Kalafina 「into the world / Märchen」20th single (Release April 5, 2017)

I don't really care about PVs to be honest. I watch them once through vimeo and that's it. I just want the music and lives! So happy that these songs are finally being released!
I don't care about PVs either (I enjoy live videos way more) but I want the corsets back as well :comeback:
I hope they go back to that gothic era, where they should have stayed forever :cry:

Totally agree with you about the corsets!!! T___________T Where are they?
Presumably because of Sacra.

I'm thankful anyway because March is gonna be super expensive for me.
#BringBackCorsets2k17 #MakeKalafinaGreatAgain

Anyway, hope all this wait means a good B-Side. The more I think about it, the strangest it feels to have two A-sides from two totally unrelated shows in the same single lol

Well, its not the first time it happens, the Magia single https://canta-per-me.net/discography/magia/ has 2 A-sides too, one was for Madoka, and one for Kara no Kyoukai. (and we didnt get a third song there)
Well, its not the first time it happens, the Magia single https://canta-per-me.net/discography/magia/ has 2 A-sides too, one was for Madoka, and one for Kara no Kyoukai. (and we didnt get a third song there)

this is so wrong lol.
1. Magia is the A-side. snow falling and Magia instrumental are the B-sides. The anime edition has Magia magic mix and Magia TV ver. as B-side.
2. We even got a Magia remix on the AE of that single - tho whether it's counted as another song is debatable (that song's really forgettable I think everyone forget about it)
3. snow falling technically is not a KnK song, although it's treated as one. They didn't use it on KnK Shousho. It's a self cover of snow is falling which is used in the anime and 10000x better than snow falling - they really should've sing this instead on their lives.
4. the only double A-side single of Kalafina is sprinter/ARIA so this double A-side songs used for 2 different show never happened.
if they want to gain more money they could've released it as a two separate single and in each single there could be one or two extra tracks which either will please fans because more songs or anger fans because more money spent. but then again quantity doesn't mean quality. i just want a new Kalafina material that excites me since there is none since lapis in 2014.

i think i'll buy this one if it has into the world instrumental because i like into the world and so far marchen isn't bad (i still wish it's Keiko-lead instead of Hikaru though)
Regarding dresses, personally I think they will not go back to those gothic dresses as long as they are still trying to appeal to mainstream listeners. The time when their music started straying mainstream is also when their dresses started to look 'normal' as well.
^ Its not LE A (+DVD) of single is 1,500 yen (tax included) while LE B (+BD) 1,700 yen (tax included)

about the Arena live, what Westkana said, and also maybe that now BD discs are more common and thus easier to produce than some years ago when they started this fashion.
Arena live was probably because the DVD was two discs, compared to the one disc of the BD. That and yeah, BD production is a lot cheaper these days. It's becoming more and more the norm.