Numquam Vincar.
Nothing ever lives up to a memory of a live but the Numquam Vincar (live) ver in the music collection really pales in comparison to the one at Budokan. And I'm not even just referring to the fact that we had a double quartet this time. The drums! The drums in the music collection feel so weak in comparison. We... probably won't get any footage of this at the Mezamashi tomorrow but I'm sure they'd at least play Keiko's touching message during the last MC.
Me wants BD naoooooo
Watching the Animax Musix version of believe and heavenly blue also highlighted to me how important lighting is. I think that Animax Musix didn't do much with their lighting at all. It seemed pretty constant throughout. Please let the amazing lighting at budokan translate well to video!
I'd also like to point out something I forgot to mention previously. On red day, they ended with a sea of stars during Alleluia, and played storia as the bgm as they left the stage. For blue day, they opened with a sea of stars and started off with storia, as though blue day continued right off from red day.
Half a week later and my post live high is still not coming down.
Reading the Bessatsu Kadokawa has been eye opening as well. I'm still only at Wakana's first section. She goes through some of the troubles she had with Kalafina, including the period that she had the most difficulty with (around After Eden, mostly with "Eden", but includes the songs after that as well), where she more or less lost her direction and her confidence. By the way, it was only until Hikarifuru that she finally got past her problems and found herself again. I can't remember where I read it but this information isn't new. That identity crisis is something all three of them went through, although if memory serves, both Hikaru and Keiko got past it way earlier than Wakana. Wakanaaaaaaa. Thank you for not giving up when you thought you couldn't do Eden. Kalafina wouldn't be here if she did! Kalafinaは2015年も走り続けます!
Kajiura also blogged that the thought of disbanding Kalafina has not crossed her mind! She was already thinking of where to bring Kalafina next as she watched them perform at the budokan. As the girls have said, budokan is not the end. It's just one stop in their journey. 10th anniversary, here we come~