「Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025」15th January Tokyo Garden Theater (NO KAJIURA INVOLVEMENT)

I think that Yuki had high hopes for Wakana since in the tone she had one of the most beautiful voices in Japan, but sadly she has highly technical problems which in the long run is more damaging for your vocal chords. At the Beginning it was not that remarkable but with time she strained her vocal chords more and more without looking how to breathe the right way. And this makes clear that Wakana despite her normally beautiful tone which I can hear in some of her songs post-Kalafina was from a technical standpoint a bit weak.
You nailed it. It was amateur and cute. It's obviously a place she didn't usually go to in her regular singing.

From my listening to vocal coaches, the head voice needs to be developed intentionally - it's not incidental or just gets better by itself - but so also does the chest voice (even though that is based on your speaking mode). Training one mode improves the tone and consistency of the other and gives options for moving between them and blending them.

I would suspect that Wakana (and Hikaru, though her voice was generally less developed) found themselves needing to become stronger (or more aggressive/heavier) in their chest voice singing for the sake of achieving Kajiura's vision and the need to be dominant in their parts for the (mostly non-acoustic) lives. I do still think that they had naturally quieter/reserved singing voices, especially when you hear them sing solo acappella during interviews. As they got used to using tension for the required intensity of sound (and sometimes to keep phonating at all, especially Hikaru) the head voice also got tense and more difficult to easily/naturally sing with.

I think along the way (as you hinted) Wakana was also definitely influenced by Yuriko's voice and vibrato (since she heard it so often and called her Yuriko-sama in an interview). Possibly trying to do what she did for kajiurago sections. Notice the flutter in her vibrato. What do you think?

I watched the 10th anniversary movie again earlier this week and it was interesting to watch all the way through, especially seeing them working on their parts and coming together, and also doing the concert itself. Wakana mentioned a high-school / youth group gospel-singing experience growing up and Hikaru had some youthful singing experience as well.

Interestingly, listening to their recent interview and harmony singing, they sounded quite good and blended (of course much better than the Fate 20th anniversary 😉 ). I would propose a mostly acoustic live would be best for them so they can focus on the harmonies with a softer feel, with just a few heavier songs (maybe Magia) just because fans are waiting for those. It will also keep their voices less strained for the length of the concert (especially Hikaru).
Anyway, Hikaru and Keiko were able to get back in the gym of their Kalafina song retraining/immersion prep through the KajiFes lives and YKL20 tour.
From my listening to vocal coaches, the head voice needs to be developed intentionally - it's not incidental or just gets better by itself - but so also does the chest voice (even though that is based on your speaking mode). Training one mode improves the tone and consistency of the other and gives options for moving between them and blending them.
Imagine if Wakana had taken formal training class properly like Kasahara and Yuriko.
Imagine if Wakana had taken formal training class properly like Kasahara and Yuriko.
That's why I feel that as unique and quite beloved as Wakana's tone is, we didn't get to hear the final version of it, fully polished and at full power.
We got a hint of it at the beginning before the demands took a toll on it.

A singer's voice is an evolving thing and especially in the earlier years needs to be preserved. A woman's voice fully comes into strength and maturity between 30 and 40 (I've heard this from several opera singers/vocal coaches). If it is strained and overused, you never hear the full potential.
^ Υes she has been sitting too much lately. there is no "she is busy" excuse anymore. Eizen Flugel no news since it was announced back in 2022, Madoka movie delayed a whole year, no more SAO in sight, and no any kind of new stuff in general.
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I was just thinking how it would be lovely if all the available FJ ladies at least were in the audience of the Kalafina anniversary...