Oh my.
To kick my little input moment off, it comes across as a personal shock to let myself say this, but . . .
ritardando is right.

Those physical sales are definitely A.) A bringer of the 円/$ over there, and B.) Just so alarmingly quickly forgotten to western culture. Like, when "buying albums" had no other meaning than purchasing a tangible CD really was not as long ago as it feels now. . .
And I know I will near always argue in favor of the utahime when their vocal qualities and choices are put in question
BUT if this is another three-tour year and we don't get an album? Honey . . . my opinions will change.
Regarding the covers, all I can say is . . . bless.

That Blu-Ray one combined with the hardcore indoor lighting was especially in need of prayer. I feel a lot of things and so will (unsuccessfully) try to keep this at least somewhat compact:
• This cover is firstly just not good for this specific combination of A-side songs. The versions of the sea overlay such as the one from the fanpage (imo the best overall pic) and the vinyl should at least include a touch of some mountains or an old boat or pier, and this would encourage the ideal of the journey aspect of ITW, but would further push away the entire aesthetic of Märchen.
• Likewise, they could have alluded more to Zaregoto for Märchen with nods to that desaturated neon color scheme or slightly to Kunagisa with black dresses in similar fabric, but neither of those possesses the welcome, embarking feel of ITW.
• Speaking of the dresses, I agree with A.) the sleeves coming across as unflattering; these are not the RYB dresses and so even at the risk of looking very "Group USA", the sleeves/lace parts should have been as formfitting as possible and B.) the mention of KEIKO's high collar not being fit for her (for this specific moment though) and I believe she should switch dresses with WAKANA.
• Weird POV but in my opinion they should all have done a shoulder or back to the camera because it compliments the sea zoomout, and only one of them should have looked at the camera.
Therefore in my perfect world, the final redux would be HIKARU's fanpage promo OR vinyl pose, KEIKO's Limited Edition A pose, and WAKANA's Limited Edition B pose but looking away, panned out to -- and with the superior light-to-shadow editing of -- the vinyl cover.
Excited for the release!!!!
The budget doesn't excuse the shiny-faces either. Olive oil isn't free.
If they get the same (shitty) director:
Marchen will be something between Magia and blaze on my most hopeful bet.
That is kind of a wide margin for success or error . . .