> Al fine: Really southing, wish it was longer
> Consolation: See my previous comments
> Door: Defenitely the best ballad on this album, and quite outstanding compared to the rest of the Kalafina ballads too since it has ac. piano instead of violin, and its so nicely played and combined with the drums!

I also love Wakana's part at beginning, she's very emotional there
> Hanataba: Really like the use of accordion on this one. its the first accordion song for Kalafina. Beautiful melody, really like how Hikaru sings her parts, she sounds really into the song.
> Signal: Probably the least liked song in the album for me, its repeatitive, and I always didnt liked distorted voices (took me time to get used to them in ongaku too) also the accordion at the bridge is totally out of place and doesnt fit.
> Obbligato: I am reallly liking the chorus (Fion & Hanae ?) but it doesnt fit with the rest of the song IMO. I like the rockish feel on this.
> Kichigo no shigemi ni: Typical Kalafina ballad, but I like the melody.
> Yume no Daichi: Southing, just like symphonia
Overall the new songs are much better than After Eden's, and they mix well with the non-new ones. However I was expecting Yuki to put more efford in consolation since its the title song :(
- Kajiura-san really love Hikaru and Wakana since she only left a few line in each of the new songs for Keiko (maybe she got more lines in Signal but didnt paid attention)
- Hanae seems to do the most choruses in this album, and I love this