think Wakana is the star for this song :). Consider that it's the very last song of the live, it isn't weird that everyone sounds so tired and lack of power. But they didn't make any obvious mistakes though... And..even I don't pay much attention on the drum, I think it made this song sounds so weird...=____=".

15. Hikari Furu
Wow...Wakana was almost PERFECT with that high note part!!! I think that she had been improving through many live performances of this popular tied-in song. (Well...I won't say that it happens with every performed-again-and-again Kalafina's song :P.) Hikaru sounds too stiff in some part but the overall song is quite good. Wakana sounds weary in the bridge and soud as if she shouted in some part, but not too bad. Keiko also did really well here.

16. Yume no Daichi
Wakana sounds so strained but the other two are quite fine for me. BTW, I feel like Hikaru's solo at the start sounds a bit awkward...not go well with the mood of the song. It's just powerful and emotionless, not sweet or nostalgic as the song should be.

My Favourite
1. Door
2. Signal
3. Hikari Furu
4. Magia
5. Hikari no Senritsu
^Regarding the sound:

- Wakana's mic seemed pretty loud for the entire night; Hikaru's seemed pretty low. Hence the sound balance issues in Mirai, Magia, Aria, Red Moon, ect.

- The "sound/recorder problem" is due to the recording. Aria/Mirai/ect. in the actual room didn't sound like the speakers were getting blown out every time they sang a loud note. They did suffer from the sound balance issue above, amplified because Hikaru's the main vocal and Wakana's voice is totally superseding hers, but the actual sound quality really wasn't that bad.

Well, that's my impression of the concert, from where I was sitting, at any rate. Perhaps someone sitting elsewhere had a different experience.
The staff were totally unprepared.
They made us wait a small while before they came on stage...
the announcer guy made me wanna hit him >_>

And that "Puella Nagi" :ohoho: total fail.

*while everyone was waiting outside, did anyone notice the guy(in orange) walking back and forth in the front of the lines?
if so that was me :XD: :ohoho:

arqnohikari said:
The staff were totally unprepared.
They made us wait a small while before they came on stage...
the announcer guy made me wanna hit him >_>

And that "Puella Nagi" :ohoho: total fail.

*while everyone was waiting outside, did anyone notice the guy(in orange) walking back and forth in the front of the lines?
if so that was me :XD: :ohoho:

Well it's probably been said already, this is the first time ACen did this sorta thing with getting the theater to hold the concert and setting up ticket sales. They tried to fill up the seats as much as possible before showtime. As for the sound techs, it wasn't ACen's staff, they brought their own guys.
Re: Kalafina invited @ Chicago Anime Central convention (ACe

For the sound I am not sure about the mics, but I know the speakers were set maybe too high? Since it was so fuzzy in the beginning, and I was even on the balcony, so you would think I would have had better sound there, but still. I was glad it cleared up by obbligato, since it is still my favorite song and I will never forget when it started and I was so happy.

And yeah, the staff was a little unprepared. But I think overall it could've been worse. Like waiting for 2 hours or something before the concert. That would've been bad, but I would've still waited. heh I loved every minute of that trip (even though Chicago is not that far from me, it was a mini vacation and like a dream for me) because I got to see them live and I didn't really care of anything else, and got my 5th book signed and gave them my picture. :dote:
Just hear the whole concert and I completely agree with Coral about red moon is a total mess, with Wakana being the quite solid one. Keiko was totally off at the end of the song, and Hikaru was too shaky. And all I can hear regarding the drum is the cymbals, lol.
Re: Kalafina invited @ Chicago Anime Central convention (ACe

^Maybe it was the spot it was recorded from? Since I loved red moon from where I was sitting. By then they had fixed the sound somewhat, but it was still a bit fuzzy. Still, it made me love the song more. I actually love the keyboard part, even though I usually don't in lives for that song, since it gets kind of weird sometimes. But I thought the beginning of it was cool.
^Thinking back to it now, I think it's actually better than the Consolation DVD version. At least they (well, Wakana) didn't sound out of breath through every chorus. It's still definitely one of the weakest of the concert, for me, along with TTB. And that messed up second-to-last note from Wakana? Not just the recording--I remember it from sitting in the room as well.